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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Alritey using a wilma 4 pot 600 dual in coco

Have seen these "propagation lids" to fit wilma pots stating no need to stress seedlings as these will enable you to produce seed to plant in the same pot. Any truth to this? Anyone any experience to shed some light. While we are in light what should I be using for the young ? T5 marine bulbs of any use? Tahh x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone give me some info on how best to measure EC please? Regarding 'background EC'.....

I'm currently three weeks into my first bash at coco after transplanting some ladies from 1.5L pots of compost, they don't seem to be feeding very well and I'm not sure why. I'm being careful not to overwater them, is this important? One of the other things I'm unsure about is what I've seen referred to as 'Background EC', my tap water is slightly hard with an EC of 0.5. I'm feeding Plant Magic's Coco A&B (aiming for an EC of 1.2). I've read on here some people don't count any of that background EC, count half of it or count all of it - which is ideal/reccommended?

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I have a background ec of 0.8. So I feed everyday in coco at EC between 1.7-1.9. With an ec this low, I don't need to flush salts and I sometimes don't clear the little run-off from the common tray.

Current grow: So far its working ... no leaf discolouration 4th week of flowering. PH between 6.0 and 6.2

The good thing about coco is you don't need to be observant about watering, you can water everyday, more than once a day or give a occasional 1 day break without much problem (never let it go completely dry).

Basically its a very forgiving medium, with the only downside being more frequent watering.

For seedlings keep you ec at about 1.2 and then slowly increase as the weeks go by.

In your case I would use at EC of 1.7 as well.

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  • 3 months later...

hi just read the whole coco thread, loads of good info, keep it up. just stared my 1st coco grow with 2x kush cuttings, got them in 6.5l pots, had them in a week now and not much going on with them, I have a ec of 1.1 ph 5.9, think they are perking up a bit today. any suggestions welcome, oh they under a 600 watt, bcuzz nutes, a,b, temps,28. cheers.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Awesome thread some great advice but i have overloaded on info my head is battered :fear: first grow with (2nd grow in total) Super 3C coco Coir 50% and perlite 50% and have been watering once a day till i get a good run off.

what nutes do i need i have been using 1ml per litre of water of Regen-a-Root do i need anything else? i only had them a few days and they were in a poor state when i got then :shock:

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  • 1 month later...

Seen some of you chatting about Canna boost... I used canna boost for a few grows then a mate of mine said try this as an experiment, buy a bottle of cheap Ionic Boost and do a test with one plant while the rest are fed with Canna boost. I used normal my normal nutes along side, Canna A+B a few pinch of Epsom salts per gallon PK 13/14 and of course PH'd accordingly, also used the same canna coco pro + for both plants, basically they were identical in everyway apart from that one nutrient, Ionic boost instead of canna boost. The results were quite a surprise they pulled precisely the same amount in fact if I remember correctly the Ionic plant came in a few grams heavier, Ok this might have been a coincidence but from that day on iv never spent near on £200 for 5l of something I can in my mind get the same results from 5L of something that costs £40.00.. Thought id mention it as I just can get my head round the Price of Canna's boost, almost reminds me of the placebo effect of super thrive lol

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i use canna A@B, silicon every feed, doffs seaweed extract (weekly) black treacle (weekly feed them bacteria and fungi.

always sieve and reuse the coco always add david austin mycorrhizal fungi and 18 endo and ecto species

EC veg 1 pH 5.8-6 EC flower 1.2-1.3 pH 6.3 late flower 6.4

fill your coco with the micros the plant needs will give you girls like russian shot putters

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i use canna A@B, silicon every feed, doffs seaweed extract (weekly) black treacle (weekly feed them bacteria and fungi.

always sieve and reuse the coco always add david austin mycorrhizal fungi and 18 endo and ecto species

EC veg 1 pH 5.8-6 EC flower 1.2-1.3 pH 6.3 late flower 6.4

fill your coco with the micros the plant needs will give you girls like russian shot putters

I can push my photos past 2.2 EC in mid-late flower and I have soft water.

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i use canna A@B, silicon every feed, doffs seaweed extract (weekly) black treacle (weekly feed them bacteria and fungi.

always sieve and reuse the coco always add david austin mycorrhizal fungi and 18 endo and ecto species

EC veg 1 pH 5.8-6 EC flower 1.2-1.3 pH 6.3 late flower 6.4

fill your coco with the micros the plant needs will give you girls like russian shot putters

I find this confusing. Ive read countless times that using chemical nutes in soil will kill the microherd. That why use use organic nutes. So why would coco be any different? I ask because Im about to do a cocogrow and wondered if its worth using the PM granules that I have, when potting up? And other bacteria/fungi? Will the chemical coco nutes just kill them?

Cheers, reds.

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  • 1 month later...

Can someone give me some info on how best to measure EC please? Regarding 'background EC'.....

I'm currently three weeks into my first bash at coco after transplanting some ladies from 1.5L pots of compost, they don't seem to be feeding very well and I'm not sure why. I'm being careful not to overwater them, is this important? One of the other things I'm unsure about is what I've seen referred to as 'Background EC', my tap water is slightly hard with an EC of 0.5. I'm feeding Plant Magic's Coco A&B (aiming for an EC of 1.2). I've read on here some people don't count any of that background EC, count half of it or count all of it - which is ideal/reccommended?

e2 move

have 'background' EC of 0.75 EC here. I just add whatever my nutes tell me to add in terms of EC onto the top of that 0.75 EC. For instance for seedlings in the first week no more than 1.0 EC altogether and then build up the strength as time goes on from there. I like to keep them a little bit hungry if possible.

Edited by Reg Lives
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Personally hard water 0.7ec.After a few years off coco growing 1.4 ec i find is pretty much the upper limit maybe 1.5 ec around week 5 then down to 1.4 and slowly drop of each week a bit if the plants let ya.Water every day no excuses,and remove run off.With dutch pro A and B i find i pretty much all the way through using 2ml a litre.

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Guest tempa

I find this confusing. Ive read countless times that using chemical nutes in soil will kill the microherd. That why use use organic nutes. So why would coco be any different? I ask because Im about to do a cocogrow and wondered if its worth using the PM granules that I have, when potting up? And other bacteria/fungi? Will the chemical coco nutes just kill them?

Cheers, reds.

I grow in coco and I swer by granules or great white if defo makes a difference , I think the exaggerate when they say it kills is , it mite not be good for it but I can see a difference so it carnt completely kill it

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Guest tempa

Ill tell you something else that is really effective in coco , vitalink bio plus witch is the same thing just a liquid ,for this run I have great white powder for potting up and vitalink bio plus is to be fed every feed

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sup fellas got a few questions about coco growing, first what do i need list?

Coco(bottom layer of clays?) , ec and ph pen? Nutes?

Thinking about hand watering is it needed to water it more them once a day(in final pots)?

Do i even need to transplant or strait to 6L from 1L pot as in compost? Can i use my compost pots? And do i need to measure ph of each pot or just the nutrient mix?

Total newb to hydro growing wish me luck :lookaround:

e2a good guy grower wants to give me some autopots but am not sure if i want a tenk full of watter in my bedroom :fear:

Edited by Herbal Kint
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