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Fish mix


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Can someone tell me how much I should dilute into water (the no. of ml/litre) for a foliar spray rather than a soil drench?

Is this fishmix quite mild? Do I need to be careful when using it to spray cuttings or seedlings? How much more dilute should I use it for the purpose of propagating these seedlings/cuttings?

If it's BB fishmix and they haven't changed things since i bought mine, then for foliar it recommends 1-2ml per litre.

might be worth getting a kids medicine syringe to get small amounts measured out.

Hope that helps.

P.S. Don't spill it on any absorbent materials that you're fond of :unsure:

Edited by Tremont-Salby
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It's strong stuff when applied as a foliar feed(in terms of smell and potency), I tend to use 1ml per L.

The effects are also noticeably quicker when applied as a foliar feed!

I have a 500ml bottle of BB Bloom left which I will use as I've been having satisfactory results, after that I'm probably going to move on to PM Bloom.

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Ah!, but AB has a ounce of liquid gold in it, innit? :yes:

:B): it's amazing what some companies get away with. If the same amount were charged for a normal gardening centre product no one would ever buy it. Cannabis growers can be complete suckers it seems!

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Cannabis growers can be complete suckers it seems!

This is what the Cannabis businesses depend on, our gullibility. Its because most of us have zero basic gardening experience or wisdom, so we are easy pickings. Or rather, our cash is!

I have learned the most from day to day gardeners, and applied what they've taught me to Cannabis. For after all, cannabis is but a "hardy annual" and all the normal rules and advice apply.

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^ exactly! It's not some special magical plant that needs to treated differently!

However, having said that I find it almost impossible not to get carried away with the hype! There is a balance which I'm trying to achieve.

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Its part fish emulsion, their words:-

Fish-Mix is an OMRI/SKAL listed infusion of certified organic North Sea fish emulsion and bouillon with horticultural grade organic Dutch sugar beet extract. It activates the microbial activity in the soil, making it “fatter” and “richer” while providing plants with naturally occurring minerals. It is mild enough to be used in the first stages of a plant’s life or sprayed on a plants leafs during the vegetative stages of growth. Fish-Mix has not been extracted with acids or stabilised with BHT, because these are prohibited inputs on organic farms. Fish-Mix has a pH of 6.1 and will not burn roots or foliage.

Edited to add fish hydrolysate, is usually stabilised and preserved with phosphoric acid, ie the ph reduced to 3.5 or ph4, this stops it putrefying and adds phosphate, its not acceptable as organic in the eu.

Oltimer1, were you aware that you can now buy fish hydrolysate that has not had anything like phosphoric acid added? This type is sold by the Soil Foodweb's partner company for use in compost teas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For people using OT1 Bloom alongside fishmix I wouldn't do this as the fishmix will alter the NPK ratio. The bloom feed's NPK ratio is perfect as it is and doesn't need to be changed. That's more or less what OT1 said in another thread.

Edited by Artificial Emotion
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