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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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my reason for the tubs with no holes is im thinking of putting the 50lt tub into a lined box with water and a water heater, if the water stays at a constant 24°c the so will the roots, my 18lt pots dry in 2 days so i cant see drowning as being a problem.

maybe ill just have to try but if i go down the 50lt route it will mean i will only do 2 plants so dont really want anything to go badly wrong.

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Guest papaduc

No, what I meant by waterlogging is the pot itself filling up and dispersing the coco, if you know what I mean. Maybe it won't be a problem, I dunno.

The lined tray thing is a mad idea. Do you intend to change the water in it now and then? If not, I'd imagine water kept at that temp would harbour a lot of germs you wouldn't want near your plant or it's roots.

Is there a reason you want them to stay at 24c? Are you in a loft?

There are a few reasons I think you don't need to go to this trouble to be honest.

First of all, you're looking to go into 50L tubs. Sound. So that means you can have a 600w light on vegging them for 24hrs a day. So that should keep your temps sorted. No need for much if any extra heating in a sealed room with just enough extraction.

Then you've got to think about how long it's gonna take you to fill out a pot that size. Say 6-8 weeks tops. That's what? late April? By that time you won't even have to worry about keeping temps up when you flip them. Any little heater will do the trick.

So I reckon you don't need to go to all that bother. I reckon you'll be sound as you are with just big tubs and loads of coco.

Definitely keep us updated on those beasts though ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi all quick question about watering in coco, do i need to keep the coco constantly wet or is it ok to let them dry out abit? im watering every other day 1.25l of water plants are in 6.5l pots and top of coco is always dry come feed time and pots quite light, should i be watering daily

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hi all quick question about watering in coco, do i need to keep the coco constantly wet or is it ok to let them dry out abit? im watering every other day 1.25l of water plants are in 6.5l pots and top of coco is always dry come feed time and pots quite light, should i be watering daily

yeh pretty much but i dont allways n there allways fine stinky bitches come chop day....job done. :guitar:

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Guest komodod

you need to water coco based on the pot weight so just get used to lifting them up to check. trust me when they need water they are feather weight. id water every other day or even sometime ever few days. if the surface goes dry id defo water, but it comes down to trial and error. i used to water everyday but after a while found it probably was too much. i found it better to keep them same as soil, moist but not wet, and let them dry out a bit sometimes before watering. but thats just my take on it. and il add that pretty much any additive or nutrients could be adapted to coco. within reason.

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  • 2 months later...

hi all quick question about watering in coco, do i need to keep the coco constantly wet or is it ok to let them dry out abit? im watering every other day 1.25l of water plants are in 6.5l pots and top of coco is always dry come feed time and pots quite light, should i be watering daily

Let them dry out a bit or you will get nutrient lockout due to salt blockages,also always make sure you get some run off every watering for the same reason, coco is a great medium if used correctly. Happy growing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say thanks to all the coco nuts on here

I am now a convert and I LOVE COCO

I have had a few teething issues over the last few weeks / months but now I seem to have both veg and flower dialled in the plants are loving it too.

An extra big thanks to Lobo whose post back in Feb here was one of the first to suggest to me to use only Hesi Bloom throughout the grow. I know others do it as well, but I remember that post as starting the idea in my head.

A few months on I have now tried this and the plants are loving it in veg as well as in full flower.

You really would not know it is meant just for Bloom, they are lush and green under a 250w MH Vegging light and have overtaken clones in soil that are a good few weeks ahead of them

One feed throughout, very little adjustment (Hesi buffers my mix to 5.5/5.6) and I now have a 1/2 empty bottle of TNT that is not required.

I'm just using the cheap coco in large pressed blocks, that are moistened & expanded out into an old NFT res and sifted before being used. Nothing fancy.

One thing that is surprising me is that I am adding more nutes that the Hesi guide to get to 1.0/1.2 EC, something like 6ml per litre, or more to get up to 1.5

Last time I checked my water it did not even register on my nute wand so it was something like 0.0-0.1 out of the tap, so I am assuming I am having to add more to accommodate for that ?

