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Bio-bizz Schedule

Guest Red Dragon

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Cheers pal :wink:

Amazing how much you learn doing a comprehensive grow... funny never had a taste for Biology when at school, but you add the potential of producing a rather nice smoke and all the effort is a pleasure!! :rofl:

What are your thoughts on fimming, where increased yield is concerned?

It seems liike the jury ( a dity word i know! :rofl: ) is out.

Ive fimmed four of my six, all have four stems as apposed to one. Wanted to leave a couple natural to compare yield when cropped.


Edited by Owderb
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been gifted a bottle of grandma enggys fulvic acid - is there any room in the OT feeding schedule for some of this or will this just knock the pH out of line and cause trouble?

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And also I am growing a sativa dominant strain (johnny blaze) in a greenhouse - as they flower for perhaps a bit longer (I know OT grows a very sat dominant strain but his is under lab conditions rather than a greenhouse) do you think the flowering surge would be slightly later and hence the epsom salts a bit later in the grow? I am force flowering so the flowering is being started now - using an initial 11hour light / 13 hour dark phase to kick start them.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi OT1, I'm a noob and I've found your posts very eyeopening! so very helpful and I can't wait to start a new grow a proper one!

I just want to be sure I've get it right, I grow from seed and wish to put them in your best soil mix!?

This is what I've picked up - all mix perlite 50/50 until roots show 3 inch pot. dust with tricoderma

then transfer to 6 in pot, allmix with 2 handfuls of fytocell, some kind of seaweed? rootgrow, rockdust, then to final 11 litre pot, same soil but with 1 in of clay balls at the bottom and a layer on top round the base of the plant.

when they show roots put into 12/12 and feed biobizz grow bloom like you say adding some epsom salt when needed.

Could you please tell me if this is right and if possible add more good advice

Many thanks, Bernard

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Sounds like you got the jist but I would allow a little more time after roots show to ensure you have a big rootball which gives a better yield, I would leave out the clay balls and maybe look for a better compost as I am not a fan of allmix especially with young plants


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Guest smoketilluchoke

i planted seed in allmix they were fine no nute burn whatsever

in fact they looked a lot healthier than one i did in light mix

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21 days flowering is round the end of a massive biological change caused by forced flowering caused by light hrs change, its round this time that stretch ends and flower production really takes off. Lots of Mg is needed and used in the following period, a one off dose helps the rapid flower growth that takes place now so flower expansion is not limited by a Mg shortage, a dose at this point keep the plants lower leaves healthy and obviates the Mg needed, being stripped from lower leaves to enable unlimited flowering, this in turn keeps the lower sunleaves doing what they should, ie producing sugars.

You may well get slightly higher yield by maintaining high phosphate levels after the main flush of flowering is over, once the plants are at this stage their nutrient needs are lower overall, by changing the mix so the K values are higher overall and reducing the p you get a much smoother smoke, better terpene production and all in all the final potency also seems better. To sum up the resulting buds burn better, smell nicer and get you higher, this comes from blind a/b sample testing over many grows.

Can i just ask what people are paying for Epsom Salt? Ive found a place online that sells it delivered for £5.50 per 1Kg, ive no idea if this is a fair price.

Edited by Nausicca
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i dont think your being had but i wouldnt really know, ive only bought it once. i think it was 3 quidish but 500g i think........., now i dont want to keep banging on about compost teas but a brew made from good quality worm casts is just the ticket to keep such things at bay, an amazing effect is had! the girls just love it! the leaves go a beautiful lush green, over all health shoots up and it seems almost instant. you couldnt give a girl a better present

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It should be about 4 or 5 quid for a 3 kilo bag from the chemists.

If you have a horticultural sundriesman near you its about 9 or 10 quid for a 25 kilo bag.

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High there OldTimer, thanks for all the wisdom and experience,and ive had nice crops following ur schedule,its my 3rd run im allmix,but this grow differs that i added rock dust and used root grow and granules and Webbys Essence,i grow from seed would u still recomend that i treat my plants with Epsoms at the 3rd week of flowering,im at my 5th week of veg in 2 or 3 days,should i give it to them now,the 1s that have showed to be female,and ive used Seers rock dust,regards all,,,,Oss. lol


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i think i picked that apart...

add epsom salts when he told you. you dont need to add epsom salts in the middle of veg for no reason.


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Guest Tyler.Durden

its probably worth mentioning if your the average home grower 25 kilo of epsoms will last you about 7 lifetimes :ouch:, i grow under a 600w and i cant see the 1k i got from bnq for a bout £4 running out anytime in the next few years, not sure what shelf life it has?

might as well ad myself as another ot1 fanboy while im here lol ive learnt a lot from your posts, cheers.

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If you have a horticultural sundriesman near you its about 9 or 10 quid for a 25 kilo bag.

I'd kill to live near a place like that :spliff:

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Hmm cannabis's peak use of Mg is when its going through the change into flowering mode, giving a little extra round the third week of 12/12 helps the change and lays the ground for good bud formation.

People who see Mg probs in veg usually have root structure problems or there is a problem with their compost. Ie the plants are developing in an unbalanced way, could be there is a fungal factor or the compost is crap, as a point, low root zone temperatures will also inhibit balanced nutrient uptake.

So a plant showing Mg or a variety of mixed deficiencies can be down to the roots being too cold and not taking up nutrients even if the compost contains a good mix of nutrients. We see more of these type of problems every year, year after year through the period of late autumn through to early spring.

People who grow in compost seem to ignore this environmental factor, anyone who grows hydro will know they need to keep the nutrient solution round the 20c mark for best uptake.It is as important as the right ph and cf. In some ways temperature in compost and soils is more important, in the great outdoors, as it gets colder the whole soil fauna slows down as the average soil temperature lowers until it virtually halts. People who grow indoors just seem to ignore this fact entirely. Nature is wonderful plants, trees and the soil micro heard all dance to the rhythm of the seasons in unison. We who want to grow indoors need to copy the peak outdoor conditions when we make our indoor environment.

Sorry if this is a little off topic but it came to my mind just now and its something everyone who grows indoors should also understand and keep in mind.

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