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People With Presence


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... I keep getting this thought of a field, like a magnetic type field of emotional energy which can be projected by people. Has anyone ever considered this? Or know of any research done into it. Cos it seems like a well known fact that some people are known to emit some kind of energy or radiation which others sense before even seeing the person. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about what it is, or where it comes from.
The person who most famously investigated this interaction between matter and consciousness was Siddharta Gautama, who lived 2,500 years ago in Northern India. When he finally arrived at full comprehension of this mechanism and was able to transcend it, he became known as the Buddha ('enlightened one'). Buddha spent the rest of his life teaching others the meditation techniques that enable individuals to experience this energy flow and to detach emotion from experience to become a conduit for universal energy. Unfortunately, over the ensuing centuries, this teaching became codified into an 'ism' and acculturated into various strands of religion and the actual technique the Buddha taught became lost, except in Mayanmar (Burma), where successive generations of meditation masters maintained the technique in its purity, so that it could be revived in modern times as Vipassana (which means 'to see things as they really are') by the contemporary teacher, S.N. Goenka. Today, Vipassana Meditation, in this tradition, is taught for free in ten day courses at centres around the world. If you wish to know more, Google 'Vipassana' or pick up a copy of 'The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation as Taught by S.N. Goenka by William Hart and S.N. Goenka'. Be happy:-)
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  • 3 weeks later...
No idea, but plants communicate by releasing chemicals, dogs can smell 'fear' which I've always thought was some chemical, so there is probably a chemical being released that bypasses our normal olfactory system but is recognised by some primary sensors directly hooked up to one of the older parts of our brain. I MADE ALL THAT UP.

:yep: lmao :yep: quality

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