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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Easy HK. Not a coco expert by any stretch, but have done a couple grows with it. And its great. I dont use anything but straight coco. Nothing in the bottom of pots. Not needed. Using space roots could use. A pH meter is essential imo. You need to know this when feeding. Between 5.8 - 6.2pH. But ive found they grow better at around 6.0-6.2pH. Just my personal experience. An EC meter is usefull, but not essential, imho. If youve grown weed before, then youll know how to read your plants needs. If they look too green, lay off th3 nutes alittle. If they look alittle pale or yellowing at all, then they need more food. I use Growers Ark coco base feeds, PM Root Stim/HydroSillicon and Platinum. That's it. And they look so healthy. Im well chuffed. You mustn't let coco dry out at all. Not like you do in soil. And its hard to overwater in coco, so dont worry there. Obviously, dont take the piss and have them saturated 24hrs aday, but a good drink aday is very common. Straight to 6L pots from 1L pots is cool. Although, I tend to get bigger, thicker and stronger plants when I pot to 3.5L pots in between the 6s and 1.5s. So thats what I do. No need to check the pH of your run off. Just whats going into the pots from the nute mix. Oh, and any pots, tubs, root pouches will do. Just like soil. Coco is the perfect mix of soil and hydro. Hydro in pots. Atb with it, you wont regret it once youve got it licked. I burnt afew seedlings jusg trying to get my head arou d everything, but since then, im flying. 1 week into 12/12 and I got some monsters on the go. Got to love this coco.

reds. :yep:

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Ok reds , you guys got me interested about it for few years now with your arm sized buds and 20plus oz on 600w, but now i finaly got growshops nearby and can get all i need.

That sound great so i dont need to buy load of stuff, just few thinghs. And yeah i have grown some nice cannabis :chef:

Ok next q. i plan to keep mums and small plants up to 1L pot in small veg. tent .When they are rooted their 1L pots i put them in flower tent in 6L pots, veg. them for 10 days and flip to flower. Sounds like ok plan?

Autopots seem simple i have read you post in other thread reds but i want to cut time to flower and get veg. time short as i can, any ideas are welcome.

Edited by Herbal Kint
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  • 9 months later...

Just potted up from pint pots to 6 litre pots and wondering if its worth vegging another week to allow a little more root growth?

Plants are 11-12" tall in plain coco and I just topped them all yesterday at the 7th or so node as I have limited height.

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Generally I find 2 - 3 weeks is enough time to root a 10L pot out from a 1L pot. As a rule of thumb though, always give it another week.

Edited by Owderb
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You sweet talker you Golden Syrup, thanks for the prompt info, :)

I will give em another week as am really limited with vertical height though I do recall various others go straight from 1 litre to 6 litre pots.. I was however thinking I would need to give em chance to root out a bit as they have less than 500ml volume of roots from the last pot so I will check and see how long it takes for the roots to find the bottom of the pots after a week. Currently giving em about 1ml a litre of vitalinks root grow stuff I scrounged off a mate though it does stink like hell when measuring it out. Am sure it has some kind of fulvic or humic acid in there as it really isn't pleasant stuff when you get a whiff which is akin to vomit though certain proteins smell similar, would prefer rhizotonic but cashflow prevents me getting any.

Am a bit new to this indoor flowering lark as have always finished em outdoors before bar the odd plant or two grown in a most amateur way.

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Yeah man I would always pot up when the entire pot is rooted out, a little trick I found to do was feed from the bottom once or twice and the roots start growing around the top as the bottom is a bit too moist for them. It's pretty bad practice, feeding from the bottom (especially in coco) but the aforementioned method can help to root a pot out more evenly a bit quicker... just be careful though as the already grown roots will be sat in a bit of a water, they don't mind it once or twice but anymore and you're asking for trouble.

and as a note, if you do, do it, make your next few feeds from the top a bit lighter than usual as the salts will be depositing inside the medium from the bottom feeding, so a lower feed will dilute it a bit and not make it as hardcore on your plants.

