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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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cool thanks hantshaze ive hearl all good stuff about coco so im giving it a go any improvements are welcomed especially yeilds :smoke: once i got the hang of this ive been lokking at the iws system fun and games eh

Edited by beard
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Beard - When repotting, use the coco as it comes out of the bag (mostly dry). There's no value in wetting it first, and in fact it makes repotting a LOT messier than it needs to be. Dry coco is so much nicer to deal with (hoovers up nicely too).

You don't need to soak coco like you would do hydroton or rockwool. Repot up as if it were compost, and then feed. The coco will drop down in the pot - add more coco to fill it in and feed again. Sorted :yep:

MrNice - No idea what the pH is but you don't need to know because it'll take on whatever the pH of your feed is....i.e. you need to ensure your feed is set at around 5.8-6.0.


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What coco are you planning on using fella?

Ive also read somewere that folk wash/wet/treat their coco before using :headpain: Think it may be the cheaper versions or block coco maybe.

But like Gn says its straight outta the bag for me too & Im using canna coco professional pluss.

Goodluck fella,your going to love this as a medium.


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What coco are you planning on using fella?

Ive also read somewere that folk wash/wet/treat their coco before using :spliff: Think it may be the cheaper versions or block coco maybe.

But like Gn says its straight outta the bag for me too & Im using canna coco professional pluss.

Goodluck fella,your going to love this as a medium.


You seen results from people using professional plus and coco nova from bio-nova? How well does it react with this medium? It's the first time i've used it. I couldn't refuse it at £7.99 for 50L bags :wink:

Just need to get some PH Down and im sorted :)


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another thing my tap water ph sits at 7.2 so once ive added my liq silicone and feed this will go up what sort of doses of ph down should i bu using like 1ml per litre or??? just any ideas as a rough guide would be cool

cheers chaps

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Hello Beard

You wanna be really carefull when using ph down its strong stuff fella.

1ml per litre is far far to much :ninja:

Im using 1.5ml maybe a tad more per 10 litres of water,this gives me a ph of 5.8/9.

An example yesterday I was watering my veg plants & only needed 3 litres so 1x2 litre jug and 1x1 litre jug

With the one litre jug all i done was let to drips into from a 5ml syringe & the ph ended up at 4.8

Just as well I bought some ph up aswell or them nutes would av been wasted,considering the prices we dont want that eh!

Go easy on it mate..



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I have two 5 litre jerry cans I use for pH down. One for veg, one for flower (nitric acid based pH down for veg, phosphoric acid based for flower). I put 150ml into each and dilute down. Then I use the diluted stuff as pH down for my nute mix.

It means there's a MUCH bigger margin of error, you don't burn your hands with it, and it's better for the nutes not adding neat acid in.


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