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Dreaming Of The Deceased


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Hey, I had to tell someone about this, and for some reason I thought you guys might be a little more understanding than most other communities.

I just woke up, having slept from 4AM to 2:30PM, and somewhere during that time I experienced the most amazing dream of my life. I won't bore you with the details, save for the very last part: I'm standing on a bridge, looking down into a sunken grass area, watching my little brother being married to a beautiful woman (presumably in the future; my brother is only 18). As I head to walk down, past me walk two people, and they are my grandma Ellen and grandpa Ron. Ellen died five years ago from lung cancer, Ron died of old age just three years ago. They say hello to me and walk on; I don't realise who they were until a second later. The emotions I feel straight away are staggering.

I run down to the flight of stairs which leads to the grass area, while above me my grandparents cross the bridge and walk down a sloping hill towards the same area. On my route I run into my parents and just hold them so tightly, tears spilling across my face. It's the strongest emotion I've ever felt. My mother asks me "what's wrong?" and I say "nothings wrong", and over their shoulders I can see the party looking at me, and beyond that I can see the white shapes of mumum and grandad, dressed up for the occasion, crossing the grass to my little brother. They're just two sets of white shapes on the distance by the time they meet my brother and his bride, but none the less I can feel the pride and joy radiating from them, and I just stand there hugging my parents and crying.

I've never felt anything so amazing in my whole life. When either of my grandparents died I couldn't cry, as much as I wanted to and felt like I should. It's a personal point of shame; I don't think I've ever really felt grief. What I'm feeling right now, I don't know if it's grief; I think I'm crying because my dream was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm crying right now, writing this out. I've never known anything like this in my life.

I don't believe in spirits and I don't believe in prophetic dreams, I think what I saw was something that exists solely inside my head... but, if my brother does ever get married in a grassy field overlooked by a stone bridge, I'll at least consider the possibility that my grandparents are with us, feeling a pride greater than I ever knew possible.

Anyone wanna share anything similar while I'm sitting here, red-eyed and emotionally vulnerable?

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sounds like your subconcious is arguing with your concious over the grieving ..i went thru something similar after i lost my nan ..and no im not a religious man or neither do i believe in heaven and hell ..but to this day i get a feeling that my grandad is around ..simply because i can smell brut 33 ..and noone i know uses it ..i also get the feeling when my nans around ..this all goes against my beliefs but ive learnt not to analyse it just accept the feeling as it comforts me ..you beleive what you believe and if something goes against that grain but still gives you comfort then keep that in the back of your mind .

lovely story btw ..and i hope your bro does get married in such settings ..as it will bring even more comfort to you knowing that your dream allows for your grandparents to witness your bros marriage :rofl:

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Hello Hostile

Dreams can effect you emotionally pretty oddly sometimes. Hope you ok about it and all though matey.

When my pops died just a few weeks before we strangely had a conversation about what we would like to happen to us after we both died (perhaps he knew something i didnt but im not going to go down that thinking route) anyway after he did die i couldnt for the life of me remember what he had said.

This tore me apart so hard but then my uncle mentioned what dad had told him he wanted to happen. As soon as he told me i was about 99 percent sure thats what he told me as well but there was this doubt.

After we did what my uncle had said i had a dream it freaks me out a bit even now. I dreamt that i was having a conversation with dad and he just said "dont worry about it, it was the right thing"

Dreams man....... they sure are odd!


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Thanks for the support guys. I think you're right Vince, I'll keep it in the back of my mind as a memento. Volcano, that's pretty beautiful, thanks for sharing.

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:rofl: I've had a few people turn up in dreams after they've died. It's usually a couple of months after they've gone that they show up for the first time. I'm surprised that they're still alive and they reassure me that they are in fact dead. Next time they show up, we've got the alive/dead thing out of the way and all's sweet.
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can I ask hosti? ...was the feeling like 'happy tears of joy' exhilaration..mixed with relief ..and maybe a little sadness when you woke up to find the dream draining away ..but left feeling like you had gone through 'something' ..dont want to put words in your mouth but .. feeling that something was cleansed ..or that a weight was shifted

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can I ask hosti? ...was the feeling like 'happy tears of joy' exhilaration..mixed with relief ..and maybe a little sadness when you woke up to find the dream draining away ..but left feeling like you had gone through 'something' ..dont want to put words in your mouth but .. feeling that something was cleansed ..or that a weight was shifted

lol sorry for butting in and I know you weren't asking me but yes and reading this post I was right back there

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I'm crying because my dream was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm crying right now, writing this out. I've never known anything like this in my life.


