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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Another silly sized plant in a 3.5l pot to show off with lol This time it's a DP Ultimate (day 50).

How great is coco???!



6.5 pots? It dwarfs them, makes it look like you are using 50ml pots...

Damn good show GN lol


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Thats an impressive plant for a 3.5 litre pot..goodstuff.

What sort of veg are you giving them & whats your yield (roughly)

Im thinking about a mazar s.o.g in my tent at somepoint this year & wondered if I could flower in the 3.5 or smaller.

From previously growing mazar i know it produces a single cola if giving no veg time (clones).

And in nft 1oz colas where the norm..so i thought about trying it in coco lets say 20 pots under a 600hps whatcha rekon?


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What sort of veg are you giving them & whats your yield (roughly)

That Ultimate was vegged until about 6" tall I think, maybe 3-4 weeks from seed. Not grown them before so no idea on yield, but if that continues to put weight on it could be more than 3oz.

Im thinking about a mazar s.o.g in my tent at somepoint this year & wondered if I could flower in the 3.5 or smaller.

I use 3.5 for my perpetual mini sog, work great. Definitely my favourite all-round pot. My Evening Standard grow is 12 to 16 in 3.5l under a 400w in a DR60W. I get on average an oz per plant, and they're staggered every 2 weeks so I am always in smoke.

And in nft 1oz colas where the norm..so i thought about trying it in coco lets say 20 pots under a 600hps whatcha rekon?

Difficult to say, depends on the cut. Recently I put a couple of my Evening Standards into my 600w tent to see how they went, compared to under the 400w in the smaller tent. They're definitely smaller, and the 400w tent produces better bigger buds per plant - which I put down to it being small internal space, so more bounceback from the light and therefore more lumens. Also can get light nearer to the plants with a 400w, where a 600w gets too hot.


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Cheers fella,

Im going to give it a whirl,just need to have a look at what trays Ive got upstairs,might even try 2litre pots if I can soarse them.

From what your saying the dr60 seems to do the trick,Ive got a dr60 aswell,with no fans, its got a 250wt enviro,only used for cuts/mums.

Might upgrade it & try a small grow in it at some point.

Anyway watch this space..

Thanks again.


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grate thread and will be useful to me when i know what im doing :unsure: .. but this tread has everything you need to know apart from the basics. im a fresh noob ahah

Ive come from one grow of soil. then i started looking into nft bubbles ect but I need to leave my plants for a week at a time.

Ive ended up here :yahoo: is this the right place :unsure:

don't really want to ask simple questions as it could do peoples heads in but im going to have to.

Do you up pot the same as with soil?

starting off from seed? strate into a small 1L pot?

As im going to have to use drippers or I was thinking maybe rig up a pump on a timer to flood the pots for like 15m once a day i need something to catch the water. is a little res for the run off going to cause me problems.. not leaving the pots in the water but could the old water get some dodge kill all my plants shizzle that could get transferred to my plants?

Im haing 4 plants in a small area, scrog, never moving the pots ect. would one mega pot be better than 4?

Are there horror storys with this medium, like the other hydroponic systems nft ect getting that root fungus phy (can't spell it) :mashed:,

soil seem to get more bugs?

is this as good as the nft. bubbles ect.

sorry for so many questions.. its been a STEEP learning curve so far

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Ive never grown from seed in coco,but I,ll have a bash at helping you vrt.

1~ Start your seed off in a paper cup then move it on to a 1 litre pot,once its rooted out that (around 2 weeks id guesstimate) move it into a 6 litre pot to continue vegging (say another 3 week) Theres no need for another pot up,you can flower in the 6 litre pot,so from seed thats 1 week in the cup 2 weeks in the 1 litre & 3 weeks in the 6 so 6 weeks veg time..or more if you require.

2~ Sounds like autopots with coco would be your best option,theres water tanks at 47 & 100 litres from what Ive read people who use them fill them up once a week and leave them.

However dont forget your going to have to water by hand first untill theres roots showing at the bottom of your pots before the autopots can be used,you.ll have to read up on the autos to understand how they work,theres a valve that will feed nutrients to your plants and refill when the nutrients gone,not sure about you having to leave your plants for a week at a time tho..this could be a problem if things go pete tong.

Dont know if this is much help,if not keep the questions coming someone will no doubt help you out,just tell us your room size,lights,fans,lights all the usual stuff before tho making it easier for folks to help.



