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The Human Zoo


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Only one hundred years ago, many of the world's leading scientists agreed with A. C. Haddon, when he wrote in his 1898 book Study of Man, that, "on the whole, the white race has progressed beyond the black race."

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, scientists were so fascinated by race that thousands of 'exotic' and indigenous people from all over the world were put on display in human zoos.

They were not intended as merely entertaining freak shows but also scientific demonstrations of racial difference. Across the western world millions gawped in fascination at these 'uncivilised savages' and would depart convinced of the superiority of the white race.

This documentary explores the phenomenon of human zoos and tells the poignant story of Ota Benga, a Batwa pygmy from the Belgian Congo, who was first put on display at the 1904 St Louis World's Fair and then the Bronx Zoo where he was labelled as the 'missing link'.

As the film reveals, it was only a short step from these human zoos to the horrors of Nazi Germany as pseudo science that underpinned one, helped legitimise the other.

on 4od here...

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humans basically disgust me. And yes I include myself in that group.

Edited by Randalizer
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yerh, like the saying go's, only in america!


You're not very wise in the ways of the world, are you. :rofl:

Edited by Randalizer
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yerh, like the saying go's, only in america!


You're not very wise in the ways of the world, are you. :rofl:

i thought i was, but the more i lern the more i realize i know fuck all.

when did we do it in the uk, thats a new one to me.

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yerh, like the saying go's, only in america!


You're not very wise in the ways of the world, are you. :rofl:

i thought i was, but the more i lern the more i realize i know fuck all.

when did we do it in the uk, thats a new one to me.

Have you watched the documentary? It talks about the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, 1924, also that all the major european cities had these exhibitions.

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to tell you the truth i turnd over after about 20mins, i think bottom was on dave. so i only got the jist of it.

but i shouldnt have said "yerh, like the saying go's, only in america!" thats ignornce on my part.

Edited by Chris FAUSTUS
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like the saying go's, only in america!" thats ignornce on my part.

No worries man. Being a yank I thought my government was run by nice people who believed in freedom and equality. :wassnnme:

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to tell you the truth i turnd over after about 20mins, i think bottom was on dave. so i only got the jist of it.

:ouch::wassnnme: ookaayy. Well the bit about the British Empire exhibition was in the first five mins.

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like the saying go's, only in america!" thats ignornce on my part.

No worries man. Being a yank I thought my government was run by nice people who believed in freedom and equality. :wassnnme:

Isn't it? Oh shit. That Barry Obama, he looks nice though.

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Isn't it? Oh shit. That Barry Obama, he looks nice though.

He talks well enough. :wassnnme:

I'm still hopeful, but I do sometimes think of the Bill Hicks 'any questions? 'err, just what my agenda is' thing, and wonder if that hope is incredibly naive.

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to tell you the truth i turnd over after about 20mins, i think bottom was on dave. so i only got the jist of it.

:ouch::wassnnme: ookaayy. Well the bit about the British Empire exhibition was in the first five mins.

yerh i missed the start of it, as well. maybe i would have bean more inclined to watch it all if a caught the begining. it just seemd to be a bit long, with interviews with granchildren and wot not.

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