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The Venus Project


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Unfortunately cannabis doesn't factor into his utopian ideal

How so?

And stop using that word Utopia. There is no such thing and never will be just like there will be no finale frontier

As already noted in the Venus Project aims posted by Logik: "Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs"

So you can your get your weed for free :unsure:

I dont understand so if you cant buy it's not there?

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We've created a global money and profit-driven structure, which consists of a circular exchange "protocol," if you will, where money must move from the consumer, to the employer, to the employee which is the consumer again; and the only way again that could sustain this pattern to keep people employed, the only way to keep people eating, the only way to keep GDP up, the only way to keep the stock market up, is through the mandate that goods and services, comprised again of our finite resources and energy, are constantly and perpetually used, and sold ad infinitum, irregardless of purpose, utility or respect for what we actually have.

I couldn't possibly come up with a more destructive manner for organizing society. :russian:

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Guest Logik
Unfortunately cannabis doesn't factor into his utopian ideal

How so?

And stop using that word Utopia. There is no such thing and never will be just like there will be no finale frontier

As already noted in the Venus Project aims posted by Logik: "Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs"

So you can your get your weed for free :russian:

I dont understand so if you cant buy it's not there?

If you read the theories for drugs, it says that drugs are negative and create an dependency of some sort, and that a non monetary society would mean that people would not need to 'buy' 'use' drugs to substitute for other things.

No where does it say drugs are going to be free, it says that drugs will be eliminated through the resource based economy, as if people use drugs because they dont get enough food on their plate or are not earning enough money.

to sum it up, its taking away freedom of choice, no theory can tell people whats good for them and what is not.

Edited by Logik
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Unfortunately cannabis doesn't factor into his utopian ideal

How so?

And stop using that word Utopia. There is no such thing and never will be just like there will be no finale frontier

As already noted in the Venus Project aims posted by Logik: "Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs"

So you can your get your weed for free :wacko:

I dont understand so if you cant buy it's not there?

If you read the theories for drugs, it says that drugs are negative and create an dependency of some sort, and that a non monetary society would mean that people would not need to 'buy' 'use' drugs to substitute for other things.

No where does it say drugs are going to be free, it says that drugs will be eliminated through the resource based economy, as if people use drugs because they dont get enough food on their plate or are not earning enough money.

to sum it up, its taking away freedom of choice, no theory can tell people whats good for them and what is not.

Do you hear yourself.

"no theory can tell people whats good for them and what is not"

What about the germ theory?During the 19th century, women in childbirth were dying at alarming rates in Europe and the United States. Up to 25% of women who delivered their babies in hospitals died from childbed fever (puerperal sepsis), later found to be caused by Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria.

As early as 1843, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes advocated handwashing to prevent childbed fever. Holmes was horrified by the prevalence in American hospitals of the fever, which he believed to be an infectious disease passed to pregnant women by the hands of doctors. He recommended that a physician finding two cases of the disease in his practice within a short time should remove himself from obstetrical duty for a month. Holmes's ideas were greeted with disdain by many physicians of his time.

In the late 1840's, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was an assistant in the maternity wards of a Vienna hospital. There he observed that the mortality rate in a delivery room staffed by medical students was up to three times higher than in a second delivery room staffed by midwives. In fact, women were terrified of the room staffed by the medical students. Semmelweis observed that the students were coming straight from their lessons in the autopsy room to the delivery room. He postulated that the students might be carrying the infection from their dissections to birthing mothers. He ordered doctors and medical students to wash their hands with a chlorinated solution before examining women in labor. The mortality rate in his maternity wards eventually dropped to less than one percent.

Despite the remarkable results, Semmelweis's colleagues greeted his findings with hostility. He eventually resigned his position. Later, he had similar dramatic results with handwashing in another maternity clinic, but to no avail. Ironically Semmelweis died in 1865 of Streptococcus pyogenes, with his views still largely ridiculed and was eventually put in a psych ward were he lived the rest of his life and died.

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Guest Logik

There's a choice to use handwash and theres no choice in zeitgeistism, clear difference.

Streptococcus bacteria is common, and its fact that washing your hands will rid of some bacteria, thats fact/science not theory

once again, what about drugs and zeitgeism nevermind that article from hxxp://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/hand_background.php

Edited by Logik
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A resource based economy is not taking away any freedom. It is the biggest advocater of freedom I've ever seen.

What we are saying is that drugs would be outgrown, We would not need them. They would be irrelavent.

I think that the people in a resource based economy would look back at these days and gawk out how primitive we really are.

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Guest Logik
A resource based economy is not taking away any freedom. It is the biggest advocater of freedom I've ever seen.

What we are saying is that drugs would be outgrown, We would not need them. They would be irrelavent.

I think that the people in a resource based economy would look back at these days and gawk out how primitive we really are.

Why would canna be outgrown by some computer system allocating me what I can have??

What if I did not need canna but I wanted it? I would be denied because its seen as a problematic addiction is it not?`

Resource based economy is not different in priciple to what we have now, people would still be working in monsterous conditions, somethings machines can not do, like fine details.

Allowing a computerised system that could be abused and wasted would mean that somewhere people would have to work harder, longer and faster to supply demand for the WHOLE WORLD, rather then the small market at the moment, a sectorised part of the world, known as the west.

Some how this theory as an element of unrealistic sounds, that food and supplies can be grown in 0.26272 seconds through some kind of futuristic microwave delivery system. Does'nt work like that.

System like this would mean that more people turn into fat cat lazy bastard types who take for granted everything and cause the most pain in humanity.

Edited by Logik
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There's a choice to use handwash and theres no choice in zeitgeistism, clear difference.

