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God R U There? Do U Hate Me?


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I believe in God and go to Church. I don't make it every week, but usually 2-3 times a month anyway. I usually pray before bed every evening, unless I come home pished and forget.

I totally respect the opinions of everyone on this subject, they are all equally valid, regardless if someone has faith or none.

I personally find it quite easy to reconcile the existence of God. You can argue about it all day long, but ultimately the argument boils down to, either God "just exists", or we "just exist". I find the idea of some higher power existing to be far more plausible than we puny humans "just existing".

I think God has placed in all of us an innate curiosity as to our origins, with the hope that we will seek out a relationship with him. Perhaps this is why some non-religious people feel they have an itch that they just cant scratch?

I think what puts a lot of people off is our human concepts of who or what this "God" might be. For example, some people find the idea of a Virgin Birth and the resurrection to be ridiculous, or point to the fact that many religions exist as proof of their falsehood. However, what we must bear in mind is that, whether or not our ideas and concepts of God are accurate, they are entirely irrelevant to the actual likelihood of God being there. Maybe some of our ideas are wrong, but ultimately that does not say really anything as to whether God exists or not. As for why there are many religions, I see that as the result of God coming to different peoples in different ways.

Yes, at times there have been religious wars and suspicion / dislike between different faiths. However, that is a result of our imperfect human nature, not a sign that religion is evil. Humans can, have and do fight over anything and everything, religion is but one of the many excuses we use to justify killing one another.

I dislike the aggressive way that religion (esp Christianity) is increasingly marginalised and ridiculed in the UK. I find Richard Dawkins to be a very strange and insiduous character. Not because he has a different opinion to me, but because I cannot see what his motivation is. For someone who is supposed to be an atheist, it seems his entire career revolves around talking about religions and God. Strange, no? If I thought something was total rubbish, I would not waste my time talking about it for one second. I find his arguments and work to be very nhilistic - i.e he attempts to rubbish the idea of God, but does not offer an alternative solution. I find that very dissatisfactory, and feel it undermines his credibility greatly. He sits there smugly and says things like "oh, but we understand why the tide goes in and out". So what Richard, whats your point? You have offered nothing as to why this occurs, or how it started. I also dislike it how he presents science and religion are being mutually exclusive. I do not see that they are.

I feel he is something of a egotist, who enjoys the publicity he gets (maybe that's his motivation?). I feel that any minor success he does have in his bizarre quest comes from childish publicity stunts (eg atheist bus or his idiotic new plan to "arrest the Pope") or overt ridicule of religions. But then, anyone can do that, and these things do not advance his argument one iota, nor do they discredit religion. I feel Richard is a bit of a clown, to be honest.

Our mere existence is proof of God to me, as is the fascinating, dynamic, mysterious and beautiful universe in which we live.

As for why "bad things happen" - it is because we live in a dynamic environment and have been given the gift of free will. If it were any other way, then our whole existence would be nothing more than a scripted puppet show - what would be the point of that? Also, If bad things did not happen, then neither could good things. You have to experience darkness, before you can appreciate light.

Do you believe we are mere flesh and blood? We are more than that, of course. If we were not, there would be no difference between us, and a leg of chicken sitting on a plate. Part of our existence is not physical. Some people call it a "soul", but there is no need to label it, if you do not want to. This also points to the existence of a God.

Maybe religion is not for everyone, but this does not mean they cannot have a relationship with God. I think God loves someone who lives their life in an upstanding way, demonstrates love and respect for others, and reflects on their behaviour and actions (in an attempt to improve them) regardless if they are affiliated to a religion or not.

Apologies - I realise this post is probably a bit disjointed, it is just a few musing based on what I could remember from the OP.

God bless you all, whether you believe in him or not. lol

Edited by BudFan
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I personally find it quite easy to reconcile the existence of God. You can argue about it all day long, but ultimately the argument boils down to, either God "just exists", or we "just exist". I find the idea of some higher power existing to be far more plausible than we puny humans "just existing".


Does that mean you don't believe we puny humans exist?


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I personally find it quite easy to reconcile the existence of God. You can argue about it all day long, but ultimately the argument boils down to, either God "just exists", or we "just exist". I find the idea of some higher power existing to be far more plausible than we puny humans "just existing".


Does that mean you don't believe we puny humans exist?


Hey there

Nope - it means I don't believe we humans "just exist". I believe there is a reason why we exist, and an intentional mechanism which caused us to exist!

