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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Guest papaduc

Nice one P&Q.

So you just added the PK in with your usual regime of bloom nutes then? Or did you lower the bloom?

I'll do a test on the PK in the future, definitely. I've only got one big girly on the go this time, so that's out of the question. Did a search and as far as I can see, nobody has done anything like that, and people's opinion on it is definitely not conclusive either for or against it. most people just do it or don't.

Anyway, I think I'll throw it in in small amounts. Can't do any harm if I go easy I suppose. Just need to know whether to lower the bloom.


EC pen is on the list mate, although I don't think it's as essential as the PH one. I think if you've got the general growing principles sorted by growing in soil, coco is a really easy transition, long as you remember to Ph. maybe it's just the hesi nutes though. I don't know about mixing A's and B's and all that. Hesi you just go by the mil, no different to biobizz in soil.

E2A: I took a different cut (fresh one) and put it straight in coco. It's been there for about 5 days now. Sprayed it with formulex once. Has had no leaves trimmed, just straight in. Hasn't wilted, looks good. Let you know if/when it roots.

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So you just added the PK in with your usual regime of bloom nutes then? Or did you lower the bloom?

Yes mate,first grow I fed up till 3 days before chop,second time I stopped feed week 8 and plain water for the last week,cant say I noticed any difference.


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hi all,

im just going in2 my 3rd grow with coco an bio nova feed when in flower i find i have 2 use alot of a + b just 2 get an ec of 1.6 also in flower im using ton o bud i use a+b an x-cel an n-zym + tob iv read this full thread and i c quite a few of u use bcuzz is this better? use less? i use formulex in veg then move 2 bio nova i also tried using 10 and 20 ltr pots and tbh a couldnt really notice much differace in yeild no enuf to say bigger is better any1 had simillar results?? ano im asking loads but iv only just got round 2 geting registerd 2 stoned lol;);) im using super silver haze averageing 6oz dry each ive got 2 600w cooltubes in a stealth cuppord its aprox 6ft tall 7 ft wide an 5ft bridth i can get 10/12 ten ltr pots or 7 20 ltr pots any tips welcome i am a true novice donit all with no knoledge


ur own grass is always greener :)

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Hi and welcome yourownsthebest mate,

Ive never tried Bio Novo or the B'Cuzz range however I do use the Canna range. Have a look on the Canna Website at their own feed calculator and do yourself a little schedule based on your grow to give you an idea of their amounts. The A&B doesnt go up on the canna schedule in flower (almost the same right through) like you have mentioned on your Bio Nova schedule and I arent saying its any better than B'Cuzz or Bio Novo etc its just another option I suppose :B):

It sounds like you are getting excellent results at 6oz a plant mind (or is that 6oz per grow?) so is there a reason why you want to change it? Are the Bio Nova A&B expensive? Or when you say silly amount what are you talking? 40ml per 10l? or 100ml per 10l?

Super Silver Haze eh? MMMMM One on my list of wanting to grow, just too long to flower. How long do yours flower for mate?

I know I havent helped you much but I dont know anything about your nutes unfortunately but again 6oz a plant, unless the Bio Nova is ridiculously expensive I dont think I would be changing much if everything looks good and healthy :yinyang::bag:

E2A - Thought I better add, for your comparison, I use 20ml A and 20ml B of Canna Nutes per 10l of water when in flowering :)

Edited by namaste666
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hi m8

am new to this forum stuff too :wink: :spliff:

am averagein 6oz dry a plant the last 1 i had a mixture of 10 an 20ltr pots cant really say ther was any diferance

when i make up 60 ltr of feed im puting in about 280-300 ml a+b jst to get an ec of 1.6 tht also includes full strength ton o bud 35g +xcel at full strength an n-zym at full strength the scedule says 400 to 500 ml per 100ltr a+b its 13.50 for 1lt a+b this scedule is the same from week 3 onwards it says use 250-300 for first 2 weeks an gradualy increase it i think considering i use tht in a week sometimes less an it all goes to waste iv been told not to recycle feed so im pretty much havin to buyit every few weeks im a total novice iv asked every1 iv met tht knows anything jst to find out wht every1 else is using but most of the time when it comes to feed they all say stick with bio nova i just think ther must be beter value feeds to use

