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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Guest papaduc

Not much to tell mucker

I just keep them in a 1L pot by the bedside and they just don't grow. Need watering maybe once a week, maybe every ten days...dunno really, they don't have a routine till they're needed for some cuts. In the meantime they just sit there and look pretty :D

What light are you keeping them under and how close?

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Sounds like a good test.

Bear in mind that I haven't fine tuned this by any means. I'll be doing it again this grow, but you're further ahead than me and it'll be interesting to see what you think. Start them off on 1.2ec and just see how they look with that.

What I'm looking for when I do it is a gentle paling by the time I start the proper flush - you're not looking for your plants to turn yellow and starve overnight, but you definitely want to see that the nutes within them are diminishing. At the end of flush you should be seeing a nice autumn yellow on your plants.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you get on now.

So far http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=254813&view=findpost&p=2830622

Edited by groovelick
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Not much to tell mucker

I just keep them in a 1L pot by the bedside and they just don't grow. Need watering maybe once a week, maybe every ten days...dunno really, they don't have a routine till they're needed for some cuts. In the meantime they just sit there and look pretty :D

What light are you keeping them under and how close?

No i aint got any moms at all bro right now,..i was just wondering on your technique amigo. :skin_up: Seams sound to me,i take it by your response you've had no problems ect just leavin em that way so next time i find a decent keeper i know how to keep the fucker proper stunted. :guitar: .cheers dude. :yinyang:

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Guest papaduc

Tbh you do have to keep sticking them back in for a good old toke on the light bulb now and then, either that or make sure they get some sun, otherwise they'll just shrivel up on you from lack of light. Just stick them back in for a couple of days each week.

It'd be handy if you could keep them outside in the summer, but far as pests and shit goes, you don't know what you're bringing in. I wonder if anyone does keep mother plants outside?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Morning All :smoke:

Any suggestions for loosening-up compacted coco in a pot containing a plant you don't want to pot-up?

I've got a mum in a small pot of coco - she's started to show signs that she's struggling - all the other 8 mums in the same conditions are doing fine :). The only difference that I can see is that it takes much longer for water to drain-through this particular plant's pot leading me to think I may have compacted the coco too-much when I potted-her-up in the first place :doh: (I often firmly press-down the coco in the bottom of a pot in an attempt to stop it from getting washed-out of the holes in the bottom of the pot before the plant's had a chance to root-through... I won't be doing that again since this is the second time I've had a mum show similar symptoms in similar conditions - basically the roots drown (then rot :()).

So - I could either start another cutting (she's not my only mum of that clone line) or try to rescue the mum by improving drainage in root-ball in some way but how? :frown: At the moment I suspect theres a partially-rooted plug of sodden, compacted coco at the bottom of the root-ball. I would cut-off the bottom of the root-ball and replace with fresh, looser coco but I'm thinking that this might finish the (already weakened) plant off anyway so I might as well reuse the coco & start-over?

Any thoughts? :stoned:



(E2A - I'll probably take a cut and try to rescue the mum at the same time but nevertheless I'd be interested in finding-out how to loosen a compacted coco root-ball)

Edited by Stan909
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If the bottom of the rootball is compacted then you can cut it off no problem. But are you sure the plant's not just potbound? Just cut all sides of the rootball and repot it into a fresh pot of coco and it should be ok. Take cuts to be sure.

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If the bottom of the rootball is compacted then you can cut it off no problem.

Hi papduc

Thanks for that... yeah in the end I hoiked the plant out of the pot (the rootball held itself together suprisingly well) and sure enough there was a clod of compacted coco at the bottom containing no roots and held together by it's own compaction alone...

Anyhow - I loosened it with my hands until most of it had crumbled away, put it back into the bottom of the pot (uncompacted) and replaced the plant... a few days later all is well & new growth is looking healthy :yep:

Simple! :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

After using Rhizotonic for many moons I decided to give GA rootstim a go as im using thier coco nutes and find them excellent. My god does it stink, I thought Rhizotonic smelled bad but it smells of daisys compared to this stuff! Does anyone know what its made of? or did someone just diarrhea in a bottle and then label it up? :g:

I got some GA boost it aswell to replace hesi pk 13/14 so will pretty much follow the bottles directions and see how they go. :guitar:

Edited by Cocogrower
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  • 2 months later...

not so sure thats correct, check the web for perlite and coco mix, 30/70 split showing some good results.

side by side > 10 percent yeild, will be running this after this runs done.

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Guest Wizard_Ovanoz

No Balls, No Perlite just lovely fluffy Coco for me :yep:

Theres plenty of air in coco, no need to try and give it more :nono:

And Padz No it doesn't!

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