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Anyone Here A Freemason?

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freemasonary = canny find any pals so i'll join all the other na pal folks.

but its a secret that we have na pals ok then dont tell anybody

fuckin nobs.

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The Masonic Floor is Black and White Check... Just like the band round a coppers hat on his head. Anyone else notice that?

They also use Goats.

The masons and the police go hand in hand mate. A few years ago you would have a hard time finding a high ranking copper who wasn't in the club, as for judges - I still think its required - also helps if you have a taste for rent boys. Thats where the nipple flashing comes from lol.

My grandad was a mason. As my dad was first born son he was supposed to follow his dad into the mason's, he wasn't into it and it caused big problems between them for years. My dad's younger brother would have loved to be a freemason but hasn't been invited yet - much to his annoyance.

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I once had a girlfriend whose stepfather was some high ranker in the masons and also a former royal bodyguard from the police force. Anyway, I was invited to the annual masonic 'wifes and family' dinner dance, and the band playing were called 'Blue Stripe' or something, apparently all made up of policemen. Fucking weird night that was.

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So suppose one day the freemasons get ahold of the world and do the new world order... then all these bum loving pussy ole' na pals gonna already represent them...? sorta like securing 'minority' ?

From readin your guys interactions with these ppl at there 'lodges' in the underground facilities and serving school meals etc... sounds like they must have shit for brains,more money than brains? Why throw money around procrastinating when they can spend it on the poor?

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I spent a while with a couple of friends doing the catering for a masonic lodge. A sadder bunch of worthless, pointless, self important twats I have never encountered. It was hilarious. I got to see all the inner workings of the masonic lodge (because they really still live in a mindset where the 'staff' are invisible, just like the ruling classes felt about the servants a century ago). I saw every inch of the lodge. I watched their stupid rituals through a half open door. I heard them banging on tables and shouting stupid chants like a bunch of public schoolboys. We fed them the food that they ate at public school, the mashed potato and vegetables boiled to death. It's a fucking joke, a bunch of fat wankers in a gang trying to relive their school days (no offence meant to anyone who went to public school and has moved on, these are tossers for whom school days were, indeed, the best days of their lives and they SO want to relive them). If only the masons were a secret society based on occult principles, at least they'd be a bit interesting. They aren't, they're just a bunch of ex public school boys trying to reclaim their glory days while helping each other up the greasy pole.

They control the world :wink: :)lol lol

Hahaha mate that is absolutely spot on. They just feel good about being part of a secret society and love all that old boy arse slapping and shit.

My grandad was one and he won't even utter a single word about it even though he's 85 and hasn't done anything with em for 40 years.

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i was just browsing this thread and had a bit of a look see to check who else was reading - some other guy whos name was master.... :rofl:

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this is interesting, my grandad was in the RAF and im sure he was one of them, my old man was into it for a few years while business was good, and my uncle, got blanked by em, so they dont get on..

im, supposedly the next in line but me n he never been close, i dont abide by boasters and theyre ilk.

so we lock horns more often than not, and cos i burn, its almost like im neo and hes a bumblin old hater.(pretend racist etc)

yawn, i watched 'the arrivals' recently, and that showed me a bunch of freemason stuff i hadnt noticed, and this week ive been looking over a bunch of architecture, quite fascinating reading etc.


i reckon the lower minions are all knobs, the mids n uppers are all rapists, murderers or gay and scared to admit it etc, "blackmailable"

by whom?....cud be er upstairs.., fkd if i know.

Luv U all Though.


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