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Does The Green Goddess Change Us?

Bill Dick

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I'm interested to hear from others who may have taken to using cannabis later on in life, and whether they think it changed their outlook on the world. I don't just mean the obvious changes when stoned or high, but rather any philosophical changes in every day life.

I've started using weed at the age of 40 in a bid to reduce or even stop my alcohol intake. So far it's working well, and I think I'm starting to see the world in a more chilled light. Hard to know if this is real or imagined, so I'd like to hear what others think.


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im afraid I cant really answer , as Im only now knocking your age after more than 23 years of pot use ,

but good on you for knocking the demon on the head sir.

All power to you.



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I don't think so, look at the number of racists and bigots that crop up here :notworthy:

A lot less than on sites where people aren't toking

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good on you for knocking the demon on the head sir.

All power to you.



Thanks geeep. I wish I'd got into weed earlier in life, but used to be in the Forces and it was a big no-no as you'd expect.

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I started smoking again to reduce my massive alcohol intake. I was proper stoned for about 9 months but now I keep both drink and herb in check. I drink far less now than I used to (I was on 2 and sometimes 3 bottles of wine a night and bottle upon bottle of rum at weekends). I maybe drink 2 glasses of wine a night or the odd beer now and have a couple of spliffs a week.

It hasn't mellowed me out any more than I was already.

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I started smoking again to reduce my massive alcohol intake. I was proper stoned for about 9 months but now I keep both drink and herb in check. I drink far less now than I used to (I was on 2 and sometimes 3 bottles of wine a night and bottle upon bottle of rum at weekends). I maybe drink 2 glasses of wine a night or the odd beer now and have a couple of spliffs a week.

It hasn't mellowed me out any more than I was already.

That's really encouraging to hear, cheers Martin.

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I was a teenager who was in and out of Hospital for long periods, life being pretty shit. My first toke at 16 changed all of that. It gave me a lust for life. Truly changed and helped me in so many ways. 6mths later I left home in a mates VW camper to.........well I still don't know to this day. I do remember my Mums mortified face when she said goodbye while handing over a rucksack full of medication :stoned: I stopped taking all of them a month or two later. Guess I'd topped my Cannabinoid profile up to an acceptable level :naughty:

That's my experience anyway.

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I don't think so, look at the number of racists and bigots that crop up here :(

Whilst this is true, I think if its banging on an open door so to speak then yes, it definately changes the way you think. I think drugs in general- in my case, haluciniagens, pills and weed have changed me for the better. i say think because I really dont know what I'd be like now otherwise. I'm certainly different from my siblings and close friends I grew up with. A good bit of this is also about the fact that you have a glaringly obvious part of your life that you know is completely different from the way a lot society and those in charge say it is. Once that box is opened you then question other things too.

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I don't think so, look at the number of racists and bigots that crop up here :(

Whilst this is true, I think if its banging on an open door so to speak then yes, it definately changes the way you think. I think drugs in general- in my case, haluciniagens, pills and weed have changed me for the better. i say think because I really dont know what I'd be like now otherwise. I'm certainly different from my siblings and close friends I grew up with. A good bit of this is also about the fact that you have a glaringly obvious part of your life that you know is completely different from the way a lot society and those in charge say it is. Once that box is opened you then question other things too.

true that, good post

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Once that box is opened you then question other things too.

Absolutely. Not sure if it's a combination of being older and wiser, growing and this site but I feel totally different to what I did 10 years ago, same engine ticking over just using better oil haha. Seriously though I never knew much about what was really going on in the world until joining this site, there's some really clever folks on here and the good thing about all the debates is you tend to form a better picture of the truth; which is utterly tragic, but when stoned and thinking too much I laugh too and think all will be fine at the end of the day, roll another fat one :-)

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