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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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thanks for the informations. i'm still a bit mythed though as the debate is still ongoing it seems. i'm at wk3 of bud so i might just add to one now til flush and the rest can have as per instructions. all the grow literature i see seems to advocate a change in nutes all through flower ie n down pk up sooo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah that's good to know . That was why I was wondering if it's a big 'no no' or could a fella wing it with normal organic feed ? I just ran out of canna A + B , wouldn't be long going through the bottles .

Using seaweed extract on some young clones and seed plants and I don't think it's going too good . Having a bit of lock out issues on a white russian , just those clones so that strain obviously is more susceptible to going wrong with the wrong levels of nutrients .

Do I have to get a coco specific feed ? Or is there another brand that people find is decent and available in a garden centre ?

A drive to the grow shop will cost more than the feed but I don't really mind that much .

Sound ... :skin_up:

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You need a coco specific nutrient whilst growing in coco, im sure canna do a coco feed if you like that brand mate,


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You need a coco specific nutrient whilst growing in coco, im sure canna do a coco feed if you like that brand mate,


Thanks , not certain which is best , the canna A+ B worked fine except I would think it is a tad low on nitrogen . It's light feed anyway.

Only started using coco 6 months ago so I haven't tried any others .

My UK cheese is a tad larger in the top buds this time round than it was the last,and i've only been using seaweed extract in heavier doses for the last week or so of feeding. Chopping in a few days .It's the next few that need the nutes.

Need a long fake beard walking into grow shops !

Cheers :skin_up:

Edited by SilC
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whichever your plants and budget enjoy the most! lol tbh i have very little experience, just know that you need a coco nute with a coco substrate, im using ionic coco atm, my plants seem to be enjoying it, although it is only a one part nute, not two parts like your canna, have you used canna's coco specific feed or are you saying you have used the canna nute range before? if its the latter you may see better benefits from using the canna coco grow and bloom.

just to add although it is waaayy off topic,just had a quick browse of your profile, if you routinely climb 50-60 foot up a tree to plant some canna plants i am amazed, that is a length to go to, how does it work out for you?

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whichever your plants and budget enjoy the most! lol tbh i have very little experience, just know that you need a coco nute with a coco substrate, im using ionic coco atm, my plants seem to be enjoying it, although it is only a one part nute, not two parts like your canna, have you used canna's coco specific feed or are you saying you have used the canna nute range before? if its the latter you may see better benefits from using the canna coco grow and bloom.

just to add although it is waaayy off topic,just had a quick browse of your profile, if you routinely climb 50-60 foot up a tree to plant some canna plants i am amazed, that is a length to go to, how does it work out for you?

Fine ,I'm up as quick as one would stroll !

It didn't work out one year because I watered the pots or hessian sacks and like this year , it kept raining .I think these plants will make it through though .

I'm after using the 2 part feed on my last crop . I don't know why they don't just knock it all into one bottle .

The guide is fine but if a plant looks like she's hungry it may take a tad more nutes than the guide recommends .Likewise if a plant is more sativa dominant it sometimes can be more sensitive to feed and following a guide can't always be foolproof . The canna coco feed is light though.

I'm open to suggestions .I may go and buy the grow and bloom but i was using seaweed extract and a bit of fish mix in light doses also . I must get to the growshop next week or order from green tonight .Either way it'll be a week ! Cheers .

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  • 3 months later...

I have read this thread now from start to end and its taken me 10 days with a room build and gg to attend to aswell as d.i.y in new house ffs !! so been kinda busy !!,some amazing plants on here and the pot noodle 1 had me laughing and the whole idea of bigger pots = yeild is outta the window lol lol .

I have also Started a thread and wanted a bit of advice from the lad's here anychance peeps can have a look @ this : http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=304179

So many questions and so little time !, i really wanna give coco a run for the first time and want good results ! ,as i'm tired of loads of plants to get a good yeild lol and have had to downscale also !!,and all b4 xmas :skin_up: !!, i know i'm asking a lot but i have got several strains to choose from and a willingness to learn !! , any Mr miyagy types out there wanna show me there style lol lol !!.

I've been growing a few years now in soil and have set up ahem ! a 'few rooms' so i'm not a newb by any means just a newb when it comes to this medium !!.

ANY help would be appreciated as this is un chartered waters and i dont wanna mess up !!.

GNA #1 :yinyang:

Edited by Green Nation Army
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  • 2 months later...

hi there guys looking for bit of feedback, hints and tips on growing in coco this is my second grow but this time i have all proper equipment and need to do it right some photos and stuff just to help me along the way thanks

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Best advice i can give is to hand water for your first couple of grows and stick to the same strain.

Most important thing i think is to root out your pot at every stage. If you dont i find that they stretch like hell during and just get out of control

Also bigger is not always better when it comes to pots and coco.

Ive grown in 6.5ltr pots 10ltr hempy buckets and 20ltr hempy buckets.

The 6.5ltr pots IMO are the best to flower in. 3oz a plant is achievable with 4 weeks veg.

The 10ltr hempys got me around 5oz a plant but they take too much space. I can grow 2/3 6.5ltr plants in the space that 1 10ltr bucket takes up.

As for the 20ltrs i found them the worst of the lot. Veg time is longer and in my experience they grow way to tall and bushy while your waiting for them to root out the pot.

In summary get a good strain, get your environment spot on, hand water in 6.5ltr pots. Oh and keep it simple when it comes to nutes, you dont need anything more than an A&B feed, some root stim and a pk booster

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

hi i was given a cheese cut in Coco ive never used it and have no coco feeds any ideas what i can do i usually use soil.

Just put it in the soil and water it, with the coco still on it dont wash it off.

Edited by me n me girls
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