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What Makes Humans Unique

Cosmic Dick

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i edited my post

Not the first one where you say imagination. That`s where i got your choice of imagination not arrogance :wassnnme:

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Cosmic Dick
i edited my post

Not the first one where you say imagination. That`s where i got your choice of imagination not arrogance :wassnnme:

No, the last but one, or was it the other one, anyway, whichever one it was, I added a :spliff: in front, it needed it.


oh, forgot :wink:

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Imbiling substance's that alter percetion ie getting off one's box cant think of any other animal that does that willingly as it would make them easier to predated on. I'll admit that it does occur in animals but they dont do it willingly/knowingly at least of not heard of them doing it.

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Cosmic Dick
Imbiling substance's that alter percetion ie getting off one's box cant think of any other animal that does that willingly as it would make them easier to predated on. I'll admit that it does occur in animals but they dont do it willingly/knowingly at least of not heard of them doing it.

Moose and Bears in Canada that eat fermented fallen fruit get drunk as ....

but I don't know if it is intentional or not, I imagine they just come across fermented fruit and eat it.


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Imbiling substance's that alter percetion ie getting off one's box cant think of any other animal that does that willingly as it would make them easier to predated on.

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..you should see him on guitar hero

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Cosmic Dick
Leaky Foundation Vid - What makes us human

Nice Video Ratdog, thanks.

I've met Jane Goodall, very interesting chats.

On that vid one chap said, in reference to hominid evolution;

There have been many experiments in human evolution, most of them ended up in extinction.

We are the only one that hasn't

I would add "yet" to that, and at the moment I think we will suffer the same fate, we'll not be so unique after all.

Thirdly.... Was that Eddie Izzard going up the escalator?


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Smokers Answer (devils answer, maybe because I'm stoned and watching School of Rock...)

To be more than we were , to have fun doing it, to smoke (shs, kids) and to ROCK!

okay, it don't quite fit with topic, fuck it I'm stoned ... so more (own adj) ... art?

somebody's face is getting melted off !!!

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