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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Guest jacks lad

i water when needed while the plants are veging, was watering every couple of days during flowering last grow, i water every day this grow plants have grown bigger than i wanted not sure if its watering everday thats made them grow more but they are now to big.

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with coco imo it is a case of watering whenever they need it. whether that be every day, 2x a day or more or less for that matter. find that if the pot is well rooted out they need a min of once a day watering or they totally dry out which I've heard is not good.

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I usually get to the point where i have to water every day when in flower. Just seems some say water every day even when vegging once there are roots, regardless of the weight of the pot.

Think ill just stick to what i have been doing, recently got just over 4oz from a 6.5l pot and I'm happy enough with that. Only thing i am going to do different is water the pots bit sooner than i was waiting as i noticed i seemed to have less roots at times which I'm putting down to letting the coco get a bit too dry. Would seem to be more roots at the bottom of the pot which would of course be staying moist the longest so thats why i think was letting things get bit too dry.

I have had one plant which gave me the best roots ever but never been able to get it like that again. With her i watered daily but every day increased how much water i was giving it. Never had roots as thick and as white as that before, might just try that again with 1 seedling and see if i can get it like that again.

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Water when pot feels 50% lighter than when its watered. Over time more roots grow and the duration between waiting becomes less and end up on watering daily. Correct?

You are absolutely correct here dude. When rooting the pot, wait when the pot loses about 50/60% of its weight and then water again, as the roots fill the pot you'll have to increase the frequency of watering.

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Yeah like i say I've pulled just over 4oz from a 6.5 which is best yield. Was watering that daily once it reached watering. I was just making a mistake i feel with others and being paranoid about over watering so letting pots get too dry. Only noticed it as i would see more roots at the bottom of the pot and top of it hardly any, or if there was roots from the first watering by the time i give a second it had lost a lot of roots at the top part of the pot. put it down too letting the coco get too dry so won't be having that problem anymore.

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If you're unsure whether the pots too wet to water, take a bit of coco from the top of the pot and squeeze it in your hand. If it leaves a puddle don't water :v:

Edited by Golden Syrup
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ah nah I'm fine tbh i know when too water and when not too. I just been paranoid ever since i had an issue with over watering and it weirdly resulted in like some sort of growers block lol. I seemed to forget i need to water until run off being paranoid about over watering so plants were growing small and not watering the whole pot lol. Then i seem to have been waiting for the pots to get too light, although they wasn't ever looking thirsty as there was moisture at the bottom of the pot still hence the roots mainly being at the bottom, but the top of the pot i was letting get too dry and as a result the roots that i did have there would die. Im confident with it all any how and cant wait for my coco to show up so i can get these new seeds started this weekend.

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So Im fairly new to Coco after doing dwc and soil grows for a good few years and the first couple of grows were really impressive :)

But this run I keep hitting the same prob ,

I'm reusing my coir so this is my second run with this Coco , it's canna pro and I used enzymes throughout the first run and flushed and set the PH to 5.8 prior to this use .

The problem is , every time I water and feed at 5.8-5.9 the runoff drops big time , it went down to 4.8 at one point .

So I flush it with 5.8 water till they come back within range (this takes huge amounts of water to get the pH back up)

Then give them a feed etc @5.8 and put them back .

The next time I water them the runoff has fallen somewhere between 5.4-4.8

Obviously this is affecting the overall health of my plants and it's doing my head in

Temps , humidity everything is pretty much spot on as normal .

I can't think what the f**k is going on ?

Any suggestions will be appreciated , thanks dudes :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Rufus Brown sometimes flushing can be doing more damage than good :/

what is the ec coming out of the bottom of the pot? not a perfect guide but if its a massive EC coming out it could be u are feeding to strong or the ec of the reused coco is fcking massive

as i said wot are u putting in the pot ec wise and wot is coming out of the bottom?

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@@Rufus Brown sometimes flushing can be doing more damage than good :/

what is the ec coming out of the bottom of the pot? not a perfect guide but if its a massive EC coming out it could be u are feeding to strong or the ec of the reused coco is fcking massive

as i said wot are u putting in the pot ec wise and wot is coming out of the bottom?

Thanks for the reply mate ,

I have put it down to reusing the Coco which I won't be doing again ,

I was putting in 5.8 and it was coming out at 4.9

@@greenvigilante ..... I gave them all a flush a couple of weeks ago now and been putting the ec in at 6.1 and not bothered to check the runoff since and things have bucked up a lot now .

It was the first time I had ever reused the Coco (was being a cheapskate )

As I usually just buy more

Edited by Rufus Brown
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Guest jacks lad

strange as life might be. i have stupid mental problems stops me from focusing, i multi task but cant finish nothing, i fuck everything up that i touch, i'm a walking disaster who thinks its funny as fuck. i retired from work just 3 years ago and for the first time in 20 years started to focus on my grow, last year i started using coco and my life changed forever in the future and the past. coco forgives my erratic behaviour and a levl feeding programme that my memory holds easily, i stopped praying to the cannabis god, hail be to the god of coco coir.

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Thanks for the reply mate ,

I have put it down to reusing the Coco which I won't be doing again ,

I was putting in 5.8 and it was coming out at 4.9

@@greenvigilante ..... I gave them all a flush a couple of weeks ago now and been putting the ec in at 6.1 and not bothered to check the runoff since and things have bucked up a lot now .

It was the first time I had ever reused the Coco (was being a cheapskate )

As I usually just buy more

wot about EC tho?

normally a high EC will give low ph run off

low EC will give high ec run off

ps i never reuse feck that

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Sorry mate it's early still lol
,it was a couple of auto's so was feeding at 1.0-1.1 , I've never bothered checking the ec of the runoff

As I say it seems putting the pH in a little higher has given me the balance :)

Edited by Owderb
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Right fingers crossed not messed things up lol. Kept having problems with getting a good root system so things would take longer. In the end I'd have roots but just always feel it takes too long and would notice I had less roots in the first pots come the second watering. Reason is I was letting the coco dry out. Being paranoid about over watering. So anyway this time I weighed the pots. Had a seedling in a jiffy that I potted up and seems the jiffy dried before the roots got through it. So watered it to run off and weighed the pot. 345g and the ones I watered was 130g. So less than 50% dry and still have some lovely new white roots. Fingers crossed I wake up to some healthy looking plants tomorrow lol.

Also hoping the one in the jiffy without roots takes, when I potted up was two or three which hadn't rooted the jiffy like the rest. Noticed two girls growing a bit small and when I checked they had no roots in the first pots. So thought right lets check them and one thankfully looked to just be putting out roots the other nothing but jiffy was fairly dry so back in the coco and watered till run off. Looks fine but from now on waiting to every jiffy has roots showing or nothing bothering with them tbh. Got 6 blues in jiffys a few days now and not a single one has a root showing. They aren't dry or soaking wet, look fine but would like to see some roots asap man.

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