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Ive been interested in paganism for years without doing any thing about it.

I come from a lower working class background, i wouldn't even now how to

bring myself to just chat with people where i live about paganism.

I would get funny looks. :wub:

Im the sort of person that needs a belief structure to move on and prosper,

but i carnt seem to make that final step.

I believe any kind of spiritual journey starts with meditation,

meditation in its self is a complete and fulfilling experience.


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You dont need to be a pagan to meditate though

True,true. You don't need to be a pagan to meditate. But you have to meditate to be a Pagan.

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Guest Logik
You dont need to be a pagan to meditate though

True,true. You don't need to be a pagan to meditate. But you have to meditate to be a Pagan.

Complying to such a theme in life can often by detrimental to one's health.

Ask what does this give me rather than, what can I do for this cause.

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Complying to such a theme in life can often by detrimental to one's health.

Ask what does this give me rather than, what can I do for this cause.

Sorry, im a plain speaking man, clearly, english isnt a strong point of yours.

....do what thy will, is the whole of the law, as long has it harm none.

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im sure that you havent got to meditate to adhere to pagan philoshophy,anymore than you have to wear silly hats,hug trees or kill a chicken on the full moon!!...having said that im quite partial to running around the woods naked with a feather stuck up my arse just after closing time! :unsure:

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You don't need to be a pagan to meditate. But you have to meditate to be a Pagan.
Is that right? Is there a specific technique? I struggled with concepts of meditation for quite a while until I learned Vipassana, which is a clearly defined technique taught in a formal setting.

Without wishing to be derogatory, I kind of assumed that pagan meditation consisted of drinking enough cider to hallucinate and staring into the flames of a big fire?

If you want a really fun religion, how about Odinism? They quaff great foaming pints of ale in order to reach Valhalla and commune with their warrior god. Apparently!

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Without wishing to be derogatory, I kind of assumed that pagan meditation consisted of drinking enough cider to hallucinate and staring into the flames of a big fire?


If you want a really fun religion, how about Odinism? They quaff great foaming pints of ale in order to reach Valhalla and commune with their warrior god. Apparently!

This one sounds interesting, I prefer ale to cider

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Guest Logik
Complying to such a theme in life can often by detrimental to one's health.

Ask what does this give me rather than, what can I do for this cause.

Sorry, im a plain speaking man, clearly, english isnt a strong point of yours.

....do what thy will, is the whole of the law, as long has it harm none.

Makes sense to me, apart from some spelling ( I had just woken up ).

You can meditate without sacrifices your time to a cult which requires you to do something be to apart of it.

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was just reading up on the odin brotherhood and the wife walks in and reads the page and then walked off saying she doesnt understand me :headpain::ninja:lol

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Guest grandad

i read a story about druids in austria, road accidents were killing 6 people every year in a certain area, they used druid to help ease the situation. for the last 2 year the deaths have been cut to zero. the druid clamed that phone masts was killing the areas natural energy. a quartz standing stone to restore the energy, plus burying plastic plates with magnets is all he used. scients dont believe it, if it cant be proven it cant exist. but the result speaks for itself. they are planning on using it thoughout austria.

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Without wishing to be derogatory, I kind of assumed that pagan meditation consisted of drinking enough cider to hallucinate and staring into the flames of a big fire?

Nah, that's 'modern paganism'. Pre Christian Northern European paganism was more about consuming vast amounts of hallucinogenic fungi. But that's all anyone knows about it cos they didn't write anything down, so anyone trying to call themself a 'true' pagan just needs to be pointed at and laughed at until they slink away quietly. And if they dare to say the word "Druid." just slap them and steal their wooden staff.

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