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God R U There? Do U Hate Me?


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e=mc2 is quite a convoluted and abstract idea ..thats almost impossible to proof for all but a tiny handful of scientists

And that's where I may have agreed with you once upon a time. Except that I recently read the book "Why E=MC2" and realised that it is not convoluted at all, and not too difficult even to do the math either.

But of course Science doesn't hold all the answers yet, and probably never will 100%. So there will always be a chink in the armour for religion to squeeze through!

This is all getting a bit too deep. Going for a :)

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My mind simply can't bring itself to entertain the idea of creationism, Sometimes I wish that I could suspend my disbelief and embrace faith in a deity, it must bring a huge amount of comfort and solace in this fucked up world.

Can't do it though.

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I think that any poor soul that had been in pain for 3 years would be asking 'why me?'. I feel bad for you. I myself suffer from Fybromyalgia. I am in pain a lot of the time. It does get you down. Its the human spirit that keeps you going. Look for the good things in life. Sunshine, flowers, the sea, animals, birds etc... Suround yourself with things that make you smile.

If you ask me your GP is responsible to help you with pain relief. Dont suffer alone, kick ass, thats what their paid to do!

God nor religion cause wars, man is the cause!

Most religions are similar as in they believe in a superior being that is the Father (creator) of the World. They just have a different name for it. If you want to pray and ask for help from God go do it now. If it gives you strength do it. You dont have to go to Church to pray. See what happens! You may get comfort.

When I was a child I told my Dad I was an atheast. He said to me that if I was in a desert dying that I would pray!!

Goldcharm :rofl:

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And that's where I may have agreed with you once upon a time. Except that I recently read the book "Why E=MC2" and realised that it is not convoluted at all, and not too difficult even to do the math either.

e=mc2, is actually the result of many thousands of years of selective evolution in human abstract thinking, thinking on the shoulders of giants if you like, a very specialised form of thinking ..if say for example you learn the language of a certain remote tribe ...do you think you can go to them and explain e=mc2 in a way that they can understand it as its meant to be understood ..I think you would run into some big problems very quickly ..as the 'conceptual vocabulary' of the 2 parties will be largely incompatible ...the problem isn't with the tribe ..it's that the notions of math/physics are very abstract ideas removed from the normal/practical world ..we only think they seem simple, apparent and self-evident because we learn these concepts from our first day at school

..it's almost a mathematical certainty that if civilisation/science continues to develop and evolve for long enough ..every single concept,idea and proof will be replaced with something completely different ...iow our view and understanding of the universe in the future will be unrecognisable from what we have today

the evidence to support the above paragraph is history itself, the world view of modern humans just a few hundred years ago has changed massively from what's it is now ..if you go back a 10k-20k years even more so ...all the evidence points towards a continual changing 'world view' ..it stands to reason that what we know now, given infinite time will go out of fashion..anything else is just ego

just to add, as I was trying to think of another advanced/science civilisation with radically different ideas to ours..the Egyptians,Mayans and ancient Cambodians judging by what they left behind, must have had a 'standard model' similar to ours ...where all 4 disagree completely is on god, birth,life,death etc ..they can all be wrong but they cant all be right

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so if its not god and religion what am i not seeing whats the point of suffering on this earth? sorry believers i just dont and cant believe in all that crap sorry, if hes real he abandoned us or joiined with the devil a while ago...

so what is it then, what am i not seeing, what havent i realised, why do i feel so lost, ive been hurting so long now i cant remember what it feels like to be ok, i just feel angry a mess an awkward and fidgety depressed and aching all the time miserable person. i cant sit there and be ok im constantly fighting with myself to be alright trying to convince myself it will be ok.


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weedG, without water you will die. I know this because science proves it. Please feel free to disprove it.

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weedG, without water you will die. I know this because science proves it. Please feel free to disprove it.

im sure u could replace the water in ur diet by eating jelly and intaking it through other liquids and high liquid foods... but thats not going without water... cant be disproved everything that lives needs water... except fire.. do people think fire lives? it starts grows spreads then dies. is it alive what is it?

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weedG, without water you will die. I know this because science proves it. Please feel free to disprove it.

you don't need science to know that, it's just common sense, ...and can easily be observed and understood by any living human regardless of culture or understanding

in fact even without a brain..a blade of grass understands as much, as do all living things ..water is essential ..a concept that pre-dates science by quite a bit

this is the opposite of what I mean by 'abstract/scientific ideas',

however, some people think death/birth are an illusion, so even those basic concepts have their critiques, ...maybe even supported by the first law of thermodynamics.

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you don't need science to know that, it's just common sense, ...and can easily be observed and understood by any living human regardless of culture or understanding

Observation and understanding ARE science.

I'm getting pretty sick of saying it on the boards but science is NOT an institution, science is NOT a system of belief. Science is a methodology based on observation, understanding and experimentation, and that's ALL science is.


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i belive satan rules this world for the aloted time untill the end.

I used to think why me why this happen what have i done

why death and misery,religion is just polotics to keep the masses in control.

