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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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right ok. now i have learned how to and where to top. but i am extending my plants a further two weeks of veg. as tomorrow would of been the day where i would have changed to 12/12. but due to a bad period (which has been rectified now hopefully fingers x) i am furthing the veg for another two weeks. as i am in no hurry. is it to late to top? also two of my girls have not reached the 1ft height yet. (very slow growth. i blame the parents!) this another reason why im furthering veg to get the two girls to 1ft. so plzzzzzzzz guys any advise will be taken on board.



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Personally any topping to be done I do it in veg allowing 5 days recovery before switching to flower.


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Personally any topping to be done I do it in veg allowing 5 days recovery before switching to flower.


cheers p&q. :spliff::smoke:

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just reading stans diary. somewhat confusing about humidity...

Hiya Firefox

Whether it's a 60% or 70% max., the basic principles are that 1) As the plants mature they benefit from a lower humidity and 2) Extremes of humidity are to be avoided. I never manage to create high humidity early in veg. and by itself it doesn't cause me any problems...

Low humidity, I think you're right in saying, isn't much of a problem by itself in veg... but in conjunction with hi temps. and a ferocious fan I suspect we'd see leaf-margins curling-upwards etc. as is often seen on these boards.

High humidity in flower is much more likely to be a problem IME... in conjunction with poor air exchange & hi temps. it's a recipe for encouraging budrot & mildews etc.

Like I say - the guide isn't great and would perhaps be better used to supplement the good advice on these boards. I've answered other questions about the guide in a PM to you...

Nearly missed this... Perhaps would have got a better, broader response if you posted it in the environment forum - this is a coco thread... lol

Hope that helps...



Edited by Stan909
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  • 2 weeks later...

Lads, I have 10 clones that were rooted in root riots. I have now transferred them to 3" pots and I am feeding them baby feed consisting of Formulex 5ml/l, Plant Magic Root Stimulator at PH 5.5. Do I need to worry about the ec yet? Have done nough with the aul ec pen yet.

It's my first attempt at coco and I am unsure what to do here. should I take the clones out of the prop now?

How the hell do I know when to feed them again?

Thanks :rofl:

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Hello bobw00ds..Yeah get them out of the prop if they are rooted..As they are in coco they will need food from the start..Not sure what formulex is but the root stim contains no food.. I would feed start feeding at EC 0.8 from now at PH 6.0ish.What your looking for is to keep the coco moist but not let it dry out too much or get too saturated..How big are the plants?What nutrients are you using?

Got any pics?

Good luck..


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Guest Tutu

Well my coco/soil hempys are doing pretty well better than the soil only, I feed them a compost tea every 2 weeks or so to get the microherd going appears to be working so far. I left my camera elsewhere but if you're going to try feeding bio bizz/ot organic to coco defo give them compost teas, the one I'm not feeding compost teas to is 1/4 the size and no were near as healthy.

I did a pure coco hempy as well fed compost teas seems very healthy don't think you need any soil.

PH should interesting as coco can't buffer on it's own if I understand it correctly, been tempted to adjust ph but since using ot organic I fear any adjustment would be temporary at best as the ph will swing wildy when the nutes decompose I'm sure. At the moment they seem just fine maybe I should check the ph of the coco but I figured I'd let the plants tell me instead and adjust as needed.

The best thing is I can feed the plants daily without fear of waterlogging, no wet/dry which is what I was after with this little experiment I might take the experiment to the next level next time and do a dope plant.

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It's 100% worth it....probably crazy not to, given the change in rootmass ime. I use PlantMagic's Granules and they are the nuts. Better value than Rootgrow imo, and better performing. If you use superthrive in veg I think it has enough B vits to keep the microherd happy, but molasses seems to work. I use a touch of EarthJuice Catalyst in veg to give them so carbs. The side by sides that I've done with Granules versus non-granules, every single time the Granules plant kicks ass by a significant amount...visibly more roots by about 30-50%.


GN...how do you use the granules with coco m8, obviously you sprinkle it onto the roots, but is that all you do, or do you add anything into the coco??