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ive done some thinking and reading and catching up on religous history... :ouch: fuck believing in any god, theres waaayy to much violence for my peaceful life style...

i will never be religious ive cleared this up in my mind now... but if any of u are i hope it works for ya, not every religious person wreaks havok

ok i'll answer a question with a question.

can you show me a society or culture that does not attempt to address the meaning of life issue?

ive been n athiest since i knew the meaning of the word...

i like to think that in this modern age of science and technology(an example of the modern sciences is the time i spent in hospital today and modern meds, im still high on a mix of street aquired morphine:B, anasthetic, weed :wink: , two vodkas :ouch: , paracetomol and tramadol:wink: , thats my own pain killer supplements mixed with todays meds at the hospital where i had another huge fucking operation today, ouch :ouch: fucking ouch :!: , these types of modern operations and medical care just were never avaliable b4 in old ages so we preyed 4 help and had to seek help from god cos thats what we were told to....) we can prove everything we can touch and see and feel through science and are at a time where humans can drop our never heard from or proven, but some how still violence inducing, gods. our societies will soon not need theyre old outdated religions, many life styles and alternative lifestyles arent harmful and angry and dont make up gods and cause trouble at some time or another.. remember weve never proven god scientificly

watch arch angels video of space, look in ur garden tommoro morning, its just life/nature/how it is and works, not cos a 'god' did it i believe that

im a firm believer in god, and i think/have came to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason, destruction, death etc happens as a test mayb not for the person involved but for others around themyep its testing me and others around me harshly, but i know many others in our world have had it worse, its been very hard, why would our apparently loving caring creator god test us all through endless pain?? i go to church 1/2 times a year but live my life a particularly way closely mirroring karma, prayingeveryday and never ever sayin oh my g** ever! as this in the bible is seen as the ultimate insult! alot of church goers live there lives on the outside perfectly but really there judgemental (havent seen you in church in a month/year etc), jealous etc etc. yea i see the judgemental(why the fuck shouldnt i go to church canned out my face church sucks and i got good eye drops!?!?lol) sides in all of them, see theyre the same as anyone else and think thoughts they wouldnt dare to say outloud just like any of us, i feel the jealousy myself an everything felt so fake in the years i was dragged to church as a kid... the idea of burning for eternity doesnt realy appeal to me! i dont think there is an eternity or afterlife so dont worry dude...
I think it refers to the fear of not being accepted into heaven rather than the fear of the deity.

i really dont want to an cannot believe theres anything past dieing and rotting away, ive had enuf pets n know were all just animals... theres no afterlife. full stop in my athiest opinion.

im in agony, tired and lol i gotta sleep .

hope all ur days today were better than mine, i only watched the nice bright sun shining for about 8 mins today :blub:


p.s Read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins --- yep read it a year ago or so, its a great book, might read it again soon... read any similar good books?

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weedG, without water you will die. I know this because science proves it. Please feel free to disprove it.

im sure u could replace the water in ur diet by eating jelly and intaking it through other liquids and high liquid foods... but thats not going without water... cant be disproved everything that lives needs water... except fire.. do people think fire lives? it starts grows spreads then dies. is it alive what is it?

Combustion is a chemical reaction, a substance combines with oxygen gives off heat and carbon dioxide(thc becomes volatile) and leaves a residue, like smoking a spliff :B):

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I personally find it quite easy to reconcile the existence of God. You can argue about it all day long, but ultimately the argument boils down to, either God "just exists", or we "just exist". I find the idea of some higher power existing to be far more plausible than we puny humans "just existing".


Does that mean you don't believe we puny humans exist?


Hey there

Nope - it means I don't believe we humans "just exist". I believe there is a reason why we exist, and an intentional mechanism which caused us to exist!

That mechanism is called evolution. At the risk of sounding glib anaconda, have you tried counselling ? It helped me, all the best mate.

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I dont think there is any real meaning to life... we are here and that is all.

God? No such thing as far as I can tell. Religion? Mostly rubbish in my opinion. I appreciate all the good things that religion can do but generally I prefer to live by my own very simple set of principles. I don't need to read a book to be a good person....

Also life is hard... that's a concept that many people don't seem to appreciate. Everyone has there own hardships whether personally, physically, wealth wise, relationship etc..

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That mechanism is called evolution.

Ah, but that dodging the question mate! :yahoo:

I would have been better to phrase it as - I find the idea of believing life "just exists" less plausible than the idea of some supreme existence / higher power / whatever "just existing".

Ultimately you have to hang your hat on either one.


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Is your hat hung on the idea that a God brought the first life into existence, or is it hung on the idea that a God created humans ?

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That mechanism is called evolution.

Ah, but that dodging the question mate! lol

I would have been better to phrase it as - I find the idea of believing life "just exists" less plausible than the idea of some supreme existence / higher power / whatever "just existing".

Ultimately you have to hang your hat on either one.


Hi budfan, thats your choice, I prefer to trust the reams of scientific evidence that evolution brought us to this point than what you find plausible. Life has no meaning apart from what we can imbue it with as far as I am concerned. If religion makes life better for you thats great, whatever turns you on dude.

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