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1 For The Atheist's


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I'm all for organ donation, like anything else in life - if I'm not using it you may as well.

That said I haven't signed up for it, I really should, I like helping people, especially if all it means is sharing something I'm not using, I dunno if my organs would be any use but I can't think of any reason not to donate.

Death's a funny subject though, logically speaking I don't really care what happens when I cease to exist, but sort of spiritually speaking I want to be cremated on an open pire, and I don't mean the open pires they are planning to build for hindus that are really just normal cremations involving industrial ovens in an open courtyard setting. I really want to be burnt on a stack of logs above a hole, somewhere really out in the open like we did in this country 2000+ years ago, I'm not particulary spiritual but thats the only way that seems right to me; and like the rest of my moral compass, the preferred direction is illegal.

Edited by RilverSizlas
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Hi Gang

if you are of an Aitheist bent, when you snuff it are you bothered about your body?

would you give it to medical science?, even to be cut up and your skellington to be used

as a teaching aid

just a thought

im not bothered about the dead animals i pass in the road, theyre just dead meat, thats what i will be when i die, same will you be, a dead carcass of wasted energy. why care about ur body once ur finished with it? if it helps other people then chop me into a hundred bits for medical science... once im no longer breathing i dont care if i feed plants and get composted or burnt and put in a pot to go on the mantel piece, once im dead i dont are if i get mashed to dog food know what i mean?

i care about now, when im alive and breathing, now im cold and sober, now im being taxed and controled, now im poor and hurting, now my favorite plant is being attacked from all sides, when im dead im free from this body that feels pain... the mind is what counts, i think were here for a short time, use ur body while u can, or u will loose it. theres no second chance this is ur one chance on earth enjoy it, cos once ur dead ur body will be burried six feet under and not even be useful to the worms and grass...

im an atheist, ive always believed there is no god. god is a man made dream. if he is real he is a cunt and he abandoned us a long time ago... lol

e2a: would be pretty cool to be a skellington and sat in the corner of some science classroom for the next few hundred years....

Edited by anaconda19
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I've always wanted to die by being attacked and eaten by wild animals, preferably not for a while yet. I spend lots of time poking about in the jungle alone so it could happen quite easily. The way I look at it is that what ever it is you enjoy most in life then that is what you should be doing when you go out. Now I get a real serious buzz from getting close to wild animals, it's the thing I love most, and it is my dream to get really near to a leaopard. If I should die doing this well so be it, apart from the pain, it would be a seriously exciting way to go don't you think ? Much better than dying in your sleep. I just hope that nobody hunts down the animal and kills it, that would be the worst thing anybody could do to my memory and everyone close to me knows this.

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I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus :rofl:

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I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus lol


I can still remember my grandmother's last words.

''What are you doing in here with that hammer?''

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I've always wanted to die by being attacked and eaten by wild animals,

Well you want to try being first in the queue for a pizza when the unders are coming out in Glasgow city centre on a Saturday night!

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I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus :yep:


I can still remember my grandmother's last words.

''What are you doing in here with that hammer?''

I know Booj's but who's that RC? Or is it also Bob?

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Hi Gang

if you are of an Aitheist bent, when you snuff it are you bothered about your body?

would you give it to medical science?, even to be cut up and your skellington to be used

as a teaching aid

just a thought

Why not include those of a mono or polytheist bent too? :wink:

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Looked into the most ecologically sound method and decided on a woodland funeral. I'll leave most of the details to the mourners, funerals are more for the survivors than the deceased.

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Bury me whole. I dont believe in organ donation.

Can you clarify whether or not you're an atheist, and also your reasons for not supporting organ donation (it's not a question of believing in it as it definitely exists; you must have some reason to think its wrong or unnecessary I take it)

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I go for the recycling angle, So I'm prepared to donate my body to be eaten, although freshness may be an issue...

Say I am found at the side of the road after an accident, just like roadkill, well I wouldn't mind if someone took my parts home and ate me.

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I go for the recycling angle, So I'm prepared to donate my body to be eaten, although freshness may be an issue...

Say I am found at the side of the road after an accident, just like roadkill, well I wouldn't mind if someone took my parts home and ate me.

That's kind of how I feel. I think your body should be put to use; whether that be organ transplants, medical research, biomass fuel, whatever.

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