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People With Presence


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I'm sure everyone here is aware of stories about people who fill a room with their presence. Like where people report feeling the presence of certain people in rooms. I've been wondering about what exactly this is. I thought it might be like an emotional energy or something. Cos I've done it a couple of times but only with negative energy. Where I've got real angry and created tension in the air. Like a strong atmosphere. I think this is the same thing but the people I'm talking about seem to exude this in a more positive way, more of the time, instead of random flashes of it like I've experienced. I keep getting this thought of a field, like a magnetic type field of emotional energy which can be projected by people. Has anyone ever considered this? Or know of any research done into it. Cos it seems like a well known fact that some people are known to emit some kind of energy or radiation which others sense before even seeing the person. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about what it is, or where it comes from. Even theories you've thought of. Whatever really. I was just thinking about it and not really getting anywhere. I'm stuck at a field of energy or emotion which is projected from people. There's always possibility that body language and stuff could be responsible but I've felt it myself and it's an atmosphere which seems to fill the air. I find it quite interesting. I'm wondering if there are any scientists who've done any research on it. Seems like a mystery to me but I'm sure this presence thing is real. Has anyone else ever experienced this, like where a person has a presence?

Sorry if this is a bit deep for a Monday morning. Might be better off placed in theology and metaphysics to be honest.

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I think its a more animal kind off thing,testeron and stuff.,or maybe magnet ,you now different poles atracting and same push away from each other.There is prolly few explanations from different poins off view.. this prolly sound a bit mental but am not going to elaborate this...maybe latter

but yes generally i now what you mean / oh bollox theres blazed am ary hir :rofl: lame jk

Edited by Herbal Kint
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Fuck me blayzd I thought for a minute there you'd been possessed by the spirit of nillo, but having thought about this I now sort of get what your on about, like when a very confident, attractive person arrives at a party, everyone, maybe subconsciously looks at them, its like they're commanding peoples attention just by.........iv forgot where I was heading with it now.....new I shouldn't have started so early, but is that kind of what you mean? I think this spirit of nillo thing might be contagious.

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No idea, but plants communicate by releasing chemicals, dogs can smell 'fear' which I've always thought was some chemical, so there is probably a chemical being released that bypasses our normal olfactory system but is recognised by some primary sensors directly hooked up to one of the older parts of our brain. I made all that up.

Edited by Laramie
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I met the Dali Lama at one of his public meet'n'greets in Dharamsala,I remember everyone saying he had incredible presence and his handshake was electric :guitar: I felt nowt,he was just a normal geezer,I think different people have the aura or presence according to what you expect from them.

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I keep thinking maybe it's possible for a person to change the feeling of the space around them with their minds or emotions. I think it's possible for people to project either feelings, emotion or some type of energy into the space around their physical body. Maybe people don't know what I'm talking about. It's no charisma. This is negative and positive. You have to feel what I'm talking about, like feel it with instinct or something. It sort of fills the air. Maybe it does have something to do with instinct or intuition. Quite interesting though. Some scientist must have tried to figure out what causes this feeling in the air. Or am I alone here and the only one who feels this stuff :guitar: This thing I'm talking about can be felt with your back to a person. It's hard to describe but I get these feelings which are hard to feel. Or hard to interpret. They're usually overshadowed by conscious thoughts. It's that voice inside you which is really hard to hear and speaks in feelings and not words. Intuition it might be called, not sure.

Check this theory out then. While I'm on a tangent. I know that thoughts can travel outside the body. Through what they call the ether I think. I've had some experiences with this and also people I know have. Basically solid proof that thoughts can leave one mind and be received by another. I've had this happen a few times in my life. Accidentally every time. I found that no matter how far away a person was, if they were tuned in, the thought is received instantly. Which makes me think maybe these thoughts travel outside of space and time. Like they're able to penetrate an unseen dimension, which isn't governed by space or time, which are then able to leak back into this dimension anywhere in space or time, instantly. lol Some mad shit I come up with when I don't sleep man. I think there was an experiment done a while back. Using rabbits and their offspring, which also proved thoughts travel outside of the physical body of animals. Mad shit tho right? :(

Interesting concept bad penny. I'm not quite sure what an aura is. Maybe that's a name for this energy which can change the feeling in the air.

Interesting stuff though.

Edited by Blayz'd
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When I met the Dali Lama I was with a vicars son from liverpool(his family name was and probably still is Virtue which I thought was a great name for a vicar)he was studying comparative religion,I was also with a guy who had just undergone a 3 month meditation course in a bhuddist retreat in Bodhgaya,both said they felt the presence,the chi or whatever its called,both professed to feeling a tingling energy from the guys handshake,like I said I didnt feel a thing,he was just a normal guy,but there again I wasnt attuned to the metaphysics of the event,I was just a normal guy. :guitar:

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BP .. did you get your fancy shoelace of the big fella BP .. :yahoo:

As you said S,father christmas has presents,maybe he will bring me a pair :rofl:

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dogs can smell 'fear' which I've always thought was some chemical

The dog would be able to smell the increase in adreniline that the fear causes to be produced, it could be pheromonal but I'd opt for more visual/audio cue's body language tonal quality it would be interesting to see one of these magnetic personally types in a room where there are no visual clue's ie blacked out room bit like 'dating in the dark' that our lass watches in a nut shell 6 peeps meet 3 male 3 female and the first 3 days they have are in the dark then on the 4 they are reviled to each other independantly and peeps view does change a lot after they have seen each other

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