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Bio-bizz Schedule

Guest Red Dragon

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  • 3 months later...
The BioBizz chart is for rooted cuttings not seedlings.

The optimum ph of the compost for maintaining health and growth is 6.5 to 6.8. It is much harder for the compost to buffer up than to buffer down.

I don't know how many time I have to say this, if you do ph down not below 6.5! You will mess up the micro flora and if not very careful ruin the compost..

In answer to your Q's Mr Dragon your programme vis 3 inch to 6 inch to 11 litre is fine. But for the 3 inch pots use half and half allmix and perlite.

As soon as the rootball is netted with fine roots move them to your 6 inch pots and neat allmix.

Same story for the move to the final pots. Once in the final pots let them root out the soil ball before flowering, as a general rule of thumb once all the plants are showing roots at the drainage holes. Go to 12/12.

You should not need any feed right through these stages. Once you are on 12/12 start feeding 1 ml of both grow and bloom to a litre of water.

At about week 2 of flowering change the mix to 1 ml grow and 2 ml bloom per litre.

At week 3 [21 days] a one off feed of a heaped table spoon of epsom salts per 10 litres add to that 1 ml of grow and 2 ml of bloom.

Round the 4 week mark, the mix is 1ml gr and 3 ml bl.

Once you start to see browning of pistils change to 2 ml gr and 1 ml bl keep with that till the end.

All you really need is grow and bloom + a little epsom salts.

Does this make sense?

An added point, if you see the tissue between the veins on the lower leaves turning a lighter green at any point its likly the first signs of Mg shortage starting an addition of a little epsom salts to the next feed should keep things right. Don’t over do this or else you can lock out other nutrients.

Being a puter man you will love this, I just spent an hr or more trying to find out why my new fire wire drive just would not mount on the desk top. I reinstalled all the extentions/drivers nadt. Then it occored to me it might work if I plugged the firewire cable in. Ot "good with plants shit with computers"

newbie here with q: i have read in alot of forums that growers tend to reduce the amount of n (nitrogen) in the finally stages of flowering, if iam correct in assuming biobizz grow has alot of n in it, this goes against what i have read can you tell me y you increase the bb grow near to end and reduce the bloom

I have started a soil grow boibizz all mix and bb grow,bloom, topmix i am also using adv nut carbo load, also going to be adding pk13/14

what do you think about bb topmix,carbo load and pk13/14 is it necessary

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newbie here with q: i have read in alot of forums that growers tend to reduce the amount of n (nitrogen) in the finally stages of flowering, if iam correct in assuming biobizz grow has alot of n in it, this goes against what i have read can you tell me y you increase the bb grow near to end and reduce the bloom

I have started a soil grow boibizz all mix and bb grow,bloom, topmix i am also using adv nut carbo load, also going to be adding pk13/14

what do you think about bb topmix,carbo load and pk13/14 is it necessary

There may be other opinions on other forums (and this one) but the general consensus on this site is that you should drop the P and K in late flowering when growing in soil and that's why OT1 suggests dropping the Bloom and maintaining the grow once the buds begin to show the first signs of ripening. Based on what I've seen with my plants and other peoples' diaries this is sound advice if you want your plants staying healthy in late flower.

If you're taking the step of using an organic feed then you should be able to feed the plant perfectly adequately with the BB Grow and Bloom and should ignore all that other stuff in my opinion. BioBizz is a complete feed that will supply all the nutrients your plants will require apart from magnesium and are well balanced so there's no need for PK13/14 by my reckoning.

I'd never heard of Carbo Load so I've just looked it up and found this:

"Every cellular process in your plants requires energy. And plants rely on carbohydrates, just like humans, to produce this energy.

However, your plants have a lot of work to do to take them all the way from tiny little seeds to grow and bloom into big, juicy, lush buds filling out a huge harvest like you want them to.

After their growth phase they've used up a lot of energy already. Then about half-way into their bloom cycle, many growers see their plants hit a wall. In reality, their plants are what scientists call "carb depleted", because they've already burnt up all the carbohydrates they've been fed and have none left for energy to fuel further growth."

