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I kind of assumed that pagan meditation consisted of drinking enough cider to hallucinate and staring into the flames of a big fire?

That`s called camping down here :wassnnme:

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World of Warcraft Druids :wassnnme:

They probably have more in common with real Druidism than the kind of saddo loony wierdos that call themselves druids and turn up at Glastonbury in dresses and big beards at the solstice. Cos Nobody - NOBODY knows what real Druidism was, there is no written record, very little anecdotal record, so these idiots who call themselves 'druids' are just making it up.

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i read a story about druids in austria, road accidents were killing 6 people every year in a certain area, they used druid to help ease the situation. for the last 2 year the deaths have been cut to zero. the druid clamed that phone masts was killing the areas natural energy. a quartz standing stone to restore the energy, plus burying plastic plates with magnets is all he used. scients dont believe it, if it cant be proven it cant exist. but the result speaks for itself. they are planning on using it thoughout austria.

Druids use rock and magnets to stop road accidents

Austrian authorities say druids have been so successful in dealing with motorway accident blackspots in one area that they plan to extend the project nationwide.


Druid Ilmar Tessmann tunes into the energy waves and apparently helps to reduce the number of fatalities at an accident blackspot

As well as using quartz standing stones to restore the area’s ‘natural energy’, the druids have come up with a cheaper modern-day option – burying plastic slates with magnets in the ground.

Arch druid Ilmar Tessmann was called in as a last resort after a high number of fatal accidents were reported on a straight stretch of motorway near Salzburg.

He said the crashes were caused by radiation from a nearby mobile phone mast disrupting the area’s normal ‘terrestrial’ radiation.

Installing the monoliths has successfully counteracted that, he claimed.

Austrian motorway authority ASFINAG said it was sceptical at first and kept the project a secret. But it went public after the druids’ efforts cut the number of deaths at the notorious crash site from six a year to zero in two years.

Mr Tessmann said: ‘Plastic was not available in ancient times but it seems to work well.’

But he warned: ‘It is a big job. These masts are now spreading negative radiation over 120 to 200 miles.’

Scientists, however, are not convinced.

‘Natural sciences need evidence. ‘Whatever can’t be measured, does not exist,’ Dr Georg Walach from the geophysics department at Leoben University in southern Austria said.

‘These energy lines and their flow cannot be grasped or measured therefore their existence is rejected by scientists.’

But Mr Tessmann claims the proof is in the results. ‘If you ask me to give you a scientific explanation, I can’t, I just know it works, and even critics can’t argue with our success rate,’ he said.


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Love to know how anti-globalism and paganism go together? Don't mean to be rude but it sort of says you don't understand one or the other.

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was just reading up on the odin brotherhood and the wife walks in and reads the page and then walked off saying she doesnt understand me :unsure::ninja: :ninja:

I know what you mean, i get the same response my self. The girlfriend told me to keep my pagan books in a draw and not on the book shelf in the living room. Its fine with me.

Carnt be botherd with half of these posts, anyone can quote druid names and passages.

as i said meditation is a gateway to all forms of spirituality including Christianity.

No one is right and no one is wrong as far as beliefs go. Its what you get out of it, and

where you are in THIS life that counts.

Personally i adhere to the Gardnerian path of Wicca

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Love to know how anti-globalism and paganism go together? Don't mean to be rude but it sort of says you don't understand one or the other.

...didn't say they do, i could if i wanted find some common ground both topics share.

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I rearly carnt understand some people........

Instead of sharing and learning, it looks like some of these fools want to score points in some kind of intelligence quiz,

give your self a big pat on the back, son

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Without wishing to be derogatory, I kind of assumed that pagan meditation consisted of drinking enough cider to hallucinate and staring into the flames of a big fire?

Nah, that's 'modern paganism'. Pre Christian Northern European paganism was more about consuming vast amounts of hallucinogenic fungi. But that's all anyone knows about it cos they didn't write anything down, so anyone trying to call themself a 'true' pagan just needs to be pointed at and laughed at until they slink away quietly. And if they dare to say the word "Druid." just slap them and steal their wooden staff.

lol :wink: :badass::smoke:

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deanohendo, if I may ask again, what form of meditation do you practise? Is there a specific technique?

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A Belief of understanding the countryside is a start, the moon and its gravational pull, the sun, water, grow something, anything and see how the year affects the growth. meditation, can be as simple as taking time to observe you surroundings. then as the year moves on, how does the affect the surrounding.

paganism is so bastardised these days , much of which is old Christianity, thwarted for personal gain.

I am old English (brides island) and an energy worker (chi)

i would start with a simple approach, to understanding yourself first the approach 'paganism' through a self motivated journey.

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