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Hierarchies With Feedback Mechanisms


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And 'allo again,

So it seems to me that hierarchies are a very prevalent paradigm. And I've read they are primarily pyramid shaped as far as power sharing goes, with those at the top rarely really knowing what goes on at the bottom (because those closest to them will tell them anything so they can rise in power).

I was wondering who has written on this subject in depth? Is there any examples of good, strong, effective feedback in hierarchies?


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Here's a picture of a pyramid lol

Looks very Marxist. lol

Edited by Randalizer
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Whats a feedback mechanism?

Pain is a feedback mechanism. It alerts the brain that damage is being done. Spies are a type of feedback mechanism for governments.

Research scientists and sociologists I would call feedback mechanisms for society, as are artists. They look at and comment on society, often critically. And do it in such a way, hopefully, that benefits society. If you are a part of society, a cop, a teacher, a trash collector, whatever, it is often hard to see society as you are a part of it.

Shaman use to do that (among other things). Provide feedback that enhanced the survival of a tribe. To me it's an interesting balance, being enough of a part of society to comment on society, but not so much a part of society that you are blinded by it.

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Guest Nunsacred


At whichever level you look at it ..... it's hierarchical, and has feedback mechanisms.

....right down to a cassette of genes in a bacterium.

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At whichever level you look at it ..... it's hierarchical, and has feedback mechanisms.

No doubt. As I mentioned in my first post, it is a dominant paradigm. I'm just wondering who has analyzed and written specifically about the structure of hierarchies and their feedback mechanisms. lol

But it's okay. I can search elsewhere if no one can help. lol

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Would reading about the concept of "power" be relevant? A guy called Stephen Lukes (IIRC) wrote an interesting book on the concept. Perhaps social biologists as well but I think they have been discredited due to their unfalsifiable claims.

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Pain is a feedback mechanism. It alerts the brain that damage is being done. Spies are a type of feedback mechanism for governments.

Control the feedback mechanism control the entity

A brain relies on feedback from it's senses if you can control the feedback you control the brain. The same goes for Governments, companies, etc

Martin Borman is a classic example

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Marx talks about Hierarchies, not sure about the feedback though

His act of talking about such is a type of feedback.

I think Robert Anton Wilson talks about it a bit in his Schrödinger's cat. But I can't remember what he said. Maybe I'll have a reread.

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Guest Logik

At whichever level you look at it ..... it's hierarchical, and has feedback mechanisms.

No doubt. As I mentioned in my first post, it is a dominant paradigm. I'm just wondering who has analyzed and written specifically about the structure of hierarchies and their feedback mechanisms. :wassnnme:

But it's okay. I can search elsewhere if no one can help. :wallbash:

Maybe Darwin? or someone working from Darwin's Work

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