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Which Happened First?


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Hello all.

I've been pondering various aspects of cannabis for a while now and need some help.

Does anyone know if the human endocannabinoid system evolved by chance - before we started consuming it?

(personally I can't see this happening as it is such a perfect bioligical partnership)

Or did the human endocannabinoid system develop as a direct result of consumption by humans (or their ancestors)

If the latter is the case - are there any examples of Human races that don't have an endocannabinoid system - eg. The Inuit and other eskimo tribes. (I doubt that there is a canna strain indiginous to frozen tundra)

If even the eskimos have an endocannabinoid system does this mean that any human ancestor that at one point did not consume canna died out fir some reason?

if this is the case you could argue that canna saved the human race>

sorry for rubbish punctuation _ computer won@t caps properly>

have a good night>

ffc :stoned:

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Are humans the only species with such?

Don't other animals get stoned?

Would other animals have been anywhere near as likely to come into contact with cannabis and consciously consume it?

I think it was the egg.

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Does anyone know if the human endocannabinoid system evolved by chance - before we started consuming it?

no. that would be the most likely answer here :stoned:

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I think we've always had the receptors, and I believe they can be traced back through genetics to a very early common ancestor to animals. I can remember seeing a documentary that said it orginated in a clam (or something, my memory fails me) before much else had evolved. It was used to slow down the rate at which the clam opened and closed, or something along those lines. I believe the fact that cannabis plants produce chemicals that fit these receptors is just chance.

I'll see if I can find the info and correct myself if neccesary.

e2a: I'm pretty sure it wasn't a clam but some very simple sea-based organism which used it to slow down the rate of something. I'm glad that's clear now lol

OK I can't find anything that you wouldn't need a phd to decipher right now, but to answer your original question, no not by chance, we inherited it from an early basic organism.

Edited by RilverSizlas
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I think we've always had the receptors, and I believe they can be traced back through genetics to a very early common ancestor to animals. I can remember seeing a documentary that said it orginated in a clam (or something, my memory fails me) before much else had evolved.

e2a: I'm pretty sure it wasn't a clam but some very simple sea-based organism which used it to slow down the rate of something. I'm glad that's clear now lol

I remember seeing the same documentary or programme, I think it was a sea urchin, sea anemone, sea sponge or something of that nature.

I would have to agree that humans have always had the receptors in place lol .

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Are humans the only species with such?

Don't other animals get stoned?

Would other animals have been anywhere near as likely to come into contact with cannabis and consciously consume it?

I think it was the egg.

More or less every Mammal has the receptors.

Canabis just happened to have it in it, pure chance.

e2a: It's also interesting to note how close the human species is DNA wise. We all (85% ish) come from more or less one tribe of around 100 people.

There is more DNA difference between a Monkey and it's son than there is between the entire human race.

Edited by Weedio
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Brilliant - Thanks!!!

Now what to think about - - ????

Why do I always want to go to the loo as soon as I enter Blockbuster (or other generic video store?

See y'all


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Does anyone know if the human endocannabinoid system evolved by chance - before we started consuming it?
Endocannabinoids, as the name suggests, are produced within the body. I've been pondering why cannabis is contra-indicated to deep meditation. Then, during a 10 day course of deep meditation, I noticed that I was red-eyed, ravenous and giggly. Mmm...
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