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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Hi guys, so just had a go a mixing up some coco grow nutes.

3L of water, pH6.8 e.c. 0.17 added 4mL/L of A+B (pm) this gave e.c. 1.34 my target was 1.2 but given the base e.c. close enough, pH had gone down to 6.4 target is 6.0ish

so I got out my garden essential phosphoric acid (81%) and added 1mL to the 3L this has sent the e.c. to 2.7 big drop from only 1m/L does this seem correct or should I let the solution sit for a while and remeasure in a while. Is it just a case of using drops of it, if so this 1L of phos acid is going to last me years.

Should I get a different pH down something not as robust.

Also if the pH of the stuff Ive mixed doesnt rise how do I get shut of it?

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so I got out my garden essential phosphoric acid (81%) and added 1mL to the 3L this has sent the e.c. to 2.7 big drop from only 1m/L does this seem correct or should I let the solution sit for a while and remeasure in a while. Is it just a case of using drops of it, if so this 1L of phos acid is going to last me years.

Most people dilute the pH down with water so that when you add it it won't have as big an effect as using it neat as it's concentrated stuff. It's easier than using drops and more accurate.

E2a: you can always use rhizotonic or silicon or something to up the pH of what you have but personally I'd ditch it and mix some fresh...

Edited by DD2001
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so I got out my garden essential phosphoric acid (81%) and added 1mL to the 3L this has sent the e.c. to 2.7 big drop from only 1m/L does this seem correct or should I let the solution sit for a while and remeasure in a while. Is it just a case of using drops of it, if so this 1L of phos acid is going to last me years.

+1 on what DD2001 says about diluting it down first. I keep a 5l plastic jerry can (an old distilled water bottle) and fill it three quarters full, then add 150ml of acid. By not filling it to the top it makes it easier to pour without splashing.

Then, mix up your nutes and add the diluted pH down. If you're using a big bucket (10 or 20l) then you can pour it straight from the diluted mix. If you're using smaller, use a 50ml syringe to add it to the mix.

There's no fixed amount of acid to add....you just need to add it bit by bit, using your pH wand/meter as a stirrer, until you reach your target pH.


Edited by GreenNinja
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Cheers for that info guys.

How long would nute solution last as its going to be easier to mix a batch rather than one up every day for hand watering during veg?

Edited by groovelick
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How long would nute solution last as its going to be easier to mix a batch rather than one up every day for hand watering during veg?

I keep mine in 20l buckets (1 for veg, 1 for flower) and its usually 3-4 days before I remix. I don't bother bubbling it either, just give it a good stir before you pH down it.

The pH will creep up a bit over time, so use a syringe for daily small adjustments to pH - saves lots of fuckups :)


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Well.... there's a fella either on here or another site who just cut out the main rootball at the base of the plant then repots his new plants straight into the hole with no loss in yield to potting up in fresh coco.

i wouldn't know which bit to cut out... :unsure:


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Goddamnit was mixing nute solution when the ec reading shot right up, so rinsed the meter then noticed that the probe/cover thingy that looks like a glass bead was not there! looked in the nute bucket not in there looked in sink not there either so I'm blind, so instead of mixing a batch of nutes up.

1 Can I just use water

2 Or can I use a feed of weak bio silicon (how do you use bio-silicon with coco)

Plants are small approx 6" in 1L pots grow shop is shut so cant get a meter and they are due a water as coco is fairly dry.

meter was one of the cheapy ones was going to get a Bluelab this weekend.


I have a very low base ec in my water supply its usually 0.17 to 0.21

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1 Can I just use water

2 Or can I use a feed of weak bio silicon (how do you use bio-silicon with coco)

You can use water if it's just for a day or two max, but obviously they'll start to feel it much more beyond that. Not having a working EC meter isn't the end of the world... either mix up a weaker batch just to be safe, or go with water. No idea about bio-silicon, but it won't give anything in the way of nutritional value. If you've got any Formulex knocking around, use that? Better than nowt...


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Guest papaduc

i wouldn't know which bit to cut out... :unsure:


Sorry, I was talking about bigger pots than that. It's just round the base of the stem where the thickest roots are, then re plant straight into that hole. Never tried it myself but apparently it was the same as using a fresh round of coco.

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1 Can I just use water

2 Or can I use a feed of weak bio silicon (how do you use bio-silicon with coco)

You can use water if it's just for a day or two max, but obviously they'll start to feel it much more beyond that. Not having a working EC meter isn't the end of the world... either mix up a weaker batch just to be safe, or go with water. No idea about bio-silicon, but it won't give anything in the way of nutritional value. If you've got any Formulex knocking around, use that? Better than nowt...


Cheers GN just gave them water last night, and dropped in at the grow shop this afternoon between jobs and got a blue lab so things back on track.

e2a Whey hey much simpler with the BL, I mixed one batch of 4L first time no waste (before it was taking 3 attempts)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I was talking about bigger pots than that. It's just round the base of the stem where the thickest roots are, then re plant straight into that hole. Never tried it myself but apparently it was the same as using a fresh round of coco.

that's pretty cool if it works. i'd be too scared to try it myself though.

maybe have to give it a go with a male or something that won't matter if it fails.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great thread guys, i'm in week 2 of my first coco grow now, alot of conflicting information everywhere on coco so i've done some test with my first 5 plants, different pots and potting practices, different feed strength an schedules, different drainage etc. I need to experience these things for myself after all.

So far (regardless of my rough PH estimations due to lack of ability to test),using ionic, all the plants are healthy green with no burn or signs of overwatering, root growth (without any adds) seems to be amazing regardless of medium moisture (as long as there is some). The 2 babies that have been in my autopots for 3 days have already started to draining the resevoir. I'm amazed.

First impressions suggest that coco and cannabis are a match made in heaven, just like cannabis and I.

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First impressions suggest that coco and cannabis are a match made in heaven, just like cannabis and I.

You hit the nail on the head, imho. Grats on becoming a coconut :)


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First impressions suggest that coco and cannabis are a match made in heaven, just like cannabis and I.

You hit the nail on the head, imho. Grats on becoming a coconut :)


Thanks GN,

I ordered a PH meter day before yesterday, it came today and I disovered ive been feeding them at 6.4-6.6. They have been losing their colour over the last couple of days and had some leaf curlage going on. PH down to 6.0 in my autopots and 5.8 on my handfeed, wonder which ones will recover faster ? :)

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I ordered a PH meter day before yesterday, it came today and I disovered ive been feeding them at 6.4-6.6. They have been losing their colour over the last couple of days and had some leaf curlage going on. PH down to 6.0 in my autopots and 5.8 on my handfeed, wonder which ones will recover faster ? :)

6.4-6.6 is obviously too high, but they should recover fine and quickly. Worth handwatering daily if you're not already until they recover imho. The pH level determines which elements of the nutrient are absorbed, and by how much. By feeding them in the right zone they'll get what they need in the amounts they need and you should see leafs return to a nice green colour over the next week or so.


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