PS Nice avatar Vince! lol

Edited by Randalizer
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Someone close to me died and after a year or so when i tried to think of them i could not see their face, i could go and look at a picture but i knew that later on that day if i tried to picture them their face would be blank, i took to carrying their photo around with me, two in fact wherever i went.

On a boat maybe another two or three years later i threw my bags onto the beach and jumped over the side, as the boat left i looked up and saw my small bacpack hanging from a hook dissapearing into the night.

I realised a split second later that the only two photo's i had were gone and it was indeed the last time i saw my bag and it's contents.

A weight came down upon my shoulders and i felt that i could hardly walk. I went to a bar for a drink and it hit me that because i no longer has the pictures i could never see comfort in them as i would talk to them as well when i was particularily upset or things were going nuts.

I couldn't drink my drink, i couldn't even smoke a joint so i trekked back to where i was staying growing heavier the closer i got. As soon as i got in and sat down i think i keeled over and was instantly in a deep sleep.

I saw her face in a crowd in my dream and the feeling that Hostile described came over me, an explosion of everything so overwhelming as if having live electricity coursing through you from the feet out the top of your head.

I fought through the crowd pushing, punching and kicking, crying and trying to shout but only silence coming. When i caught up to her it seemes that the wind picked up and the people around seem to blow away or melt into the sky. She took my hand and led me to a seat, some sort of wooden bench. I started to speak and words came this time but she put her hand up to her mouth to signal me to be quiet and i knew what was happening. I could here her voice in my head saying 'shhh' 'shhhhh'. So we sat in silence for a long time holding hands me unable to speak but being as lucid as i am now feeling a sadness boiling like i felt when she died. It was very real indeed.

When i woke up i felt as i had been run over by a freight train. I knew as straight away that the next time i tried to imagine her face i would be able to.

I don't think ive told a living soul that yet.

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can I ask hosti? ...was the feeling like 'happy tears of joy' exhilaration..mixed with relief ..and maybe a little sadness when you woke up to find the dream draining away ..but left feeling like you had gone through 'something' ..dont want to put words in your mouth but .. feeling that something was cleansed ..or that a weight was shifted

Nothing quite so physical I think, it was more like listening to an amazing song or finishing a truly moving book, I took a moment to recover and then wrote it down. It was only in writing it that I actually started crying outside of my dream, which was most definitely a "tears of joy" moment.

Wow sam, that must be really strange. It's pretty cool that you experience other people in your dreams though.

Cheers Randy.

That's incredible Underwater, absolutely incredible. Can you still see her face?

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the bridge is classic symbolism for the crossing between concious/subconcious.

you shouldnt let your cynicism get in the way of knowledge of self. keep a dream diary, the more you study it the more it opens up to you.

your subconcious can teach you more than any political science degree ever will, thats for sure.

it is one of the most valuable, yet overlooked tools humanity has for progression imo. not a mirror many dare to look into much, though.

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"there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy Horatio" ~Billy Shakespear in 'Hamlet'.

laugh all ya like....iv'e been in conversation with so called 'dead' people for over two decades.

i'm not some unquestioning halfwitt that is prepared to take any old shit on board......i'm not some mindless sheep....

what i thought i knew for the first thirty five years of my life was ripped away to reveal a much greater reality.


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I've been trying to learn the skill of lucid dreaming for a long time. Gotta love dreams. I want conversations, like in real life, consciously, within my dreams. Like a direct form of communication between the conscious and sub conscious. I guess that's what it would be. Love dreams. They're a mystery to me.

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Awake or asleep...direct & indirect forms of communication are an actuality .....with the whole of reality & beyond, to any small part within........along with personal 'proof' of any communion.


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Awake or asleep...direct & indirect forms of communication are an actuality .....with the whole of reality & beyond, to any small part within........along with personal 'proof' of any communion.


Oh, I know there's communication. I just want conscious communication. I can hear my instinct. It's just never as clear as I would like. Also, I want to ask my subconscious questions to which it replies without any of my conscious thought getting in the way. I know it has access to stuff I can't consciously think of and it holds answers for me. Just can't communicate with it consciously, like I would do with another person. Clearly I guess is the right way to describe it.

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