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Cosmic Dick

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Quality Street

I've seen some of your other comments tonight. Troll

My comment was on the other hand was at least on topic (whether you are insulted by it or not). you can either discuss it, ingore it or find another topic to pour scorn on. For my part I'm off to bed so I care not. Goodbye.

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:) You make idiotic and offensive posts about suicide and call me a troll ;)

I pour scorn on things that deserve it. If you can't handle that, don't post things that deserve scorn. It's quite simple really.

I won't wish you goodnight, if it's all the same to you.

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I've seen some of your other comments tonight. Troll

One thing Boojum is not. :naughty: Boojum contributes mightily to the wealth of knowledge and outstanding chat here at UK420. If you don't believe me, look up some of his topics. Or his post count. :smoke:

As a new comer here you may wish to lurk a bit more before making yourself sound so foolish with rash and inept remarks.

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I've seen some of your other comments tonight. Troll

One thing Boojum is not. :naughty:

As a new comer here you may wish to lurk a bit more before making yourself sound so foolish with rash and inept remarks.


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i agree

Booj has nearly 31 and a half thousand posts and he's never talked shit once :smoke:



edit; forgot the rolf

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Nah, to be honest I think I was a bit out of order, considering it's a new member.

I apologise. It's just a subject that perhaps I get a bit touchy about, for various reasons.

I'll start again. The reasons that drive people to the situation in which the only option left open to them is to take their own lives are a lot more than merely thinking 'fuck it' or just the pointlessness of existence. The most powerful human urge is the urge towards life, and to overpower that urge takes something extreme. Suicide is the final resort of the truly desperate. So I'm sorry for being a twat about things. It's just something that should never be viewed lightly. And something that hits a nerve with me.

Sorry, but like something that REALLY hits a nerve.

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Nah, to be honest I think I was a bit out of order,

Maybe, but you're not a troll.

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I don't think I am either.

:naughty: I'm just an emotionally unstable, argumentative, alcoholic, mental arsehole :smoke:

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Guest Logik
Don't need a spliff thanks. But I'd be obliged if people who clearly don't understand a thing about suicide, or the feelings that lead to it, would refrain from talking shit about it. Thanks.

Whao there cowboy! thats a whole lot of presuming you are doing there dont you think?

read what you just wrote and ask yourself who is talking shit. You know nothing about me, so until you do keep your insults to yourself. Thanks.

I've seen some of your other comments tonight. Troll

My comment was on the other hand was at least on topic (whether you are insulted by it or not). you can either discuss it, ingore it or find another topic to pour scorn on. For my part I'm off to bed so I care not. Goodbye.


I don't think I am either.

:naughty: I'm just an emotionally unstable, argumentative, alcoholic, mental arsehole :smoke:

Even if you are all of those things (self proclaimed), you still make extrodinary sense while being under the influence of said terms.

@Quality Street, may want to make your ideas and theories slightly more details, 1 liners here don't seem in very well, take the time to explain to us.

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Quality Street
Nah, to be honest I think I was a bit out of order, considering it's a new member.

I apologise. It's just a subject that perhaps I get a bit touchy about, for various reasons.

I'll start again. The reasons that drive people to the situation in which the only option left open to them is to take their own lives are a lot more than merely thinking 'fuck it' or just the pointlessness of existence. The most powerful human urge is the urge towards life, and to overpower that urge takes something extreme. Suicide is the final resort of the truly desperate. So I'm sorry for being a twat about things. It's just something that should never be viewed lightly. And something that hits a nerve with me.

Sorry, but like something that REALLY hits a nerve.

Hello all

This is a reply to Boojum and an open letter to the rest of his friends (assuming he is in fact a bloke).

firstly I should unreservedly take back the troll comment. fighting fire with fire is wrong and I apologise for that comment.

Secondly, thank you for accepting at least some of the responsibility for this mess. This is my first real post on this forum and it was never supposed to cause outrage. That said making light of serious things is not a crime and I certainly did not direct my comment at you personally.

To everyone else, whilst I understand that Boojum is your pal and that it is my troll comment that has got you so riled up. I would also say that you do both me and him a diservice. It is obvious (at least to me) that Boojum spoke out of turn (and possibly out of character according to your posts). And I only hope that now Boojum has mirrored that thought you can now take that on board as well, and not think too badly of me untill we have spoken more and you get to know the real me.

I came to this forum primarily for advice as a newbie grower, not to get into arguments with people I dont even know. Maybe that is no longer possible, as I have obviously not made the best start. but I hope that this will not be the case and we that can put this sillyness behind us all.

Thank you for your time

Quality Street

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It was my fault for reading things into your posts that obviously were a product of my own perception ;)

I sincerely hope I haven't put you off posting here, and I do offer a genuine, unreserved apology.

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This is a reply to Boojum and an open letter to the rest of his friends (assuming he is in fact a bloke).

firstly I should unreservedly take back the troll comment. fighting fire with fire is wrong and I apologise for that comment.

Secondly, thank you for accepting at least some of the responsibility for this mess. This is my first real post on this forum and it was never supposed to cause outrage. That said making light of serious things is not a crime and I certainly did not direct my comment at you personally.

To everyone else, whilst I understand that Boojum is your pal and that it is my troll comment that has got you so riled up. I would also say that you do both me and him a diservice. It is obvious (at least to me) that Boojum spoke out of turn (and possibly out of character according to your posts). And I only hope that now Boojum has mirrored that thought you can now take that on board as well, and not think too badly of me untill we have spoken more and you get to know the real me.

I came to this forum primarily for advice as a newbie grower, not to get into arguments with people I dont even know. Maybe that is no longer possible, as I have obviously not made the best start. but I hope that this will not be the case and we that can put this sillyness behind us all.

Thank you for your time

Quality Street

Look forward to getting to know you qualitystreeet :yuck: I hope you'll get to know and love the forum mate :afro:

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Quality Street
It was my fault for reading things into your posts that obviously were a product of my own perception :(

I sincerely hope I haven't put you off posting here, and I do offer a genuine, unreserved apology.

Thanks mate. I thought I'd blown it to be honest. This seems to be a very good site on the whole which is why i joined after lurking for a little while.

This is certainly not the first time I have buggered up a first impression and it probably wont be the last. For the record though, in future if you see a comment of mine that looks at first glance to be offensive, It probably does't mean what it looks like it means.


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