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Is it true, that when you dream that your falling if you hit the bottom your dead. :B)::sleep1: :sleep1:

maybe it's true!...trouble is it's hArd to find and talk to people who've had a falling dream hit the floor and...died.


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Is it true, that when you dream that your falling if you hit the bottom your dead. :B)::sleep1: :sleep1:

Maybe if you're a sleepwalker and you're in a hotel on the top floor with the patio open..!!

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Had a dream the other night a got eatin alive by a massive sativa plant and magic mushrooms ( dam right crazy ) :spliff:

But on the subject am sure its a myth

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I got eaten by a T Rex the other night, it was so mental I woke up as I was being bitten in half (I wasn't on a toilet though :spliff:)


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Is it true, that when you dream that your falling if you hit the bottom your dead. :stoned::pirate::(

maybe it's true!...trouble is it's hArd to find and talk to people who've had a falling dream hit the floor and...died.


surely you just have to find someone who had a dream and hit the bottom but didn't die?

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Guest grandad

when i was in my teens i had a extremely vivid dream. i was swimming under water, i needed air so i started to swim up, i started to run out of breath as i realised i was swimming down not up, then i woke up gasping for air, as i'm pulling the bed clothes from around my head and face.

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when i was in my teens i had a extremely vivid dream. i was swimming under water, i needed air so i started to swim up, i started to run out of breath as i realised i was swimming down not up, then i woke up gasping for air, as i'm pulling the bed clothes from around my head and face.

Christ that just gave nearly gave me a panic attack Grandad :wink:

:wacko: Had to take a deep breath lol

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dreamt i was falling a few times actually, I always landed in my bed though and would instantly wake up when that happened.

I think maybe watching the matrix made some1 think... if you die in ur dream... you die in real life!!!! I've been killed in my dreams loads of times, well by killed I mean I keep getting my head chopped off, but I can still see everything, watch people walk by, talk to me as if i had a body and then casually walk off :wacko:

ah dreams... how they're fun... if u remember them :wink:

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I dreamt last night about being beaten with boots, I was moaning in my sleep apparently.

The strangest dream I've had recently is of my missus with her head shaped like a tub of utterly butterly, her face was normal but yellow and the back of her head was a tub of utterly butterly with ears sticking out the sides. So random.

The all time worse nightmare I had was a year or two ago, I dreamt I was a pregnant woman, I was at the doctors because my vagina had turned black and I was worried. :wacko:

I woke up sweating absolutely terrified, it was so realistic I the first thing I did was feel my belly to make sure it wasn't real.

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Is it true, that when you dream that your falling if you hit the bottom your dead. :unsure:lol:sleep1:

Maybe if you're a sleepwalker and you're in a hotel on the top floor with the patio open..!!

Point taken :spliff:

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...to me the big question is has any one been dreaming and realized that thay are dreaming, i have, then started to fuck about, then woke up.

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Yeah that s awesome , its called lucid dreaming and there is a thread about it here. Maybe 2 or 3 times ,trick is to put summin next to your bed , i use green dreams card i got in Dam-use summin you have a long time , and just put it above your head when you go to sleep and just try to reach to it when you fall a sleep and turn it on the other side , if you cant you are dreaming ...summin like that

Edited by Herbal Kint
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