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Got myself some Bcuzz coco nutes today any pointers anyone? Looking for a good starting EC for well rooted but vegging plants.

I was thinking of running at the same strength I run PM and see what happens.

Also bought myself a new tent, new bulbs, cannazym, ph down, another 50ltrs of Coco & another tub of regenaroot.

Should be a fun evening.

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Got myself some Bcuzz coco nutes today any pointers anyone? Looking for a good starting EC for well rooted but vegging plants.

Here's my current mixes:

Veg (per 20 litres)

Coco AB 30ml

Coco Booster 20ml

Superthrive 20 drops

Root Excel 6ml

Liquid Silicon 20ml

Cannazym 50ml (once a week, or whenever you want)

@ pH 5.7, EC 1.3 – 1.5

Flower (per 20 litres)

CocoAB 45ml

Coco Booster 20ml

Coco Stim 30ml

Root Excel 6ml

Liquid Silicon 20ml

Carboload 20ml

Cannazym 50ml (once a week, or whenever you want)

@ pH 5.8, EC 1.8 - 2

e2a: base tapwater = EC 0.6

Edited by GreenNinja
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Got myself some Bcuzz coco nutes today any pointers anyone? Looking for a good starting EC for well rooted but vegging plants.

Here's my current mixes:

Veg (per 20 litres)

Coco AB 30ml

Coco Booster 20ml

Superthrive 20 drops

Root Excel 6ml

Liquid Silicon 20ml

Cannazym 50ml (once a week, or whenever you want)

@ pH 5.7, EC 1.3 – 1.5

Flower (per 20 litres)

CocoAB 45ml

Coco Booster 20ml

Coco Stim 30ml

Root Excel 6ml

Liquid Silicon 20ml

Carboload 20ml

Cannazym 50ml (once a week, or whenever you want)

@ pH 5.8, EC 1.8 - 2

e2a: base tapwater = EC 0.6

Nice one GN.

I've been using PM boost which is soil only or foliar application .I use foliar, although have toyed with giving 1 plant a low dose in the coco to see what happens.

I wonder if the Bcuzz boosters are the same sort of thing?

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I wonder if the Bcuzz boosters are the same sort of thing?

I've no idea what is in the PM Boost, but then again I've little idea of what's in the B'Cuzz boosters too :ranting:

Seems that the Coco Booster aims to provoke more growth by satisfying all bits of the citric acid cycle (from the side of the bottle) and the Coco Stimulator does it by adding carbs. It has to be a sugar-based thing, which is why it smells sweet and is allegedly 100% organic.



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A lovely bit of light leak affecting 1 plant unfortunately the 1 plant is about 1/4 the grow room in a strange rectangle. The funnel is my complicated water system with a bit of hose connected and cable tied to the stem of the plant. All the plants have it, it's just buried under bud on the other ones, they're 8 weeks next tuesday but temps severely stunted them finally sorting that out this week I expect I'll let these go 11 weeks just to see what happens.



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One of the veg tent which will soon become a flowering tent with 1000w, this time with added Co2 from a temp controlled greenhouse propane burner as soon as I buy it.

I run the room semi sealed with a kerosene burner for CO2 replenishment at the moment mainly at the beginning to combat temps but I noticed the imporvemtn almost overnight and the budding plants had fuck all 2 weeks ago I thought I'd walk away with no bud no I reckon I could do 10oz which given the temps and massive loss of yield on the plant which is affected by the light leak. The light leak is solved now and the "Tent" it's in is being scrapped after this flower I've already replaced it.

The other one a gratuitous bud shot, plant magic all the way with the flowering ones.



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Great thread, nice to see a coco specific forum now...

Been using the stuff for years, at first for mothers when I was flowering in a flood/drain with clay pebbles - sog style. About a couple of years ago switched to coco in pots with the plan of reducing numbers by growing four larger plants in coco. Haven't looked back.

I use 3.5" > 1ltr > 6.5ltr > 11ltr progression ensuring good root formation before each re-pot. I don't water to run-off but know (roughly) at what point I would get run off so adjust the amounts to just under that.

I would also never pot up from "cradle to grave" style as you don't get as well developed a root-ball.

