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Is it true, that when you dream that your falling if you hit the bottom your dead. lol:sleep1: :sleep1:

maybe it's true!...trouble is it's hArd to find and talk to people who've had a falling dream hit the floor and...died.


surely you just have to find someone who had a dream and hit the bottom but didn't die?

I suppose :) but you will only be gettin one side of the story :P

Edited by colst45
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Yeah that s awesome , its called lucid dreaming and there is a thread about it here. Maybe 2 or 3 times ,trick is to put summin next to your bed , i use green dreams card i got in Dam-use summin you have a long time , and just put it above your head when you go to sleep and just try to reach to it when you fall a sleep and turn it on the other side , if you cant you are dreaming ...summin like that

gonna start practace it, or at least read up on it as im rearly intrested in this lucid dreaming

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I remember reading a book on astral projection when I was a kid as I wanted to kick about abroad after dark,didnt quite work out as I always used to dream I was being chased by monsters with guns who could run 300X faster than me as my feet used to sink into a sticky toffee/cement mix which slowed me right down and allowed them to catch me with ease and shoot me in the face :blushing: I stopped eating cheese before bed just after that.

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I remember reading a book on astral projection when I was a kid as I wanted to kick about abroad after dark,didnt quite work out as I always used to dream I was being chased by monsters with guns who could run 300X faster than me as my feet used to sink into a sticky toffee/cement mix which slowed me right down and allowed them to catch me with ease and shoot me in the face :med: I stopped eating cheese before bed just after that.

...know that is a subject i know a bit about, and with some success i might add. :D:)

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i had a mad dream a few months ago where i was possessed.i dreamnt that the entity was coming out my mouth and it opened my mouth so wide i woke up to my missus lookin down at me asking me why i was screaming.it was some freaky shit.

the weird thing is i hadnt had a dream or remembered one for along time and this one occured while i was in the uk staying at my bros house.

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i had a mad dream a few months ago where i was possessed.i dreamnt that the entity was coming out my mouth and it opened my mouth so wide i woke up to my missus lookin down at me asking me why i was screaming.it was some freaky shit.

the weird thing is i hadnt had a dream or remembered one for along time and this one occured while i was in the uk staying at my bros house.

Looks like you remembered the dream because you hadn't finished it and it alarmed you that's why you woke. Probably because you was in some one else s home and had some thing on your mind. Dreams with screaming or generally the mouth are related with issues unresolved because of lack of communication or arguments that are causing problems in your life.

Also every one dreams but not every one remembers them for a few reasons, when you just wake up you need to speak of it strait away or write it down cause you will forget with in 5 minnits or so. :wink: :B)::sleep1:

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