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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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First impressions suggest that coco and cannabis are a match made in heaven, just like cannabis and I.

You hit the nail on the head, imho. Grats on becoming a coconut :)


lol..it really is a head turner aint it,..i went from dirt to the trusty husk and fook me what results.

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  • 1 month later...

First impressions suggest that coco and cannabis are a match made in heaven, just like cannabis and I.

You hit the nail on the head, imho. Grats on becoming a coconut :)


lol..it really is a head turner aint it,..i went from dirt to the trusty husk and fook me what results.

I'm echoing that bruda this coco is the snizzle, but I'll still keep my mums in compost.

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Hello - very new to all this and was wondering if anyone has tried a landrace type sativa grow in coco? All the schedules are 7 - 8 week flowering and I am looking at 12 - 14 weeks for plants that are loads lighter feeders. I grow organically in soil but have had my head turned a bit....anyone got any tips/experience/ideas?

Cheers :)

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Hello - very new to all this and was wondering if anyone has tried a landrace type sativa grow in coco? All the schedules are 7 - 8 week flowering and I am looking at 12 - 14 weeks for plants that are loads lighter feeders. I grow organically in soil but have had my head turned a bit....anyone got any tips/experience/ideas?

Hi Jolene. I've not done it but it shouldn't be a problem. As long as you've got an EC and pH pen/meter you'll be fine. I know an awesome coco grower who did quite a few runs of Neville's Haze in coco, and it ran for around 14 weeks I think. It turned out excellently, especially compared to a plant he did in soil.

The EC and pH meters are a must for the sort of thing you're looking to do. It makes it all so much easier because you know exactly how strong the feed is and you can dial your grow in properly, which you'll need to with some wild sativas imho.


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Thanks for that - I found a Nev haze soon after posting and it sounds about perfect. Tempted to run a coco/coco nutrient alongside a coco/organic tea grow to see if I can pull it off.

Love the look of your large plant - tiny pots :)


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  • 5 weeks later...

So I'm in the last 16 days of flower, over the last week I've dropped my e.c. from 1.8 to 1.6 PM coco bloom so down to 1.4 then water the last 7 days, does that sound about correct I've managed this far to get no tip burn and would hate to ruin it at such a late stage.

ps this is my first coco grow

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Hi Groovelick.

Check Owd's Coco Diary and Flushing technique out. An interesting feeding technique, and tip top plants come chop, thats a dead cert!

I will certainly be following suite on my 1st coco grow which is just underway, seems a nice way to finish buddy.


Flushing & Coco/Hydro finishing technique.

Simple Smellyberry - Grow Diary.

Best of luck.


Edited by Digger '49
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Guest papaduc

Yep I got formulex, only use it for small cuttings so far.

Try this then mate. With a couple of your plants, move one or two of them onto formulex at about 1.2 - 1.4ec 5 days before you start your flush.

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I took a read up on your thread about it, it seems logical so I'm doing 2 on your method and 2 using OT1's method equal parts grow/bloom reducing e.c.

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Guest papaduc

Sounds like a good test.

Bear in mind that I haven't fine tuned this by any means. I'll be doing it again this grow, but you're further ahead than me and it'll be interesting to see what you think. Start them off on 1.2ec and just see how they look with that.

What I'm looking for when I do it is a gentle paling by the time I start the proper flush - you're not looking for your plants to turn yellow and starve overnight, but you definitely want to see that the nutes within them are diminishing. At the end of flush you should be seeing a nice autumn yellow on your plants.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you get on now.

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First impressions suggest that coco and cannabis are a match made in heaven, just like cannabis and I.

You hit the nail on the head, imho. Grats on becoming a coconut :)


lol..it really is a head turner aint it,..i went from dirt to the trusty husk and fook me what results.

I'm echoing that bruda this coco is the snizzle, but I'll still keep my mums in compost.

agreed amigo...mom's grow waaaaaaaay too fast in coco even under poxy small lights...lol

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