I used to say when i die im just worm food and lights out.

so from there more questions kept comming whats the point of inteligence

if it just follows you to the grave and loads more questions kept arising

at points in my life i can actualy remember lying in jail or waiting for

some serious outcomes that were about to come into my life that i had no control over

any more and saying to myself god if your real get me out of this one

even though i still thought i would be worm food so you could say i was a bit of

an athiest.

the best bit is i hadnt even read the bible so i was comming from a point of ignorance.

i was trying to make God in my image.

the way i look at it now is everything has a natural order plants,bugs,critters,animals,humans,angels God

animals are bellow us so imagine if your dog which you had as a puppy when you have fed it brought it up then

all of a sudden the litlle raskal starts going to your neighbour and ignoring you after all you done for it

would you want to force anything to come back to you that you know dint wasnt to be there.

If you ask for gods help and even ask are you true please show me, look for the signs all

around you god will break you down off your old ways first before he builds you back up.

where does the mathmatics and geometry of the universe and earth come from

the big bang inteligece ,or Gods creation of evrything including intelegence.

ask questions with a sincere heart and something might be revealed to you

but at first you might not like what you see i think thats the reason for being born again

to be built back up.

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Observation and understanding ARE science.

I would say instead science 'uses' observation and understanding(which are older than science)

a fish has eyes and sometimes understands the worm is not safe(from prev. exp.) ..but that doesn't make the fish a scientist

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When an early human discovered that he/she could bang 2 rocks together to make a spark, that human made a scientific discovery. It may not have been called science, but it was science. In the same way that when an early human uttered a sound, and other humans understood what that sound signified, that human was using language, even though it wasn't yet called language.

Edited for better clarity.

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maybe ..hard to say ..but, we are not the only animal that uses tools and language ..where learning through natural/instinctive/practical trial and error stopped and modern scientific thinking started is probably recent ..modern thinking is very different ..

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why do i feel so lost, ive been hurting so long now i cant remember what it feels like to be ok, i just feel angry a mess an awkward and fidgety depressed and aching all the time miserable person. i cant sit there and be ok im constantly fighting with myself to be alright trying to convince myself it will be ok.


hard to say from the details you've given, I would start with something more practical than religion, you may want to rule out any mental/physical issues before turning to religion


pilates for balancing and strengthening the body, even if your a dismembered torso you can still do some form of pilates, a must try for anyone with back problems...pilates is popular with dancers as usually their backs are wrecked by the time they are 30 ..pilates allows them to prolong their careers and avoid serious back issues


Non-concentrative meditation, basically keep the mind clear by focusing the mind on your breathing ..when the mind wanders you bring it back to the breath ..you don't try to change your breathing in anyway

adding these to a daily routine can be difficult, it's bit like learning to play the guitar..for the first couple of weeks it's all slog and no pleasure until the first day you actually make a nice sound ..after that it becomes enjoyable to pick up the guitar as your getting something back..I would suggest 10 mins of breathing meditation and 15 mins of pilates per day to start with ..finding 25 mins each day shouldn't be too hard until such times it become enjoyable then extend it as you feel

If you think this is something you might want to try.. I can send you a few links to get you started

Suitable for all ages and fitness levels Pilates is a non-impact form of exercise, aiming to improve strength, flexibility, posture, co-ordination and body tone. The Pilates Method is a set of principles and movements targeted at the body’s area of core strength- the abdomen and back. Partly inspired by yoga it is different in one key respect. Yoga is made up of a series of static postures, while Pilates is based on setting a posture and then challenging the stability of the body by moving through a range of repetitive movements. It is a movement technique that requires learning fundamentals to build on. Over time with practise participants will learn a concentrated breathing awareness. Pilates breathing helps participants connect to and strengthen their deep abdominal muscles, developing a strong “centre”.

Pilates focuses on slow controlled movements, ‘cat like’ as Joe would say, stretching tight overworked muscles and strengthening the smaller muscle groups that stabilise the body and limbs. The aim is to achieve a balanced body with correct body movements patterns, and postural awareness. Concentration of mind helps to develop a deeper understanding of your own body and relieve stress, all in all the intelligent way to exercise!

History of Pilates!

The Pilates Method of exercise was created by Josef Humbertus… Pilates who was born in 1880 near Dusseldorf Germany. He grew up suffering from rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever. As a teenager Pilates was determined to overcome these afflictions… and became skilled in gymnastics and athletics and also a student of musculature and body movement.

His studies also included Eastern forms of exercise and merging these with his Western Joseph Pilatesphysiology studies, the Pilates Method was born. Pilates named his method Contrology. In 1912 Joe went to England where he became a boxer, circus performer and a self-defence instructor. At the outbreak of World War 1 Joe was incarcerated with other German nationals as an ‘enemy alien’. During his internment Joe refined his ideas and trained other internees in his system of exercise. Pilates saw injured and diseased companions wasting away and dying simply through lack of movement. He rigged springs to hospital beds enabling bedridden patients to exercise against resistance, an innovation that led to his later equipment designs. In 1918 an influenza epidemic struck England killing thousands of people but not a single one of Joe’s trainees died, this he claimed testified to the effectiveness of his system. After his release Joe returned to Germany where he continued to develop his work and in 1926 emigrated to the United Sates. On the voyage to New York he met Clara a nurse who was to become his wife. Sharing a fascination in health and fitness they decided to open a studio and this is when his teaching became known to the dance world.




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