the super silver is stunning im actually using a strain tht came from london 2years ago from a mother thts been goin since the 1980's i started them on 12/12 at xmas i only had 2 of silver i had an origonal mother an 1 clone the mother went in a 10ltr the clone went in a aprox 5ltr myb smaller i took the clone down roundabout week 5/6 as i needd somthing 2 smoke i got 45g dry i took the mother down week 9/10 an got just over 6oz dry an yes th clone wasnt th best smoke but needs must stil got me :spliff: stoned daily but the mother was a differant class

i hav been trying out bubbleponics and airoponics its great for fast growth in veg but i put 2 in2 flower in bubbles an 1 is as healthy as can the other is just about on its last legs dont no y theyre both geting everything th same but hey ho im bac 2 coco for flower an bubbles+aroponics for veg trial an era il get ther eventually

i just keep thinking of my m8's grows wer he was getin 9/10 a plant easy he used 2 use bio bizz and soil + wick in bucket bucket iv no tried this 1 myself yet a will get round 2it

cheers ano i ramble on sorry :rofl: cheers

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For my second coco grow i am thinking of adding Rootgrow to half the plants to get a comparison.

Is adding Rootgrow to plants growing in coco during potting up worthwhile? And also is there anything i need to add on occassion to keep the Mycorrhizal fungi happy like Molasses or something?


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For my second coco grow i am thinking of adding Rootgrow to half the plants to get a comparison.

Is adding Rootgrow to plants growing in coco during potting up worthwhile? And also is there anything i need to add on occassion to keep the Mycorrhizal fungi happy like Molasses or something?

It's 100% worth it....probably crazy not to, given the change in rootmass ime. I use PlantMagic's Granules and they are the nuts. Better value than Rootgrow imo, and better performing. If you use superthrive in veg I think it has enough B vits to keep the microherd happy, but molasses seems to work. I use a touch of EarthJuice Catalyst in veg to give them so carbs. The side by sides that I've done with Granules versus non-granules, every single time the Granules plant kicks ass by a significant amount...visibly more roots by about 30-50%.


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Thanks GreenNinja,

I was harvesting the other day and spent a short time afterwards removing all the roots from the used coco so that i can try reusing the coco for practicing rooting cuttings in it and growing from seed and maybe potting up young rooted clones, though the root system on most of the plants was quite impressive i was thinking there was room for improvement especially with my Anesthesia cutting as it has a slow developing root system and previously i found using Rootgrow with it in compost was a huge improvement.

I will go with the PM granules as i have not tried that particular product as yet, maybe give the Earth Catalyst a go too as im almost out of Superthrive.


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@ yourownsthebest

It sounds like you have nice genetics on that Super Silver Haze mate, nice one. As before I would stick with what your doing if your getting 6 oz a plant to be honest. Working out your feed, I dont think it is "really" high (albeit higher than mine) and from what I have read on here and other feed charts etc I would expect the EC to be slightly higher in flower than 1.6 but seriously mate, dont try and fix it if it aint broke and the plants are looking healthy :B): It may just be that your particular brand of feed doesnt have a high EC (just a total guess mind)

Your mate might have been getting better results due to many many factors. Unless your grow rooms are next door to eachother and pretty much identical in feeds/medium/environment etc I would try not to judge my crop based on friends crops. Unless ofcourse I was only getting an oz when their getting 7oz a plant etc, clearly something is wrong there.

