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The Century Of The Self


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interesting discussion guys...


to simplify it

negative liberty: freedom from laws(or non existence of) to buy, own and sell human slaves

positive liberty: laws against human slavery

this is why you need to be careful of political parties like the lib dems, that interestingly contain both types of liberty ..interesting how polar opposites can exist under a single banner ...when thatcher left the conservatives ..and the Tories moved a bit to the left(from genghis khan to hitler)...some of them felt the party had become too left wing and joined the lib dems

Internal factions

Liberal Democrats can be classified into two factions – social and market liberals – which are unrelated to membership of the party's predecessors – many social liberals (including Paddy Ashdown) were former Liberal MPs, and some market liberals (such as Vincent Cable) were from the SDP.

Social liberals have dominated the party since its formation. Drawing inspiration from David Lloyd George, William Beveridge and John Maynard Keynes, this wing advocates the welfare state, higher taxation and public spending, government regulation to protect consumers, employees and the environment, and support civil liberties and human rights. Social liberals include Paul Holmes, Norman Baker and Simon Hughes.

The market liberal or libertarian wing shares with social liberals a belief in basic civil and political freedoms (negative freedoms). However, where social liberals argue that the state should provide social and economic rights to its citizens (positive freedoms), market liberals are non-interventionist and are critical of government's ability to increase freedom. This often manifests itself as support for greater economic freedom, causing tension between the two wings. Many MPs from this wing contributed to the Orange Book (2004),[141] a collection of essays intended to spark debate on a greater role for free-market liberalism in policy. Some party donors, journalists and party officials back this wing of the party.[142] Leading market liberals in the party include Vince Cable, David Laws and Nick Clegg.[141]


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Hi weed G

"negative liberty: freedom from laws(or non existence of) to buy, own and sell human slaves

positive liberty: laws against human slavery"

That fits the concepts as I understand them.

Edited by benbits
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Can anyone help me find the thread about Nietzsche, a hammer, and the song lyric from Polyplastic? I'm nearly sure this is where I saw it before. Perhaps I am mistaken.

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