I did see a little bit of nute burn starting on a couple of leaves and dropped back a little, so know I am just at the right amount for the plants.

Its brilliant stuff once you get it right, thanks to this thread and UK420

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Good stuff conspiracy, I'm glad something I posted was useful.

The single bottle works very well doesn't it. I'm just finishing a second grow of blues in coco with no ph adjustment at any time. The plants have been fine throughout. Interesting that you are adding so much hesi, I didn't get above 3.5ml on this grow. I found that after the later veg stage and early stretch I had to back off the feed slightly, then just level out the rest of the grow. I finish with formulex then water last week.

Coco is so easy and forgiving to grow in, it's a hell of a medium for indoor growing. I'm going to try organic coco based mediums and feeds, ultimately making my own mix if I can.

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Here's some quick but slightly low quality pics of my veg room this morning.

It's a bit of a spot the difference between soil and coco

The ones at the front are in MPC and water only and the ones at the back are in coco using Hesi Bloom, without looking at the medium you virtually cannot tell the difference.

Hesi Coco Bloom all the way for me from now on

post-18967-0-46870800-1337419637_thumb.jpg post-18967-0-27938700-1337419643_thumb.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,i repotted small 8" plants upto 11 ltrs. all coco. After reading this im thinking i should have gone upto 6.5 ltr max. Im considering going out and getting 6.5 ltr pots and downsizing. Would i be ok doing this or should i just leave them in 11 ltr pots? thanks

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Hi all,i repotted small 8" plants upto 11 ltrs. all coco. After reading this im thinking i should have gone upto 6.5 ltr max. Im considering going out and getting 6.5 ltr pots and downsizing. Would i be ok doing this or should i just leave them in 11 ltr pots? thanks

personally i would keep the 11s for less frequent watering but i am lazy and this is my first post sooooo.

i'm only 5-6 weeks in with a cutting in 10 ltr pot and i can wave to the roots at the bottom of the pot. is this cool?

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also i'm using canna ab and zym. i was going to use some pk 13 14 maybe next week at about 3 weeks into 12/12 but think i read that its only for the final weeks?

i would have thought that the ladies would like the extra flower food as soon as they start showing?

Edited by weedshark
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PK 13/14 is meant to be used at 5 weeks. I haven't bothered with it for years. I dont see how it can make much difference when the nutrients already contain high amounts of these minerals. Maybe someone had done a side by side . All other things being equal my guess is that light is the limiting factor. Just get a bigger lamp if your want to dramatically improve yield. If you add PK be careful not to overfeed as this can stunt growth. Good luck.

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I think 6.5 l pots are the optimum size in terms of veg time . 11l will take longer to fill out of course. Also you need to make sure that they are developed enough before you repot as they may stall for a week it two.

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Guest Wizard_Ovanoz

I always use pk :yep:

The last grow I did was with Canna @ 5 weeks.

The grow before that I used HammerHead pk.

I was about 10 oz up on the grow with hammerhead, shame you cant get it atm :sad:

Grown under 1200watts of sodium.

I have put the same strain into bloom this morning and I'll be using Hesi pk on this one, I've heard very good things about it :wink:

I use HammerHead and will also use Hesi from week 3, building up the dose as the weeks go on.

All I can say is hammerhead pissed on Canna's pk big style and fuckin love the stuff, there meant to be working on a new formula, should be wicked.

I'm also looking forwards to see what Hesi can do!

I use Canna A + B as a base nutrient but when I start adding pk this is reduced as the pk is increased, keeping the ec around 1.8 ~ 2.2 later on in bloom.



I go from a 1.5 ltr pot straight into 11 ltr pots.

I give then 2 weeks veg time to fill there pots with 4ml rhiz per ltr in these 2 weeks.

Then into bloom which gives me another 3 weeks root growth before they stop growing.

I end up with one horny mother fuckin rootball you could knock one out over lol :wink:

Edited by Wizard_Ovanoz
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