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Fukuoka And Permaculture


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Hi guys.

Anyone around here knows this guy?

What about Permaculture?

Was really permaculture what mr.Fukuoka was talking about?

They dont sell nothing on this site , so i guess it´s ok for me to post it here...


Is Permaculture a step back or a viable solution for us all?

Just looking for opinions... :)

Stay Strong n Green


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Haven't had a chance to put any of his ideas into practice yet but hoping to run some small trials either next year or the year after. However I did buy this book recently The Power of Duck and can't wait to try it out :spliff:

Edited by felix_dzerjinski
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Haven't had a chance to put any of his ideas into practice yet but hoping to run some small trials either next year or the year after. However I did buy this book recently The Power of Duck and can't wait to try it out lol

Sounds all good mate!

I will try to read that one, looks very interesting.

I got a couple of Bill Mollison PDFs, excelent stuff.

Got myself a small plot, backgarden was getting too short, and next year wanna do some experiments myself.

Let´s hope we do it!

Stay Strong & Green

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  • 3 months later...

ive been a fan of permaculture for a long time ..was taught a little about it by my gradnfather ..so i use some of the ideas in my small cottage garden ..companion planting and mulching once you have it keyed in its actually a lot less work than standard gardening and nature knows best .

the secret to it imho is herbs ..herbs can be used to cure sick plants to boost yields and to keep pests at bay ..funghi too become very important and now after many years im starting to get various varieties pop up here and there ..and yes i get a good 10 liberty caps per year ..hoping to spread them a bit more on the cedar bark .

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There is a lot of information on permaculture floating on torrent sites.

I must say, if you look at the information available, most of it is old stuff, it's like it's not very popular nowadays.

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i don't think permaculture is a step backwards, the idea of the land being covered in little permaculture plots, with a house, garden, woodland, pigs running around and all the land being used to its full and everyone learning all those great things like gardening etc, everyone being in touch with what they eat, really sounds like the way to go, to me

some of the permaculture schemes ive seen are such perfect examples of what technology can really be, i love it, everything intergrated, outputs from one thing becoming inputs for the next, food animals living a good life, such as the idea of keeping pigs in the woodland, to keep down pests around trees and to reduce weeds and then ya get to eat em too... is all sorta like the garden of eden really, everything having its place

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