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Guest Red Dragon

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Soul Survivor

sorry if this has already been stated, just need an answer for defo.

When I go in to flower and start tointroduce the nutes, is it a good idea to start both grow and bloom at .5ml per litre. And then slowly increase them at the next watering like 1ml grow, 1ml bloom, and the next watering after that 1ml grow, 1.5ml bloom and so on untill i get to about week 5/6 where i will be giving them 1-2ml grow and 3ml bloom, and about week7 decrease the bloom and increase grow slightly


Edited by Soul Survivor
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  • 3 weeks later...

Good chart Green Ninja, only things I'd like to add are I don't think it's wise to be so prescriptive with the Epsom salts, they should only be used if the plants show indications of Mg deficiency, secondly OT1 advises against using perlite :(

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sorry if this has already been stated, just need an answer for defo.

When I go in to flower and start tointroduce the nutes, is it a good idea to start both grow and bloom at .5ml per litre. And then slowly increase them at the next watering like 1ml grow, 1ml bloom, and the next watering after that 1ml grow, 1.5ml bloom and so on untill i get to about week 5/6 where i will be giving them 1-2ml grow and 3ml bloom, and about week7 decrease the bloom and increase grow slightly


use 1ml of each like the chart says as this is low anyway

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  • 1 month later...
Guest ping pang

really informative thread im currently using ot1 guide to a tea and they look like theyre loving it no signs over doing it all, having fun in the sun, maybe they want more, but will i give it em? will i fuck :eek:, when feeding the epsom salts it says heaped table spoon to 10 litres, i only have 2 litre bottles to mix my nutes, so if i wanted to break down the amount of epsom salts to say per 1 litre, would it be heaped table spoon of epsom salts onto a some kitchen scales then divide the amount by 10 giving me the amount i need for 1 litre? oh and what does heaped mean? does that mean big heap on spoon like a mountain :nea: or heaped as in level if that even makes any fuckin sense :rofl:


ping pang

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Guest ping pang
really informative thread im currently using ot1 guide to a tea and they look like theyre loving it no signs over doing it all, having fun in the sun, maybe they want more, but will i give it em? will i fuck :), when feeding the epsom salts it says heaped table spoon to 10 litres, i only have 2 litre bottles to mix my nutes, so if i wanted to break down the amount of epsom salts to say per 1 litre, would it be heaped table spoon of epsom salts onto a some kitchen scales then divide the amount by 10 giving me the amount i need for 1 litre? oh and what does heaped mean? does that mean big heap on spoon like a mountain :rofl: or heaped as in level if that even makes any fuckin sense :rofl:


ping pang

i googled heaped tablespoon :rofl: so it is a lump/mountain :rofl: na can someone confirm the epsom salts thing i asked im sure thats how you would do it per litre lol

e2a again.. :rofl: ya dont have to dissolve it like you do when you bath in it do you?, like just mix with ya water a nutes and give it a good shake a few pours in and out of the bottles etc

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Yes mate - just divide up the amount by 10 to get a per litre dosage. I'd suggest dissolving the epsoms in a little hot water from the kettle then chucking that in with the rest of the water/feed.

Personally I prefer to give them a lower dose, but twice once at day 10 or so of flower, once at day 20 or so. Definately don't give them any more than what's been recommended, epsoms is easy to overdo.

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Guest ping pang
Yes mate - just divide up the amount by 10 to get a per litre dosage. I'd suggest dissolving the epsoms in a little hot water from the kettle then chucking that in with the rest of the water/feed.

Personally I prefer to give them a lower dose, but twice once at day 10 or so of flower, once at day 20 or so. Definately don't give them any more than what's been recommended, epsoms is easy to overdo.

cheers for the reply mate, dividing by ten i get 1.5 grams per litre, but thats my heaped table spoon :ghost:, but ill lower that a little bit just incase :rofl:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks again for the info Oldtimer. Just to confirm then, would that mean that you should never need to feed during Vegging?

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It would mean that compost should feed your plant s trough veg.

And from day 1 of flower you start with 1ml grow 1 ml bloom.

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thanks ot1 and everyone else, read thread begining to end, every question i could have asked has been answered more than once :innocent:

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  • 1 month later...
i planted seed in allmix they were fine no nute burn whatsever

Same here. Now I don't know why I would get two different composts when all-mix is perfectly fine from day one...

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Maybe someone with a higher level of expertise should make a FAQ on this and get it stickied

Well don't fancy reading 17 pages, helpful as it will be

From what i've read so far, a lot of question answered! Thanks


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I stop using the bloom roughly 2 weeks before the chop moodster and usually end up finishing on 1ml grow or just water for last few days if the plant is still nice and green.

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