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Bio-bizz Schedule

Guest Red Dragon

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The BioBizz chart is for rooted cuttings not seedlings.

The optimum ph of the compost for maintaining health and growth is 6 to 6.8. It is much harder for the compost to buffer up than to buffer down.

I don't know how many time I have to say this, if you do ph down not below 6! You will mess up the micro flora and if not very careful ruin the compost..

In answer to your Q's Mr Dragon your programme vis 3 inch to 6 inch to 11 litre is fine. But for the 3 inch pots use half and half allmix and perlite.

As soon as the rootball is netted with fine roots move them to your 6 inch pots and neat allmix.

Same story for the move to the final pots. Once in the final pots let them root out the soil ball before flowering, as a general rule of thumb once all the plants are showing roots at the drainage holes. Go to 12/12.

You should not need any feed right through these stages. Once you are on 12/12 start feeding 1 ml of both grow and bloom to a litre of water.

At about week 2 of flowering change the mix to 1 ml grow and 2 ml bloom per litre.

At week 3 [21 days] a one off feed of a heaped table spoon of epsom salts per 10 litres add to that 1 ml of grow and 2 ml of bloom.

Round the 4 week mark, the mix is 1ml gr and 3 ml bl.

Once you start to see browning of pistils change to 2 ml gr and 1 ml bl keep with that till the end.

All you really need is grow and bloom + a little epsom salts.

Does this make sense?

An added point, if you see the tissue between the veins on the lower leaves turning a lighter green at any point its likly the first signs of Mg shortage starting an addition of a little epsom salts to the next feed should keep things right. Don’t over do this or else you can lock out other nutrients.

Being a puter man you will love this, I just spent an hr or more trying to find out why my new fire wire drive just would not mount on the desk top. I reinstalled all the extentions/drivers nadt. Then it occored to me it might work if I plugged the firewire cable in. Ot "good with plants shit with computers"

This is class, it's like an entire grow guide for an organic grow in soil in the shortest, clearest way possible to present it. Thanks very much for this, really helps me as a noob to be reminded of how NOT to overcomplicate a grow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='oldtimer1' timestamp='1077576267' postRound the 4 week mark, the mix is 1ml gr and 3 ml bl.

Once you start to see browning of pistils change to 2 ml gr and 1 ml bl keep with that till the end.

could you elaborate this last point ?

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  • 3 months later...

[quote name='oldtimer1' timestamp='1077576267' postRound the 4 week mark, the mix is 1ml gr and 3 ml bl.

Once you start to see browning of pistils change to 2 ml gr and 1 ml bl keep with that till the end.

could you elaborate this last point ?

When pistils (hairs) change color from white to brown, you add 2ml gr and 1 ml bl.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really need some advice if anyone can help... Just started my first grow about a month ago and decided to use OT's method mentioned here regarding biobizz fertilizers and all mix, been following the instructions exactly, however i'm having some major issues with my plants turning yellow and can't determine why. This is my setup...

-19 plants, cheesequake and ace of spades mostly with a couple of freebies also, currently in their second pots [100 percent all mix]

-2x 600 watt hps lights

-120 x 240 grow tent

-150mm ruck fan/ filter

-2 small fans within the tent to create air circulation

-the humidity ranges between 61% and 43% (cant get it higher despite numerous attempts)

-the temperature ranges between 76 f and 70 f

-callibrated my ph tester today and checked the ph of both tap water and soil (incase im locking out nutrients). soil was 6.3 and water was 6.6

-dont know the soil temp but it is warm to the touch

-water temp when watering is straight out the tap so perhaps too cold?

The plants are receiving 18 hours of light per day and are pretty much exactly 1 month old. 5 days ago I gave them their first transplanting into 9 inch pots and this was when i first noticed yellowish leaves. I was hoping it was just due to the original soil mix running out of goodness but since their repotting the plants haven't improved and if anything they've became even paler. 2 nights ago i decided to give a feed of 1 tablespoon of epsom salts per ten litres of water spread between all nineteen plants. Some of the plants have started to show a darker green with the new shoots but generally the garden still seems very pale. Am I just being impatient or should there have been an improvement by now if the issue was a magnesium deficiency? How long do epsom salts take to properly work and have i given them enough/ too much? After further reading i've also realized the problem might actually be a nitrogen deficiency, in which case is it worth perhaps starting to feed the plants early with some biogrow or would that burn them? Any advice would be really helpful and apologies if i'm asking stupid questions. I read all 19 pages of this thread to make sure i'm not asking something that was already covered though! This is my first and quite possibly only grow due to girlfriend commitments so if it doesn't work out i honestly think i'll cry! Will post an image of the most yellow plant in a couple of hours when I have time to work out how. Many thanks

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Give them some grow nutes..


You have to understand that a guide is just that and you shouldn't stick rigorously to it and especially if your plants are looking for food.

Learn to read your plants and feed accordingly..

Edited by madgiz
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-water temp when watering is straight out the tap so perhaps too cold?

Quite possibly the culprit. Mix hot and cold to take the chill of the water. If it feels ever so slightly warm when you put your finger in the water it's about right. Cold water may be 'shocking' the roots.

How are you watering? To a wet dry cycle?

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Great thanks. I'll change up next time I water. I was watering through a wet and dry cycle, however since re-potting last week the soil hasn't been allowed to dry out fully... I was quite eager to give them epsom salts even though i gave them a good water two days previously when transplanting.

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I doubt a one off break from the cycle will hurt. You can foliar feed (spray the leaves) with epsom salts and some nutes if you need to correct a problem in future without watering.

Older growth doesn't tend to re-gain greenness once it's gone. If they are actively growing in the new pots now, and the yellowing isn't spreading further up the plant then they should be OK. They shouldn't need feeding in the allmix for a little why but a low dose of grow shouldn't hurt either to help them get back on track.

Did you manage to sort out pics?

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I doubt a one off break from the cycle will hurt. You can foliar feed (spray the leaves) with epsom salts and some nutes if you need to correct a problem in future without watering.

Older growth doesn't tend to re-gain greenness once it's gone. If they are actively growing in the new pots now, and the yellowing isn't spreading further up the plant then they should be OK. They shouldn't need feeding in the allmix for a little why but a low dose of grow shouldn't hurt either to help them get back on track.

Did you manage to sort out pics?

Thanks, really appreciate the advice. Got a couple of pics here i took last night... the first one is an example of the typical colour all my plants are showing, however while taking pics i also noticed yellow spots on the lower leaves of this one plant. The second picture is the plant I thought looked most yellow. As you can see I don't even think the new growth is any darker. This is the worst offending plant mind. Others are definitely showing some signs of improvement.

Edited by madgiz
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Upload pics to your gallery here mate.....not a great idea to put canna pics on third part hosting sites for either uploader or viewer.

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sion I have deleted your link to your pictures and you should do the same at the hosting site as they have your exact GPS location embedded in the exif data.. :ninja:

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Sorry yeah that was really stupid, should have looked at guidelines for posting images. What a noob. Just deleted the post myself and reposted the images to my profile on here. I've added a 3rd image of all my plants to show how the ones photographed close up compare to the rest. Mind you the lighting is a bit dodgy so it is hard to tell. The plant second from the left in the middle is the one I thought looked most yellow. Cheers



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