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It's 100% worth it....probably crazy not to, given the change in rootmass ime. I use PlantMagic's Granules and they are the nuts. Better value than Rootgrow imo, and better performing. If you use superthrive in veg I think it has enough B vits to keep the microherd happy, but molasses seems to work. I use a touch of EarthJuice Catalyst in veg to give them so carbs. The side by sides that I've done with Granules versus non-granules, every single time the Granules plant kicks ass by a significant amount...visibly more roots by about 30-50%.


GN...how do you use the granules with coco m8, obviously you sprinkle it onto the roots, but is that all you do, or do you add anything into the coco??

any info green ninja about the granules and coco??

Edited by spankydemonkey
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GN...how do you use the granules with coco m8, obviously you sprinkle it onto the roots, but is that all you do, or do you add anything into the coco??

Hiya, sorry for the late reply - just back from a glorious weekend in Dam :spliff:

The important thing with the PM Granules is that they touch the roots directly. I use a small scoop from an old Rootgrow bag and then use that to sprinkle over the rootball, all around the sides and underneath. Make sure you do it directly OVER the pot you're repotting into so that any excess falls into the hole (saves waste). It helps a lot if the rootball/coco is damp, not wet, not dry as the granules will stick on better. Then just plop your plant into the new pot, fill in with coco and feed. Use PM Granules whenever you pot up, from root riot or small 3" pot all the way through to finishing pot. Don't be shy with them, but you don't need a thick coat either. A good dusting of all the visible roots will do the job but don't worry if you don't get them all.

Hope this helps


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thanks gn, thats great info...nice on m8.

yeh, i bet you did have great weekend in the dam, personally i've never been, but maybe one day.

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Hello bobw00ds..Yeah get them out of the prop if they are rooted..As they are in coco they will need food from the start..Not sure what formulex is but the root stim contains no food.. I would feed start feeding at EC 0.8 from now at PH 6.0ish.What your looking for is to keep the coco moist but not let it dry out too much or get too saturated..How big are the plants?What nutrients are you using?

Got any pics?

Good luck..


Many thanks for that Sickboy, I'll be getting pics up in the next few days. I am using Plant Magic Coco nutes and the Formulex is the baby nutes that cmoes with root riot cubes.

I also have some of that Plant Magic granules but should you use them in a totally coco grow?

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GN...how do you use the granules with coco m8, obviously you sprinkle it onto the roots, but is that all you do, or do you add anything into the coco??

Hiya, sorry for the late reply - just back from a glorious weekend in Dam :wassnnme:

The important thing with the PM Granules is that they touch the roots directly. I use a small scoop from an old Rootgrow bag and then use that to sprinkle over the rootball, all around the sides and underneath. Make sure you do it directly OVER the pot you're repotting into so that any excess falls into the hole (saves waste). It helps a lot if the rootball/coco is damp, not wet, not dry as the granules will stick on better. Then just plop your plant into the new pot, fill in with coco and feed. Use PM Granules whenever you pot up, from root riot or small 3" pot all the way through to finishing pot. Don't be shy with them, but you don't need a thick coat either. A good dusting of all the visible roots will do the job but don't worry if you don't get them all.

Hope this helps


Hello bobw00ds.. I not used the granules myself but the above quote is how GN does it.. I will try granules too next grow..

Good luck mate..


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Great thread!

Im using Canna Coco pro plus, with the full range of Canna nutes.

at week 4 of veg, had a few probs along the way.

at seedling stage I must of overwatered afew as they grew to about a cm then keeled over and died, I have since learnt about damping off!

had a small mite problem but neem oil saved the day.

got my measurements mixed up and have been feeding them 5ml a 5ml b per litre, it seems that is too excessive, although only tiny amount of burn.

out of 5, 2 survived to this point, dna kushberry, one is a beast, one I have nicknamed skinny girl as she just didnt take off like big bertha, she is catching up now tho.

I am watering every 2 days, so far so good.

It good to see there is a bit of a community here of coco growers, i shall be bouncing ideas of you chaps and chapessess!

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whilst addin silicone to the nute tank,im just wonderin how far into flower should i be using silicone for??

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