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Jedis Stand Up For Religious Rights


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The equality bill says any 'heartfelt' belief is a religion
According to reported glosses from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to accompany Harriet Harman's new equality bill, Jediism seems to have been excluded on the grounds that it is not "heartfelt"
Thus, too, this from the EHRC: "A belief need not include faith or worship of a god or gods, but must affect how a person lives their life or perceives the world."

The chances of a successful religious defence have increased massively imo

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if your "belief" is based on a work of fiction you are fucked up, over.

what about he bible? is that not the biggest selling work of fiction ever written

my thoughts also

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But.... aren't the Jedi terrorists?

You know, live in a sandy place, bomb the empire, that sort of thing...

Sounds a bit too terroristy to me.

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everyones got the right to beleive what they want

if you can have satanist,s and other things then its up to you

but where does the line get drawn.

God help us.

According to christians, does satan actually exist, or is he only a metaphor?

I think they believe in the `Hollywood version` of Satan/Lucifer. You know, the `evil` monster with horns and a trident and shit....


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But.... aren't the Jedi terrorists?

You know, live in a sandy place, bomb the empire, that sort of thing...

Sounds a bit too terroristy to me.

:B): Very true.

Could Terrorism become a religion? Just terrorising anyone. We wouldn't discriminate. Because discrimination is bad. Isn't it?

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Admiral Motti: Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fortress...

[Vader makes a pinching motion and Motti starts choking]

Darth Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Princess Leia: I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan Afghanistan...

Darth Vader: You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away! (to Gbay)


Governor Tarkin: Perhaps she would respond to an alternative form of persuasion.

Darth Vader: What do you mean?

Governor Tarkin: I think it is time we demonstrated the full power of this station. Set your course for AlderaanIran.


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But.... aren't the Jedi terrorists?

You know, live in a sandy place, bomb the empire, that sort of thing...

Sounds a bit too terroristy to me.

lol Very true.

Actually, I was thinking of a very funny animation I saw by Laura Solon, The Empire Strikes Back, it was on BBC4 (I think) long ago, and I do have a copy of it myself somewhere.

But I've been searching on google vid and youtube, I cannot find it on either, I suspect because of copyright.

Never mind....


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Admiral Motti: Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fortress...


Governor Tarkin: I think it is time we demonstrated the full power of this station. Set your course for AlderaanIran.



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God help us.

which 'god' is that exactly?

i hear you on the atheist part, even when i considerd myself as one

i didnt go about trying to convert any one to my way of thinking then

but now in a different out look(christianity)i feel it is my duty to talk about it

why is it you feel it's your duty? the inquisitors also felt it was their duty to burn people at the stake for heresy.

I'm not trying to pick here, but that kind of sentence sounds dodgy.

i too was brought up as a catholic, a roman catholic to be precise, and was evicted from my religion class when i was 8 for asking 'awkward questions'. How a race that considers itself to be uber intelligent can still rely on blind faith from a multitude of age old stories is completely baffling to me.

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Guest grandad

when i was a kid, if i went to church i had a star put in a book, when i had 6 stars i got to go on the day out to blackpool. i believed devoutly in the blackpool trip, so i went to church. i had to sit at the back of the church, i could'nt help laughing at the serman, could'nt believe people talked like that. i i'd seen a gowned up jedi walking down the isle i'd have fell of my pew pissing myself.

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if the jedi had also used cannabis as well as wearing their hoods,

would the ruling have being the same ?

as blazed pointed out our 'belief' should count as much as the jedi,

or is thousands of years worth of historic fact recognised less ,than a 25 year old film trilogy ?

may the force be with you !

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Speaking of Jedis, awesome news my fellow believers:


FYI this is not the actual movie but rather a fuckin' hysterical feature-length review which seeks to remind us of the glory of the original trilogy, praise be to Yoda.

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Don't diss the jedi's or they migth send this lot in >

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Woud like to see someone ask Brick Vader to take his helmet off!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I suppose the difference might be that the bible being fiction/fact is debatable, while jedism isn't ..it's a work of indisputable fiction ..altho maybe plagiarism is more accurate ...the founder was an attention seeker who developed a messiah complex from getting a few hits on his site .....best thing that could happen is for george lucas to enforce the copyright letting this kid fulfil his true destiny(eg...get a job in burger king)

We know this as we are living in a time when it was created. As time passes things get warped, who knows how these stories will be interpreted in 2000 years times. There will be great debates was George Lucas a profit, did the visions come to him from the force itself, compelling him to record it using the media of the time, film, much as the bible was written on parchment the only method of recording such stories at its time of conception. People will grow to beleive in Jedi's as truth, even with no credible evidence, as record get distorted and the truth behind the founding is lost, this is how religions get started after all.

I predict a future where Jedi's will rise to be come a major world religion.

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