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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Canna coco, 12-14litre pots, canna A'n'B rhizotonic cannazyme pk13/14 and budboost, big bubbler in nute tank doin automated feeding/watering twicw a day, more than adequate fresh air, good circulation, perfect temps, lots of light, 1.5GPW per harvest........

coco is the sh*t


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Guest Poacher
Canna coco, 12-14litre pots, canna A'n'B rhizotonic cannazyme pk13/14 and budboost, big bubbler in nute tank doin automated feeding/watering twicw a day, more than adequate fresh air, good circulation, perfect temps, lots of light, 1.5GPW per harvest........

coco is the sh*t


sorry, sounds like :spliff: to me, cocos good but not that good

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When I say buckets what I mean it was the tubs that they get cut flowers delivered in no handles (the 99p was for the lot not per bucket). Similar in size to my pots just no holes in them so first run throu with 6.5 I dont want a behemoth in me tent



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Morning folks,

Todays question for coco growers is about fungus gnats! Thought id post in here as I believe it to be coco related instead of the pests forum.

I went with plagron coco this time around after seeing it in a local shop usually I use canna pro from greens.

Ive never noticed these little buggers before right bloody nuisence eh! and boy they can run :yinyang:

Then it seems when I move the plants the takeoff and fly around my flower room with no real direction.

Ive read that they are more of a pest to growers than harmfull to my plants which is fine....but Id like to get rid if at all possible!


So far all Ive done is squash what i see and placed a strip of yellow sticky traps on each pot,this is working by working I meen yeah it catches and traps them in no time.

Has anyone using coco ever eradicated these little buggers? From reading i read they enjoy a wet moist damp conditions and for me this is my conditions pretty much all the time with watering every 48 hours.

Been reading about the likes of sharp sand and nitnat//gnatoff and someone even mentioned permethrin based ant powder on top of your pots...So coconuts how do you deal with these little gnats? Appreciate your time...


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I know the feeling mate. Bloody nightmare!

So far i've used Sharp Sand and Gnatoff, both worked but I still found them lingering about! 20quid for Gnatoff for just a small bottle, I personally don't think it's worth it!

Im using sticky traps which i put on each pot same as you. Also I move the top layer of the coco with my hand to make sure any that are lying on the top try to fly away then they get caught on the sticky traps or i catch them myself mr miyagi stylee :yinyang:

I do that quite regualy to keep on top of them.


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Their like kamacazi pilots up there at the moment,whats the script with them sticky traps aswell? one side seems to come off ok but the other side arghhhhh! always the full back comes off can never get my nails into that wee bit inbetween know what Im on about? Done my head in today...:yep:

Anyway I found this item by Owderb on them,should av searched some more before posting :yinyang:

Fungus Gnats

We all come across the little buggers at sometime or another so I thought i'd do a little write up on them.

First thing is that they are more of a nuisance than anything unless you have a really bad infestation.The adults dont really do that much damage,only if you count dumping all over your plants.

Its the larvae if anything that do the most damage,but this is usually with seedlings and young plants where they can puncture the roots which leave the plant suseptable to diseases.They are also known to carry fungal spores,ie pithium etc.

The larvae are quite easy to spot as they live in upper layers of your medium,which includes rockwool and are white,about 5mm long with a shiny black head.When doing nft Ive seen them hanging on to the correx on the underside aswell as being on your tray and in among your roots.

Gnats love dark shaded moist areas thats why they are seen around the base of the plant and are known to be idle fliers.

A way of monitoring the larvae and finding out how bad your infestation is to put a piece of peeled potato pressed into your medium.Leave for around 24 hrs and have a look how many have come to inspect,first in the medium just under the potato,then the potato itself.

Adults can be controlled by putting plenty of yellow sticky traps above the canopy,and horizontally layed on your medium too.The traps also give you a good idea where in the growroom they are more congregated.With them being idle fliers its best to give your plants a shake to get them airborn and give you a better chance of catching them on the traps.

There are plenty of sprays around to eradicate the adults,toxic and natural but to be honest sticky traps are normally sufficient.

The larvae are obviously more of a problem but there ways of tackling them if you have a bad infestation.There are drenches now available to eradicate them but as said before unless they are really bad or are in a treasured mother plants roots then it would be a last resort.

And of course there is prevention which is not always that easy as the eggs may already be in your medium when you buy.All spillages need clearing up and all leaks need fixing as if they find anywhere moist and safe they'll lay there eggs.Screening all your ventilation will also help as this is the main cause of any fliers in your room.

A layer of sharp sand on the top of pots also helps too as it suffocates the larvae and prevents adults from laying their eggs in the medium.Make sure that the sand is washed sand as ordinary builders sand has alot of salt in it and could seep into your roots.

An adult can lay 100-150 eggs in its short life so its important to trap as many as possible.


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Nilnat by Canadian Xpress works - still 20 quid for a tiny dropper bottle, but it works. Can be used preventatively or during an attack. Worth it imo, and doesn't smell anywhere near as nasty as GnatOff (although I've no idea how nasty either are)


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Cheers Gn,

Phoned the local shop and they dont have Canadian express but they do have gnatoff at £22 a bottle

So ill grab some of this today,hope its only a ml per litre at them prices hahaha.

Thanks for the headsup tho chief.


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Canna coco, 12-14litre pots, canna A'n'B rhizotonic cannazyme pk13/14 and budboost, big bubbler in nute tank doin automated feeding/watering twicw a day, more than adequate fresh air, good circulation, perfect temps, lots of light, 1.5GPW per harvest........

coco is the sh*t


sorry, sounds like :realcool: to me, cocos good but not that good

HAHAHAHAHAHA NO U SH*T. as if im gonna make up some sh*t to try an impress people who i dont know, an dont and wont ever no me. Some amateurs are using coco wrongly, and also coco or no coco, simply not understanding the science of cultivation in general. U might know one......... Words of the day. SCIENTIFIC PERFECTION, with no ifs or buts. Go that extra 10 miles

Believe me or dont.... i couldnt give a f**k

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Dr Trich is behind my whole it's on thread he was the inspiration, wanna grow a tree dr trich, yes I bloody well do!

I have my doubts 1.5g/w is possible in a room that isn't enriched with co2.

I would really like to see pics of your grow Dr Trich for research if nothing else.

I think geo holds the record with an atomix aero grow 1.7g/w

I've done 37oz off 1 plant and I only did it in the first place because of Dr Trich, I intend to take 100oz off1 plant before I consider my work done but hey that's 2012 at least.

Edited by Tutu
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Dr Trich is behind my whole it's on thread he was the inspiration, wanna grow a tree dr trich, yes I bloody well do!

I have my doubts 1.5g/w is possible in a room that isn't enriched with co2.

I would really like to see pics of your grow Dr Trich for research if nothing else.

I think geo holds the record with an atomix aero grow 1.7g/w

I've done 37oz off 1 plant and I only did it in the first place because of Dr Trich, I intend to take 100oz off1 plant before I consider my work done but hey that's 2012 at least.

Ha cool. nice to know inspired ya mate! i never ended up doin that tree. I def will some day its always fasinated me to push a single plant to the limit to see just what could be achieved in yield!

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  • 2 weeks later...

When Do you guys stop ph your feed?

Comming up to week 6 of a 8 weeker.

Planning on cutting out the pk for week 6.

Week 7 planing to cut the A&B in half and not ph the mix.

Week 8 same as above but just water for the last 3 days

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