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What Is The Point Of Life?

Guest Logik

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Guest Logik

What is the point of life? when we are born what is the point? what is the point of life, what are we supposed to do? how do we go about with our life?


*; What is the Point of your life?

Edited by Logik
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What is the point of life? when we are born what is the point? what is the point of life, what are we supposed to do? how do we go about with our life?


I look in a nest, and I see some baby birds...

What is the point of their life?

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What is the point of life? when we are born what is the point? what is the point of life, what are we supposed to do? how do we go about with our life?


To reproduce and carry on...

We are but vessels for genes, like every `living` (another debate) thing.

You go about your life the way that you were always going to, from the moment you were born. Everything that happens is inexorable and inevitable... free will is an illusion... There is no central seat of consciousness - we are the sum of our component parts. The `decisions` you make you were always going to make, because of your experiences and events leading up to that given point. There is a study (I will link) on the subject of decision making. By the time you are consciusly `aware` of a decision you are going to make, it is already made. It's interesting food for thought anyway.

But that can be a pretty bleak way of looking at it.... who knows?



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Several BIG questions there!

I believe in reincarnation, but I'm not sure of the mechanism. Buddha taught that the interaction between mind and body creates 'sankaras' or thought forms that become hard wired into one's subconscious. At the moment of death, a dominant sankara will arise and dictates the nature of one's next existence. The way to step off this wheel of reincarnation is to become fully conscious, or achieve enlightenment, by learning to detach from one's sankaras and observe them, rather than identify with them. So, in this view, the purpose of life might be summarised as to achieve such a state of grace that one is not compelled to go through it over again. Buddha taught that there is no soul, just consciousness and matter, but I don't really buy that. I prefer to imagine that we reincarnate in order for our souls to progress and that we do so in contract with some cosmic administrator, having agreed our parents and the circumstances of our rebirth.

The three imperative of life are: be happy; do good work; make a conscious death.

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Several BIG questions there!

I believe in reincarnation, but I'm not sure of the mechanism.

Not sure of?

Does that mean you have some idea of?


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I believe in reincarnation, but I'm not sure of the mechanism. death.

I don't think we have to do it ourselves, don't worry.

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being the best person you can be....and passing this on to your seed, and others around you. lol

:rofl: when I read that first I read " ...passing your seed on to others around you " lol has got me in a lot of trouble that attitude...

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Several BIG questions there!

I believe in reincarnation, but I'm not sure of the mechanism.

Not sure of?

Does that mean you have some idea of?


I did have a go at Gotama's explanation. Sorry if you didn't understand it.
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