:rofl: All this time I thought plants use sunlight and water to produce carbohydrates. Maybe I should mix some pasta and potatoes into my potting compost :B):

Your plants will get there energy from your grow lamp, they don't need this kind of jumped up BS from someone trying to rip you off. I don't think many people have found TopMax to be of any real benefit either but I've never tried it myself.

If you want to get something to boost your plants I would look into inoculating your soil (Root grow or Plant Magic Granules amongst others) and have a gander at Plant Magic's range of other beneficials, I'm sure plenty of people will agree they are very effective. I've used essence and you can see the response from the plants within hours. The kind of products you should be using with BioBizz are those that will help develop the colonies of desirable bacteria and funghi in your soil and also on your plant. This will help the plants take up plenty of the organic feed and keep them resilient and healthy.

Hope this helps :)

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At week 3 [21 days] a one off feed of a heaped table spoon of epsom salts per 10 litres add to that 1 ml of grow and 2 ml of bloom.

just to double check, when i m giving the feed with epsom salts , is the 1 ml grow and 2 ml bloom the usual per litre so i d be adding 10 ml grow + 20 ml bloom along with the heaped table spoon of epsoms to 10 litres of tap water .

I would like to know this too please, I am a newbie.

Do you mean 10 litre Epsom Salt water + a single dose of Grow and Bloom (1ml and 2ml)?

Or do you mean to add 1ml and 2ml of Grow and Bloom per litre - as usual? (to the epsom salt water)

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At week 3 [21 days] a one off feed of a heaped table spoon of epsom salts per 10 litres add to that 1 ml of grow and 2 ml of bloom.

just to double check, when i m giving the feed with epsom salts , is the 1 ml grow and 2 ml bloom the usual per litre so i d be adding 10 ml grow + 20 ml bloom along with the heaped table spoon of epsoms to 10 litres of tap water .

I would like to know this too please, I am a newbie.

Do you mean 10 litre Epsom Salt water + a single dose of Grow and Bloom (1ml and 2ml)?

Or do you mean to add 1ml and 2ml of Grow and Bloom per litre - as usual? (to the epsom salt water)

:yinyang: He means per litre as usual.

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  • 2 months later...

I have bio-bizz bloom and grow. I did not get any epsom salts yet.

But I also bought fishmix, when should I use that with bloom and grow?

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I have bio-bizz bloom and grow. I did not get any epsom salts yet.

But I also bought fishmix, when should I use that with bloom and grow?

I would give 1/2fishmix and 1/2 grow to your feed so for example if your feed was 2ml of grow then give 1ml grow 1ml fishmix.

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I have bio-bizz bloom and grow. I did not get any epsom salts yet.

But I also bought fishmix, when should I use that with bloom and grow?

Personally I would do away with the grow and just use fish mix with the bloom,, I haven't got anything against BB grow I just prefer fish mix as the nutes seem to be available to the plant quicker..

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  • 2 weeks later...

just changed from Ionic to Biobizz for flowering in soil ..

Ionic lists the recommended pH and EC (5.5 - 6.2 pH & 1.5 EC) but all biobizz lists is ml per litre, i would rather not ignore pH levels so does anyone have any recommended levels just to be on the safe side ? Also, the max dose with biobizz (5ml per litre) gives a lower EC than Ionic ie 1.0 as to my previous Ionic doses running up to an EC of 1.5

Help much appreciated ¬!

Edited by Fac51
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BioBizz is organic.

EC is a measure of chemical salts in the water.

No EC for organics, you have to give your plant what it tells you it needs.

E2a - No need to do anything with the pH either. Dirt buffers it

Edited by L'Emmerdeur
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BioBizz is organic.

EC is a measure of chemical salts in the water.

No EC for organics, you have to give your plant what it tells you it needs.

E2a - No need to do anything with the pH either. Dirt buffers it

Was using Ionic for soil ! i thought EC gave an indication of the amount of nutes in the water ? my nute mix ( Biobizz with water) pH is 6.5 .. is this ok ?

cheers for the advice ¬!

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No need to measure EC or pH with organic nutrients in soil.

Do a diary and post pics if you have problems then people can give you some advice.

With the BioBizz nutrients you need grow/fishmix and bloom for flowering, you will probably also need some epsom salts at some point.

If you want to use organic nutrients get the Plant Magic Oldtimer stuff. It's miles better.

Edited by L'Emmerdeur
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