Edited by Owderb
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Will ave to try that, a few diaries from Owderb has him watering the plants from the bottom through the whole grow in coco iirc though in soil I always fed from the bottom of the pots and gave plain water from the top to prevent salt build up. I potted up in the 6 litre pots and had to put the rootballs near the bottom as the plants stretched a little as seedlings early on being on the windowsill as I did intend to plant em outside then decided on an indoor grow instead as I couldn't afford to buy more seeds or waste time should they get ripped outdoors and being a lazy git I hadn't done the ground prep outdoors either. Should be ready to finish the grow cupboard next week and get the extraction in ready for 12/12, the lower stems near the top of the pots were starting to show root nodules already so it shouldn't be too long into flower before they have a fat root system and all of them are from seed so they do have the main taproots unlike clones. I read Green Ninja go's straight into 12/12 after potting up as they get the chance to root out early in flower though he go's from 1 litre up to 3.5 litre unless he changed in the last few years, with my smaller pots I wanted to be certain the roots were well grown before the switch etc.

Just lst'd the taller 3 of 4 plants as they were getting a little stretchy up top despite being topped, darn things have bushed out so much they are a little crowded atm, no idea what I am gonna do with the 3 cheese plants though some are male yet I do want to chuck some pollen about too as I need more seeds for next year outdoors though I plan on prepping some colloidal silver for some femmed beans the male pollen may give me more genetic options. Atm the cheese plants are stuck in pint pots lol though it don;t matter so much for males and pollen.

Will really have to trawl through the rest of this thread and read up a bit more, atm am not even using an EC or PH meter though I could borrow one off a mate, just checking the coco medium with a soil PH probe and mixing nutes as per bottle instructions but they look healthy enough considering, main issue is light spread atm as my reflector is pants but got a new one ready for the bigger lamp which is due in the next week or so. Sry if am waffling a bit but I need to record what am upto should I need to refer back and haven't started a diary yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, its my first time growing in coco, I had 4 cutting growing in soil in 6l pots. I washed most of the soil away from the roots and transplanted into 11litre pots of coco. They looked fine for about 7 day and now all the leaves are hanging like an under watered plant. I'm thinking they just need time to root into the coco but cant be sure. What do yee think???

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. I washed most of the soil away from the roots and transplanted into 11litre pots of coco.

Not the best of ideas - probably better to have just finished the grow in compost and done a new one in coco if they had rooted out 6 litre pots.

Any reason why you decided to change medium mid grow?

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Hi all, its my first time growing in coco, I had 4 cutting growing in soil in 6l pots. I washed most of the soil away from the roots and transplanted into 11litre pots of coco. They looked fine for about 7 day and now all the leaves are hanging like an under watered plant. I'm thinking they just need time to root into the coco but cant be sure. What do yee think???

What are you feeding them?

Could they be cold and over watered?

Edited by ELO
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What are you feeding them?

Could they be cold and over watered?

Temps are, 24 lights on 19 to 20 lights off, feeding plagron roots/zym and a+b ec 1.1, ph 5.8 run off is 6.0. Feed water temp 22degrees and airated with an air stone.

Edited by Johnny Innes
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Not the best of ideas - probably better to have just finished the grow in compost and done a new one in coco if they had rooted out 6 litre pots.

Any reason why you decided to change medium mid grow?

I decided to go coco starting next Sept. I had 6 cuts in soil as mothers, I bought the coco for next season and had no soil left, then I decided, feck it, I'll flower 4 of the mothers just to get the hang off it over the summer.

Edited by Johnny Innes
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Really need pictures mate.

Can't, camera's broke and I don't trust iphones, but google image search "under" or "over watered cannabis plants" and that's what they look like.

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At a guess you have damaged some of the roots when cleaning off the compost so they arent able to take up the water they need. Perhaps give the top of them a little trim so the roots have less leaves to feed.

Edited by highgrower
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