If you fancy a change do a test, half your plants on your feed and then half on B'Cuzz/Canna or one of the other Coco Feeds. Its all a learning process this coco lark ;) So many feeds, so many additives, so many bloody choices :) Honestly though with me, apart from this Canna Boost I am testing now, I am happy with the results I got last time so I highly doubt I will move from Canna for a fair few months. As before I am far from saying Canna are the best because i really do not know, I just dont have the balls to change what is already working :):yinyang::wassnnme:

Good luck mate :yep:

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maybe give the Earth Catalyst a go too as im almost out of Superthrive.

Keep using the superthrive anyway - it's good stuff. The Catalyst is really unnecessary or probably huge overkill...I'm sure a teaspoon of molasses would do the same job (and I've no real way of knowing if it's working anyway!!)


Remember that cutting that I took and put straight in coco without the humidity dome?

It's rooted.

Nice - how long did it take?


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Guest papaduc
Nice - how long did it take?


That post where I said I had some clones to test, was on the 13th of feb. Now I binned them to start again, because they'd been sitting in water for time. I started a fresh one in a pot of it's own about 4 or 5 days later, so about the 17/18th of feb til now. Near enough two weeks dead on.

That was a cut from a flowering plant as well.

I was dubious at first, but yea, it works. I haven't had any yellowing, wilt, anything. Didn't clip the leaves either. Spot on.

I did give one misting of formulex though, about five days after I took it, and if you're going to use this method, do not put them in direct light, they don't need it and can't cope with it - probably due to the lack of humidity. Just stick it anywhere, like in your bedroom with the light on, or a pretty dim area of your veg room, something like that. Anywhere where you come back to it after a few hours and it hasn't wilted. It really doesn't need light to root. Under the canopy of veg plants would be fine.

Nice one Sundays child for this tip.

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cheers namaste666

tbh i dont really want 2 change my feed but if i can save a good bit by changein an still get similar results i would

i didnt really think 6 a plant was alot

it is a lovely strain although a didnt see any silvering on them whatsoever im a conessuer i like really potent body stones which the silver is if iv got anything to do i dont smokit first thing if i did tht would b it couch lock pretty much most of the day

im thinking of trying great white shark an sharks breath altho 2 my knoledge i havent smoked any of them ut iv heard great reports im also thinking of tryin deisel an blu cheese theres so much 2 choose from aaahh choices choices

i experimented with bubble ponics but im bac 2 th coco again atleast i no wht 2 expect iv not lost any yet in coco but iv lost 1 in bubbles so far its all trial an era cheers m8 :spliff:

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im starting to veg some rooted cuttings for my second coco grow right now and i thought i would mention something i have learned so far.. plants grown in coco really hate the cold.. my lights out temps were just under 19C for a few days and the plants hated it and went yellow and pale looking especially around the growing tips.. set my oiled filled radiator up for lights out and after a couple of days they seem to be pulling round and greening back up again.

So far im finding growing in coco much more work and time spent than compost grows, i find its much easier to fuck up in coco and coming from growing for years in compost going over to coco is almost like starting learning to grow for the first time again and unfortunately for me i have to report that my first coco crop was infact fairly shite in terms of yield and quality of buds, though they have put a lot of resin on them.

I believe adding the canna pk13/14 at 21days in completley stopped the flowering in its tracks in less than two weeks after adding it. The plants were looking and doing amazing untill that point.

I have harvested at 9 weeks what looks like plants that only flowered for no more than 5 weeks.. there was no new growth or white hairs not long after adding the canna pk13/14, i watched the flowering just stop before my eyes, i know people use this stuff from early in flower but i can see why Canna say to use it at the end cos it deffo fucked my flowering development adding it early when i did.. they stopped forming bud, all the white hairs died off, they then went hard and pumped out loads of resin remaining no bigger then a small coin and never filling in on the branches.

The only good that came of my first coco grow is i got twice as much leaf with resin on it for hash making than i get with compost grows..

this is all just my observations from experience and my opinions and i know everyones set up yields different results....

I hope i can get this next run sorted out or its back to compost for me, as me and my friends are going to have very little to smoke at the minute after my first attempt at coco..

onwards and upwards.. as they say..

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