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What Is The Point Of Life?

Guest Logik

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for me , its just to be'good' to other people , and to bring my boy up to try to act in the same way.

pass the peas


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experience is the point of life and that is what makes you rich,, not money

Although in the world we live in money (can) facilitate(s) experience.

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experience is the point of life and that is what makes you rich,, not money

yeah man, do as much as you can see the world and talk to people! there is no point to life. just enjoy the ride.

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Can't say that I think there is any point whatsoever to life (other than the most basic, the selfish gene), but I'm pretty sure if there is one it certainly isn't to amass more money than anyone can spend in a lifetime (generally by shitting on people from a great height), which appears to be what many people think the point is nowadays. Get rich or die trying ? He who dies with the most toys wins ? If the point of life really is that shallow and, well, pointless then the sooner we wipe ourselves out the better.

You can always count on Boojum to add a ray of sunshine to any thread. :yep:

Come here gimmie a hug brotherman. Oh yeah - feel the love.

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Can't say that I think there is any point whatsoever to life (other than the most basic, the selfish gene), but I'm pretty sure if there is one it certainly isn't to amass more money than anyone can spend in a lifetime (generally by shitting on people from a great height), which appears to be what many people think the point is nowadays. Get rich or die trying ? He who dies with the most toys wins ? If the point of life really is that shallow and, well, pointless then the sooner we wipe ourselves out the better.
It's a shame that 'Christian' teachings have been twisted to suit the selfish desires of priests and patrons of the church, but the life and works and words of Jesus Christ, as reported in the New Testament, continue to offer sound practical advice and a working model of how to conduct oneself. It's salient that Jesus made his adult debut by kicking the money changers out of the temple. That's the first thing he did, in a clear demonstration that making money and achieving spiritual purity are incompatible. Jesus further underscored this point when he said that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that for a rich man to get into heaven. (The preserve of the righteous, not the nightclub in Charing Cross, although it is tempting to think of St. Peter as a doorman, scanning the guest list and saying, "Your names not down, so you can't come in.") In the beatitudes, Jesus again says that heaven is for the poor and, as that very rich man, J. Paul Getty, once paraphrased: "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights."
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*insert meaningless but self-reassuring optimistic mantra here*

lol init lol

It is a human foible, the need to attach additional `meaning` and `significance` to everything. Most people just find it all too depressing otherwise - price we pay for sentience and awareness of our own mortality lol We breath, eat, shit, fight, fuck get sick and die the same as every other living thing.

We (need to) believe that we are special, and somehow apart from the rest of the flora and fauna. Just look at organised religions.

Yea we build some pretty cool stuff compared to other creatures and we make symbols to communicate but that's about it.


e2a: Or maybe not! lol

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It just feels futile today. no doubt in a few days I'll be swimming in the glory of art and culture and expressing that love conquers everything and all that bollocks too.... Ahh well miserable twat/sanctimonious twat at least I got a bit of variety to ruin people's day with lol

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love the bit at the start when he jumps on the car and shouts at the crowd 'How many of you people know your alive'..time slowing, stars swirling ..before getting little universes between our toes


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There isn't necessarily any "point" to life; why must there be?

The tree of life is like a lightning strike along lines of truth of good design. It's not permanent but the truth is.

Oh, nice reference! My adult education began with Kabbalah - I sat in hermetic circles for a number of years - and am intimately familiar with the Tree and the language that describes it, so forgive my pedantry when I suggest that what you actually mean is 'the life force of creation is like a lightning flash along lines of truth and good design, as represented by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life'.

Of course, that may fly over the heads of many who read this, but it's not possible, or necessarily desirable, to properly explain in the context of a potheads' forum (as the more facetious or cynical posts in this thread demonstrate). However, the information one requires is always available and the info superhighway has made it infinitely more accessible: seek and you will find, for when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears. Just remember to be discriminating and learn to trust your instincts, remembering that there is no higher authority that yourself and that blind belief is the opposite of enlightenment.

If you choose to view the truth as a 'loving God' or a cold logical progression, might make some difference, who knows?
I bet that, if you were to conduct a poll on the nature of God, there would be surprising unanimity and that most people would agree that God is Love, God is Truth, God is Compassion. (Kabbalah initiates would possibly/probably include other qualities represented by the Sephiroth).
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