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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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ive just got a wilma system do i need to hand water in there till vroots show at the bottom or are the drippers ok forgot to say im using coco

Edited by beard
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ive just got a wilma system do i need to hand water in there till vroots show at the bottom or are the drippers ok forgot to say im using coco

You should pot them up as you go, into their final 6.5l or 11l Wilma pots and wait for it to get nicely rooted in before putting it into the WIlma and turning the drippers on. If you've already put it straight into the big pot, not the end of the world, but you will only need to water once a day for a little while until the roots are more developed.

Do you veg and flower in the same tent?


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so these systems are only any use once the plants are fully rooted untill that point ive gotta hand water.........may aswell stick with compo if thats the cae i was going to put rooted clones in coco and put on the wilma

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so these systems are only any use once the plants are fully rooted untill that point ive gotta hand water.........may aswell stick with compo if thats the cae i was going to put rooted clones in coco and put on the wilma

No, it's more about the frequency of feeding. You feed the plants more frequently in full flower, and less frequently in veg....but it's up to you as to how you do it. The coco will keep moist for 24 hours in either 6.5 or 11l pots so you don't have to handwater at all.

You can put rooted clones in the wilma, just put them in smaller pots and put the dripper stakes in those, potting up slowly as the roots fill the pots. Then once the big pots have roots showing at the bottom drain holes, flick over to 12/12 and get ready for buds.

You need to pot up whether you're in compost or coco, and you don't need to handwater.


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cool so how long a feed a day in veg 5 mins a day or???

In early veg, maybe once or twice a day...until the coco is soaked to runoff. No idea how long that takes, you'll need to time it - or just do 15 minutes on which should cover it (no idea what drippers you have).


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2lh drippers with the wilma 16 11 ltr pots and well rooted clones long roots

So just pot up the rooted clones into some small 3" pots, or 1l pots, and then stick drippers in those. Obviously they'll need a lot less than 15 minutes.


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nie one thanks gn my first advenyure with coco from what i read and the pics ive seen of yours happy days are ahead ;)

No worries. Don't forget that handwatering in coco is FUNDAMENTALLY different to handwatering compost because it's SOOO MUCH FASTER!!! It's not a pain in the ass unless you have a lot of plants. It's piss easy and QUICK. In fact, the faster you pour - the better imo. Flooding the rootzone with nutes then pulls air in afterwards and they love it.

If I were you I'd handwater them whilst they're in small pots and leave the drippers for the time being. It takes literally 5 minutes a day and is worth giving some love to get them nicely established. If you give them love when they're young and they develop good root systems, you'll get better results at harvest time. When they're in 3" small pots they need to be watered twice a day because if they're under HIDs they'll dry out quickly...but they'll only be in small pots for a week, then move up to 1 litre pots, which can easily last 24 hours without a drink.


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How are you applying your pk13/14 (schedule) ?

im using Hesi nutrient but the pk13/14 i have been using is made by Canna. its a new unused 250ml bottle i have had lying around that i havnt used untill now.

I began using the pk13/14 from the end of week 3 (12/12) which is when it is started on the Hesi coco chart.

I didnt use the amounts they state but instead a much smaller amount, 1.5ml in 10L one feeding then 2ml/10L for 1 feeding 5 days later, 4 days after that 2ml/10L and then a couple days later 5ml/10L. inbetween these feedings the plants recieved only the Hesi flowering nutrient and Hesi super vit and once a week some cannazym.

I am now at the end of week 5 12/12 and it seems that though the buds hae deffinatly become harder and verey resinous it looks as if they have stopped developing and not getting any bigger?

being my first coco grow im not sure what to expect but at this stage in compost i have never seen what looks like the flowering has sort of 'stalled'?

I have another 4 weeks of flowering to go and i am going to not give any more pk13/14 and i hope i havnt fucked this run up. The plants were flying along untill the pk13/14 when they look to have 'stopped' getting bigger and joining up and only getting more resinous.

I am i worrying about nothing here? can pk13/14 cause the flower development to cease? i deliberatly under dosed them with big gaps between applying it and i have noticed the effect the pk13/14 had on the plant but i think my compost grows had much better developed buds at this stage of the flowering cycle.

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im not at that stage yet but il be using hammerhead ive been using it in soil for a couple of years with good results my question tho is this i been using bigbud aswell but now im going to change to carboload il be honest ive been using bigbud in compo with hammer head for years but i couldnt get bigbud last time so i got carboload and i think it a touch better anyone agree that its better to use with hammerhead than bigbud in hydro/coco?

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Savage -

I add a PK in all the way through flower from week 3 to flush. Don't worry about it so much....I'm not sure what you think your problem is but you don't appear to have one! If the levels are too low then you just won't get as much benefit, but it won't do them any harm. A PK is nice and good to use but it's not critical by any means. You'll only fuck it up if you overdo the PK, not underdo.


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Been using the stuff for years, at first for mothers...


I keep my mums in coco, but am pretty-much making-it-up as I go along...

How did you used to keep your mums? How long did you keep them etc.?

Any info much appreciated...



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