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People With Presence


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Everyone seems to get some value of neg/pos feedback from almost everything sensed with the supposed five normal senses, without taking into account any other types of 'senses' a person may seem to possess.....(or be possessed by)....

negative &/or positive responses are dingdongin back & forth on some level of consciousness constantly......that's what much of consciousness is...... response & reaction........rejection & reflection .....decision & dreamtime

seemingly ..."emotional energy can be projected by people".......haven't we all come across people whom act as downright 'buzzkillers'?

so it seems ..."it's possible for a person to change the feeling of the space around them"....for theirselves personaly...

& further... it's potentially possible for others at any distance to be sensitized to suchlike...

.... but there are times (certainly for me) that a greater intensity of reaction can be felt & for sure.. a person can seem to be the focus of this .....

sometimes a similar reaction may sweep through several people.....perhaps even thousands...(football matches, rock concerts)..

surely, everyone has felt this to some small degree? negatively or otherwise...

...just a part of so called 'normal/mundane/groundbound' life....

However..there is definatly a 'beyond' the normal/mundane/groundbound...wherein what is 'sensed' carries a communication, to specifically, 'you/me'....

.... this of course... would need to be experienced &/or understood 'first hand' in order not be dismissed....or ridiculed.

"It's that voice inside you"...& outside you/me.

.. apparently ...thoughts can take place in "one mind and be received by another"

.....matter "space and time".....are products of conscious perception......they arn't necessarily anywhere in any other way...so as such they at times 'may not' act as barriors....

the more understood in this direction.....the harder to relay that understanding to where-ever it's 'less understood'..........................obviously.


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Saw a great documentry a few years ago, had a scientist talking about his theory, he believes that the nervous system acts like an antenna, able to send and recieve bio electric impulses or something like that, been a while :\

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Imo there are two possibilities

Either A, this "presence" is the observation of anothers emotion and thoughts rendered in body language.


B, the universe is magical and people have aura's etc, that todays science is unable to record.


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Imo there are two possibilities

Either A, this "presence" is the observation of anothers emotion and thoughts rendered in body language.


B, the universe is magical and people have aura's etc, that todays science is unable to record.


meh science tends to shy away from that which cannot be explained or profited from

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I think I've experienced something like that, as Blayz'd says, you can feel it when the person is behind you. Very different to what I would call vibes you can pick up from others around you.

There's something quite special and strong about it, and it is completely unrelated to attraction. I've found it intriguing but I doubt if any scientist is going to get round it somehow. I'm sure that it also requires that you are in a fairly clean state of mind, to pick it up, i.e. not agitated, not socially assesing anyone. I'm also sure that it's not accidental, but very conscious.

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I keep thinking maybe it's possible for a person to change the feeling of the space around them with their minds or emotions. I think it's possible for people to project either feelings, emotion or some type of energy into the space around their physical body. Maybe people don't know what I'm talking about. It's no charisma.

I think I kinda know where your coming from Blayz'd...... :smug:

Back in the early 90's I nursed my partner of the time through lung cancer and at the end it progressed into a brain tumour and she was in a coma for the final month of her life.(4 years of a hell of roller coaster in that sentence :rofl:).

The final two weeks were spent waiting for her to die and every day she fought it (I think?) and hung on and I remember having a conversation with one of the Macmillan nurses that was helping me out and saying 'As long as I'm in this house she won't die' and as far as I was concerned she wouldn't.

I don't know whether that was my projection of it or not but that was my belief (but by then I hadn't slept properly for over a month and hadn't been to bed for nearly six months as her illness worsened-I was sleeping on the floor as she hated to be left alone).

So.. that final morning I'd said to the nurse 'I'm going out with the dogs..I'll be back later'.How much later I hadn't a clue but I knew that I needed to allow enough time for my 'presence' to leave the house and I'd know when the time was right to return.

I did.

I felt it, and by that time I was a fair few miles from our house,but it was a feeling of relaxation and release and I remember looking at my watch..10.55..and thinking 'Thats it..it's over' and I was right.

I got back a few hours later (that was my remembrance time) and she'd died as I'd felt it at 10.55.

Mad shit tho right? :rofl:

Yeah.... :fear:

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:ouch: Thanks OG, that sounds like the one I think. When things like that happen I can't simply believe they're a coincidence. I don't think it's psychic or any of that stuff either. I think there are proper scientific principles behind it. Glad I'm not the only one who has experienced such things though. I feel a bit less crazy now :thumsup:

I think your right too Daviie. Conscious thought seems to block this sort of stuff out. I think you have to be sort of connected or tuned in to the air or ether to sense it too. I'm quite certain there are more senses than the ones we know about. More than just a 6th too. I think there are multiple senses we're unaware of. Wish I knew more about it though. It fascinates me.

I've had a few things happen like this but they're always accidental. They just happen. I want to know if there are methods of making this happen purposefully. Or ways to train the mind to be more in tune with whatever medium these thoughts or emotions travel.

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ive seen what you could almost call a 6th sense in animals, where they get restless/excited/agitated. For example, when a family member was on there way home, its like they could feel there presence coming to greet them, it was strange to witness.

children experience something very similiar, being able to almost pick up on peoples thoughts as if they were there my own. It can definately be erased out of you though by culture telling you its nonsense.

og, thats a very touching story and thanks for sharing it... Teachers, friends and family have told of very similiar stories about people/animals passing on and feeling the presence at the exact moment they leave, i find it fascinating. C.G.Jung's book, memories, dreams and reflections is a decent read, which contains stories of the paranormal.

All religions mention that life's purpose is to find spirit, everyone is born with a soul ( the recieving vessel) and spirit has to be found/attained through lifes journey and ultimately coming to full consciousness. Maybe those with presence have recieved there spirit?

interesting topic

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ive seen what you could almost call a 6th sense in animals, where they get restless/excited/agitated. For example, when a family member was on there way home, its like they could feel there presence



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Imo there are two possibilities

Either A, this "presence" is the observation of anothers emotion and thoughts rendered in body language.


B, the universe is magical and people have aura's etc, that todays science is unable to record.


meh science tends to shy away from that which cannot be explained or profited from

No, science tends to shy away from that which cannot be empirically proven ;)

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or the science presented to us is trying to deny spirit and keep us in the material/physical...

the truth is the Elite, royalty believe in spirit. They inbreed intentionally to maintain there psychotic rule over the people, they believe they have descended from fallen angels thrown out of the spirit realm back into the material body. They dont believe in evolution the way its been presented to us either. There blood lines go way back to the pharaohs, who shared the same religion.

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