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10 Comandments


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if you broke 1 of the ten you die ?

get high is not one ?

so why not ?

what are all ten ?

Edited by getoartist
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6 are about God being a jealous cunt!!

The next 4 are Kill,covet,steal and produce obbirle shit bar :rofl:

If the imaginery being created everything(allegedly) lol

Then it allegedly created marijuana,and hence cannot be sinful lol

Well thats if there is such a thing lol

Cmon guys, talking snakes?????WTF!!

Edited by MasterTherion
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1. If you break one you wont die

2. No getting high is not one of the commandments, but should be

3. Cause 'Mythical uber being' created all drugs

4. 1, Dont have any other Gods, 2, dont create idols of me or heaven, 3, Dont take gods name in vain, 4, remember sunday, its sacred, 5, honour your father and mother, 6, don't murder, 7, dont commit adultery, 8 don't steal, 9, don't bear false witness against your neighbour? & 10, do not covet your neighbours house, wife, servant, maid, ox, donkey or anything that is your neighbours...


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Do as you would be done by. You don't need other laws.

Someone said that once. I don't think he was the son of God, I think he was just an enlightened person. But they killed him for it.

Edited by Boojum
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Do as you would be done by. You don't need other laws.

Only problem with that one hvy some nutters like agro

Ah but, would they like agro if it was being done to them?

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