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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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another thing my tap water ph sits at 7.2 so once ive added my liq silicone and feed this will go up what sort of doses of ph down should i bu using like 1ml per litre or??? just any ideas as a rough guide would be cool

cheers chaps

Hiya mate,

Ive just started using Liq Silicon on this grow and it has literally doubled my ph down use.

Like P&Q, on my first grow I was using an average of about 1.5ml of PH Down per 10l of mix to bring the PH down to about 5.9 however like I said, this time round with exactly the same nutrients but the addition of silicon (10ml per 10l of water) it takes about 3ml of PH Down to achieve the same sort of PH level.

Hope this helps bud and good luck. You will love the Coco, I havent looked back :ermm:

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Guest hantshaze

This has got me worried now :ouch:

When I knock a 5 ltr container up I add nutes ect too the water and then ph.

To the 5ltrs of nute sulution it takes about 5ml to get the level down to 5.8.

I use ph down easy control 25.

Am I using so muck coz its 25% strenth????????

Its got to. My Ph pen is checked weekly :(


Ps just looked at a newer bottle and this one is 81% thuss I wont need to use as much as its neater.

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Silicon? :(

Cmon ya buggers whats this then?

What am I missing here?

This fountain of knowledge needs to know :ouch: (more like a teaspoon of knowledge)

Still learning tho..


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I have started using Silicon this time - not noticed any magical improvements to be honest.... not a big fan of "added extras" I understand the benefits from a theory point of view - lets see what comes out at the dry end then I will be in a better position to comment on the stuff.

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Silicon? lol

Cmon ya buggers whats this then?

What am I missing here?

This fountain of knowledge needs to know :rofl: (more like a teaspoon of knowledge)

Still learning tho..


All GN's fault lol:ouch: Nah, seriously though, GreenNinja mentioned it in the early pages of this thread and I thought it could be worth a try aswell. I asked about it on page 9 and received this response from him which was a good enough reason for me to try it on this current grow. :smoke:

"Silicon is great - I use Liquid Silicon by Growth Tech as it's the most user friendly. The PlantMagic one is overpriced and the bottles are crap, Budlink can apprently muck up taste and burn, and the Hydrogarden one has a weird way to mix and add which isn't easy.

So, GT Liquid Silicon the whole way at 1ml/l as directed in both veg and flower. I've not been using it so that I can see the effects of a pure B'Cuzz regime and no doubt my plants are way floppier and will need staking, whereas before they didn't with the Silicon"

I bought the Growth Technology one, not only because of the above but also my PH Down is also made by Growth Technology so I guess they will work better together. It says on the bottle it "Delivers vigorous growth, healthy plants and spectacular harvests" and it also acts as a PH UP (Handy if you mess up your ph when mixing your feed).

I am on week 3 of veg this time round and can I see a difference from my last grow without silicon? erm yeah I think I can. The jury is still out obviously but I have had no problems with it and "touch wood" everything is looking great. Just be careful though, someone warned me that silicon helps your plants really take up the nutrients and can sometimes cause nute burn if anything is used in the wrong doses. I am really careful when feeding and make sure my EC is about 1.6 in veg and PH about 5.9. Like I said, touch wood everything is looking great.

Please someone shoot me down if I am wrong here but before I started using silicon for this grow this is what I gathered from the research and help I received.

Edited by namaste666
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Yep, the downside of using a silicon additive is that it does push your pH up significantly and therefore you will need to use more pH down. I've never had a problem with the amount of pH down I use though.

As for benefits, I see marked differences in plants with and without silicon. Those without are MUCH more droopier with thinner mainstems and weaker arms. Only the really heavy strains need yoyos/support, but everything else doesn't need any support. For example, my Blue Cheese cut always falls over without silicon.

Also, and this was the main reason for me using silicon in the first place: by strengthening the plants cellular structure you help protect against airborne nasties like powdery mildew. I never ever want to get that fucking PM ever again - it's a mofo and a half. Since using silicon I haven't had it (touch wood). Could be coincidence but I really doubt it.

I love the stuff and won't grow without it now, but YMMV. Friends have also noticed the same benefits, so I'm pretty sure it's not just me. Stems are just so much thicker and bark like (like on a mum, but not on a mum).


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I never ever want to get that fucking PM ever again - it's a mofo and a half. Since using silicon I haven't had it (touch wood). Could be coincidence but I really doubt it.


How Bizarre - I just had a look, and compared the two tents and you are bang on, the stems and side stalks are sturdier - but I have to say th efirst time in all my life I have had that bloody PM is on the tent I used Silicon :unsure: plain bad luck - I think it is getting under control - no where sells protector anymore, but found the raw ingredients and it is going...lets hope so anyway


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- no where sells protector anymore, but found the raw ingredients and it is going...lets hope so anyway

I think from my shonky memory that the AN replacement is Rhino Skin, although it happened when they started taking even more piss (Budcandy, Bud Factor X were the other two released at that time). I can't remember the price but it's not cheap like the Protector was (15/litre). Look around - there may well be somewhere with old supplies. It lasts ages and 1l should see you through loads of infestations (mine's about 80% full after about 12-15 months).

Good luck with the PM - it's a shit, but if you use potassium bicarbonate regularly (3-4 days for a month) you'll nail it. Also circulating fans help get rid of any microclimates in there (nooks and crannies with little air movement where the spores can get established).


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Guest papaduc

Is it true that cutting taken in and put straight into coco don't need a humidity dome of any sort?

This is what I've just been told in another thread. True?

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This my first time on here for many months and I'm glad to see a coco specific forum.

I did compost many years ago but for the past four I've used coco, hand watered in 7.5 liter pots. I use Canna coco and A&B, Cannazyme, Big Bud in bloom and a little Superthrive. I do this every other day and once a week I give them just plain phed water.

I never water to run off. I used to but I experimented without and found no noticable difference in yield or quality. The only difference is that I don't have to collect and dispose of run off. This seems to be a controversial issue for some. All I can say is that in my set up, with my style and genetics it works.

It's good to be back and I expect I'll be around here some more.

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Is it true that cutting taken in and put straight into coco don't need a humidity dome of any sort?

This is what I've just been told in another thread. True?

I don't do many cuts, papaduc but when I do, it's in straight coco without a dome. Works for me.

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Guest papaduc

I'll be trying that. Got some cuts sitting in water that I have no use for. Might as well see what happens. Cheers.

Does everyone else do this?

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