Cuts in cubes and small pots get rhizo and formulex - the formulex in the mix is increased gradually to appx 8 ml/ltr as roots develop. At the first sign of roots at the bottom of the 3.5" pots I switch to coco nutes at 0.8-1.0 ec with rhizotonic (I have very soft water and it has no base reading on my truncheon). Cuts are innoculated with essence weekly from the moment they are taken. Under CFL's.

Into the 1ltr pots fed 1.0-1.2 ec coco feed with rhizo until a good root formation. By this point I am aiming for the pots to need a daily feed (heavy>light). Again all are innocullated with essence weekly. Under CFL's.

Next we have the 6.5 pots - same regime as the 1ltr with ec at 1.2 to start with, plus rhizo and biowetter. As the roots fill out this pot the rhizo is essentially cut out and cannazyme introduced and the ec is increased to about 1.4. As they fill this pot they placed under an HID (sometimes MH but generally a grolux 600w) for the rest of the veg period.

Finally the 11ltr pots for the final part of veg and the flower period. Rhizo at pot up. Ec's at 1.6 - 1.8. I prefer the 11ltr pots as a final as I prefer to water by hand - so I can tailor amounts per each plants need (I sometimes have a couple of diff strains at a time) and I also only really am able to water once a day.

Having said that they'll take 1.5ltrs each/day when in full swing and at their thirstiest.

* Essence is used as an innoculant weekly throughout veg - this includes the PM Catalyst so they also get nice foliar of this during each application (low doses when young).

* Canna Rhizo and formulex when babies and rhizo at pot ups.

* PM Coco grow and bloom nutes throughout (SW).

* PM bio wetter is added to all feeds at small levels (prob 0.5ml/ltr).

* Cannazyme throughout veg and halfway into flower (prob every other feed).

* PM bio silicon added to every other feed (or when I remember) at low levels, although I'm considering foliar application for this product.

* Canna PK13/14 (was going to try the PM 13/14 but for some reason it has N in it and haven't had a good explanation as to why yet so will stick with canna for the mo).

* Canna Boost Accelerator is used too, but tbh the jury is out for this one. Will do a side by side (2 with 2 without) soon to determine if this is worth it.

* errr think that's it...

The PM nutes seem to work pretty nice, no signs of mg or other defficiancies etc.

Get about 24oz from each grow of four plants in a BBXL (120cmx120cmx200cm) with a 600w lamp in a mini growstar, ruck 125 extraction, passive intake in the winter and active in the summer.

The only bit of caution I'd throw in on top of what's been said already (and the usual stuff) is to beware when people are saying you can't overwater coco and to keep it moist, don't follow a wet/dry cycle etc... Yes, technically true but also easily misinterpreted by people new to coco - IMO you do need a wet/drier cycle to an extent. Constantly "too" moist is not good, especially if the coco has been packed too firmly into the pots - I can't emphasise the need to not over pack it and to try and keep the crumb like consistency...

Think that pretty much sums my method up, although I'm bound to remember something else as soon as I've hit the add reply button...

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Got myself some Bcuzz coco nutes today any pointers anyone? Looking for a good starting EC for well rooted but vegging plants.

Here's my current mixes:

Veg (per 20 litres)

Coco AB 30ml

Coco Booster 20ml

Superthrive 20 drops

Root Excel 6ml

Liquid Silicon 20ml

Cannazym 50ml (once a week, or whenever you want)

@ pH 5.7, EC 1.3 – 1.5

Flower (per 20 litres)

CocoAB 45ml

Coco Booster 20ml

Coco Stim 30ml

Root Excel 6ml

Liquid Silicon 20ml

Carboload 20ml

Cannazym 50ml (once a week, or whenever you want)

@ pH 5.8, EC 1.8 - 2

e2a: base tapwater = EC 0.6

Great info GN mate cheers lol

Your AB is half mine in veg! I use that amount in 10l of water :rofl: This will explain my high EC anyway :) All of my friends (and me) have had great results using A&B at such high doses but if I can reduce it for the same results then I will do that. Mind you, I dont use Coco Booster, is it made by Canna? (going to have a look later) Will I need this if I reduce my A&B?

Great infor aswell DD2001. Tis nice to have our own little Coco home now lol I flower in 11-14l pots aswell. Probably not the "ideal" way but it works great for me because some days I am too ill to check and water my plants a couple of times and with such big pots I can water every other day in veg and every day in flower. I suppose it is what works for you :rofl:

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