Streptococcus bacteria is common, and its fact that washing your hands will rid of some bacteria, thats fact/science not theory

once again, what about drugs and zeitgeism nevermind that article from hxxp://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/hand_background.php

How can you just shrug that away. They rideculed a man and sent him to a psych ward Where he DIED just because he was trying to help all of mankind! oh but nevermind that

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Guest Logik
There's a choice to use handwash and theres no choice in zeitgeistism, clear difference.

Streptococcus bacteria is common, and its fact that washing your hands will rid of some bacteria, thats fact/science not theory

once again, what about drugs and zeitgeism nevermind that article from hxxp://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/hand_background.php

How can you just shrug that away. They rideculed a man and sent him to a psych ward Where he DIED just because he was trying to help all of mankind! oh but nevermind that

I did not shrug away anything, I didnt bother to read that article, because you tried to backup zeitgeist theory with unrelated scientific fact...

"did you know canna makes your penis 10 inches longer" - "its true because jupita is the biggest planet in the solar system".

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A resource based economy is not taking away any freedom. It is the biggest advocater of freedom I've ever seen.

What we are saying is that drugs would be outgrown, We would not need them. They would be irrelavent.

I think that the people in a resource based economy would look back at these days and gawk out how primitive we really are.

Why would canna be outgrown by some computer system allocating me what I can have??

What if I did not need canna but I wanted it? I would be denied because its seen as a problematic addiction is it not?`

Resource based economy is not different in priciple to what we have now, people would still be working in monsterous conditions, somethings machines can not do, like fine details.

Allowing a computerised system that could be abused and wasted would mean that somewhere people would have to work harder, longer and faster to supply demand for the WHOLE WORLD, rather then the small market at the moment, a sectorised part of the world, known as the west.

Some how this theory as an element of unrealistic sounds, that food and supplies can be grown in 0.26272 seconds through some kind of futuristic microwave delivery system. Does'nt work like that.

System like this would mean that more people turn into fat cat lazy bastard types who take for granted everything and cause the most pain in humanity.

Thats what you believe that if man was free from repetive boring jobs that he would just lye around all day.

NO! The reason we have technology is to free man. So he can be free to reach his highest potental. All of this technology we have today is just millions of tons of crap unless it betters the lives of man.

Why is it that you have to go threw so many years of training and learnig to repair and construct jet engines but anyone can raise a child. A child is way more complicated than a jet engine

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There's a choice to use handwash and theres no choice in zeitgeistism, clear difference.

Streptococcus bacteria is common, and its fact that washing your hands will rid of some bacteria, thats fact/science not theory

once again, what about drugs and zeitgeism nevermind that article from hxxp://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/hand_background.php

How can you just shrug that away. They rideculed a man and sent him to a psych ward Where he DIED just because he was trying to help all of mankind! oh but nevermind that

I did not shrug away anything, I didnt bother to read that article, because you tried to backup zeitgeist theory with unrelated scientific fact...

"did you know canna makes your penis 10 inches longer" - "its true because jupita is the biggest planet in the solar system".

It is not zeitgeist theory it is the scientific theory. You know the one that accounts for everything you have today!

Edited by Phaze420
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Q.History shows that advanced technologies and skills have been lost within generations and a fully automated cybernetically managed economy/ecology/society would be vulnerable to system decay, malfunction and collapse in a way that would render humanity helpless and then destitute with neither the technical skills nor the emotional maturity to resolve the resulting crises.

A.This is true in a monetary system but has nothing to do with the proposals of The Venus Project. The Venus Project maintains an overview of the global economy. People will be prepared to handle any catastrophic event that may occur in which technology is destroyed or malfunctions people will be prepared to handle. The new education systems will provide each and every human being with the means intellectually and emotionally to handle these variables. They will be able to make bow and arrows or any other operation necessary for survival. They are trained in the widest possible range to handle many unforeseen variables both technically and emotionally. They are not a bunch of dummies that sit around enjoying the high output of new technology, they are continuously engaged to handle "what if" situations.

This is erroneous projections from movies and books by authors in the arts and poorly informed about technology, culture and behavior. Technologically informed people are not multi-disciplinarians. That is why fascist and neo fascist utilize them to spread propaganda, uphold their established system and make war machines. Politicians are elected not to change things but to keep things as they are. Unfortunately science and technology and the arts have been used by various social systems to maintain the status quo.

The multi-disciplinarian that The Venus Project’s refers to is not patriotic. Their only loyalties are to the earth and the people that inhabit it.

Unfortunately many people project obsolete values into proposals of The Venus Project.

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Q.You place great emphasis on human behavior as opposed to human nature. Would you define both?

A.There is no such thing as human nature in the conventional sense of being a set of predetermined, preprogrammed behaviors and values to which all human beings are predisposed. What we are concerned with is human behavior and values, which can certainly be changed. If they could not, we would still be living in caves.

The question we should be concerned with is, "What are the factors that shape human behavior?" We feel that human behavior is just as lawful as any natural phenomenon. Our customs, behaviors, and values are by-products of our culture. If the environment is unaltered, similar problems and behaviors will reoccur. The Venus Project proposes to provide an environment that will bring out the best in human behavior and to extend maximum courtesy to all nations.

Take, for example, the situation witnessed after WWII: even the most respectable families could be seen fighting over scraps of food. When people's basic needs are not met, they resort to whatever behavior is necessary to ensure the necessities of life for themselves and their families. By making the necessities of life available to all in this participatory democracy and through a meaningful and productive education, we can dramatically reduce counterproductive behavior.

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