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What Makes Humans Unique

Cosmic Dick

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Man has been given the freedom of choice to do good or evil.

But good and evil are subjective on an individuals judgment. I'll agree on freedom of choice but the good or evil bit thats an abstract concept.

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Man has been given the freedom of choice to do good or evil.

But good and evil are subjective on an individuals judgment. I'll agree on freedom of choice but the good or evil bit thats an abstract concept.

OK, let's just keep it to, man has the faculty of choice.

Concepts of good & evil *may* be subjectibve (I don't necessarily agree that they are) but the point is that humans can choose between the two, however they conceive of them.

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is it really choice tho ..or is it just reacting to pleasure and pain as animals do(either directly or genetically learned)

for all that civilisation has supposedly brought us, when you look back over the recent histories of said countries ..their actions on the whole are herdlike and territorial..more in-line with highly efficient animalism

some humans seem even less developed than some animals ..iow not all humans are the same or have the same abstraction abilities, in fact they appear to be a tiny minority

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Father McPot
I reckon almost all animals have some language - although for many it'll onyl really extend to "GTFO this is my place" and "Fancy a shag love?".. which is pretty much humans down the pub on a friday night

tbf, I think the complexity of our language, and the ability it gives us to collaborate, socialise and problem solve is an important part of what makes us different to other animals

Other animals are able to communicate, but they don't have language. We have created symbols by which we can interact with one another. Other animals haven't.

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Randal Graves
Other animals are able to communicate, but they don't have language. We have created symbols by which we can interact with one another. Other animals haven't.

that's an interesting distinction - are you talking about written language here or do you mean something else? Is it the abstraction of the communication from an aural form into a visual medium that brings the distinction? And why is this important? (I can think of some reasons why it matters, but I'm curious about your thoughts).

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Quality Street

O.K I think I've got something.


We are the only animal who thinks 'fuck it' and tops themselves for no obvious reason. Many animals suffer truama and sufferring, but they dont jump of a bridge!

note - Salmons and lemmings dont count ;)

edit - oh and money, but thats just anouther form of abstration... as is communication. Although I would suggest bee dances in hives might also be a candidate for abstract communication in the animal world.

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O.K I think I've got something.


We are the only animal who thinks 'fuck it' and tops themselves for no obvious reason. Many animals suffer truama and sufferring, but they dont jump of a bridge!

note - Salmons and lemmings dont count :)


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Quality Street
Tarsiers have never formed successful breeding colonies in captivity, and when caged, tarsiers have been known to injure and even kill themselves because of the stress.

bugger! should have googled that one first eh.

Still the point still stands, you dont see many animals killing themselves due to the pointlessness of their existance. I mean think of all the dogs that would be swinging from their chains if it was the case.

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Quality Street
;):):yahoo: :yahoo: :ninja:

rofl Its ok you can stop thinking about it now, here have another spliff

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How many animals just give up and die though? Maybe it's just not that obvious to us, and perhaps animals generally have more stress free lives.

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Don't need a spliff thanks. But I'd be obliged if people who clearly don't understand a thing about suicide, or the feelings that lead to it, would refrain from talking shit about it. Thanks.

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Quality Street
Don't need a spliff thanks. But I'd be obliged if people who clearly don't understand a thing about suicide, or the feelings that lead to it, would refrain from talking shit about it. Thanks.

Whao there cowboy! thats a whole lot of presuming you are doing there dont you think?

read what you just wrote and ask yourself who is talking shit. You know nothing about me, so until you do keep your insults to yourself. Thanks.

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We are the only animal who thinks 'fuck it' and tops themselves for no obvious reason
you dont see many animals killing themselves due to the pointlessness of their existance

Either you express yourself poorly or you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Sure, I know nothing about you. I do, however, know a fair bit about suicide and what leads to it. So I'm presuming nothing, and I find your posts insulting so forgive me if I approach them in a similar manner ;)

If it's merely a case of expressing yourself poorly then I apologise.

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