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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Bubbling the water is advised if it is standing in a tank for a long time, especially if you use organics.

Are you going pots Hants? if so you will not really need a res heater, but if you are using a dripper, ebb and flow etc...anything with a big res I would recommend a res heater. In the Dr240 it is pots so the water goes in at room temp form the bin I use to mix. The DR80 is using wilma drippers, I have to heat that water a little otherwise it gets too cold for the roots to absorb to their ful potential.

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Any bottom feeders here? I've been bottom feeding and I didn't notice until last night the tray is a wash with roots from several pots, I've added an airstone I think I might slip an autopot valve and cover in each tray see how it goes. Might stop the roots in the trays from drying up too much between feeds.

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Hey p&q,

I cant upload a pic as my laptop has a virus at the mo and I'm running in Safe Mode till I get it sorted=(

My intention is to pot up to 11ltr Autopots which will be there final resting place. I had thought of buying some 6ltr pots this weekend and potting twice. Do you reckon 11ltr is too big to go to and too soon for seedlings? I know I'll have to top feed them for a while before the roots are long enough to move to bottom feeding in the Autopots in any case...

I checked 3 of the others for roots (White Widow) and they are not as near as advanced as the 2 Haze I've running alongside of them. So I reckon I'll wait another 5-7 days before checking again and then make a call on weather or not to transplant.

I'm still a bit worried about a slow down in growth but if Im honest it could be just me 'micromanaging' them- as its my first grow I'm dead excited and can't help checking them nearly 4-6 times per day! So they are probably coming along just grand, I'm just visiting too often and don't see much of a difference :smoke:

Edited by Owderb
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Guest hantshaze
Bubbling the water is advised if it is standing in a tank for a long time, especially if you use organics.

Are you going pots Hants? if so you will not really need a res heater, but if you are using a dripper, ebb and flow etc...anything with a big res I would recommend a res heater. In the Dr240 it is pots so the water goes in at room temp form the bin I use to mix. The DR80 is using wilma drippers, I have to heat that water a little otherwise it gets too cold for the roots to absorb to their ful potential.

cheers zaaboot bro!

Yeah I'm gonna be running 8 auto pots with a 50ltr res.

I might get a res heater just for the colder months, they probley arnt that expensive anyway.

Thanks for the advise zaaboot.


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Hello mate,

Ive never grown from seed using coco only use clones this end! However yeah I rekon seedings - 11 litre pots is a bit of a jump,its all depending on your time youve got to veg?

You mention 6 litre pots if your wanting one / two oz per plant theres no harm in having these as your final pots,Ive used them with nice results & the beauty of this was one pot up only, craddle to coffin style.

Green Ninja even flowers in smaller pots (3.5,s) with exellent results,its all about establishing a good rootball mate,more roots=more buds.Just keep an eye on them roots and once your first pot is full of roots then decide on weather to go to 6,s or 11,s bud.

Sorry Im not much help here,keep the questions coming tho,theres more experienced coconuts on here & Im sure someone will answer your questions and explain it better than me.


Edited by Owderb
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Hey guys

Quick question, when do all you coco folks start pruning your plants? My gals are just starting to go into flowering (i think) but size wise they still seem relatively small. Should I wait until they've grown more or start pruning now? My tallest plant is roughly 10" tall, they are around 23 days old since showing their heads


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quick question,

im using Hesi nutrients and a week into flower.

when mixing the nutrient do i do it in this order.: add nutrient to water, test EC, then pH to 5.8.


I actually forgot to test the EC so far and was just adding 4ml/L coco and 2ml/L root complex and 2drops of supervit per 10L water.

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You got it fella :unsure:

Ive been using grow nutes for the first week of flower.

Then at week 2 5ml bloom per litre.

You can stop using the root complex now aswell.


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thanks p&q,

i did use the grow nutes for a couple of waterings when i began to flower, next time i will do that for one week before i switch over to the bloom nutes.

Im glad i can stop using the root stimulator now, i was only using it at 2ml/L after a the first couple of waterings because at 4ml/L the growth was like something out of Jack and the Beanstalk :stoned:

Next time i know what to expect and will not start off things to early as i completely underestimated just how quick the veg growth can be in coco. The flowering response is also amazingly quick and things look at least a week ahead of what im am used to seeing in compost.

Also ive no idea where all that water they gulp down goes to, they dont half get a right thirst on eh!? :ouch:

cheers mate.

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The age old question is back.

I really want to try a boost this time. I am going to try to get my hands on Hammerhead, but I want a boost as well. COCO hand watered.

have used boosters before in re-circ systems with out a viable improvement in quality or quantity

Trying to step away from Canna nutes - so what are you all using in COCO and have you noticed any real difference to when you did not use boost?

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Hey Z, not sure if this helps but im using gh flora micro and bloom for veg, floralicious grow booster towards the end and liquid koolbloom from gh with the bloom in 12/12.

It came about as Rezdog (regardless of who he is in nature) has 10 years exp in what hes doing posted it a while back, based on a customised lucas formula...

He then updated it quite recently and removed the floralicious grow as he didnt see any real difference in coco with/without it.

He also removed the koolbloom liquid and replaced it with a slam of power koolbloom (1tsp per gal, ONE FEED beginning of every other wk in 12/12 just about.

Rezdog said he got 15% yeild increase, apart from this i havent read any known info on using his regime (you would obviously need to dial it in)..if you want it i can pase it up, or you may already have it...

It does make it difficult to use that in a re-circ set up like mines but it can be done...

Hope that helps bro

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Running out of PM Grow nutes, got loads of flower nutes left (Bought 5 litre bottles of bloom) for various reasons can't order any more grow nutes from Greens at the moment so it has to be something I can pick up locally anyone recommend some Coco grow nute replacements?

I've got some PM hydro grow nutes do you think I'd be alright when the Coco nutes run out (1 more res change) to make a res with them, I know in the long term I'd get deficiency's but a res last about a week and in 2 weeks it'll be time to switch to bloom nutes.

That would give me enough time to get some more PMutes from greens.

Certainly not adverse to trying new nutes though.

I've discovered my experiments in Coco are more successful than soil but light leaks are a bitch 1 plant which is about 1/4 of the grow area is revegging. Sorted the light leaks now but it's a bit gutting to lose 1/4 the yield probably. Can't get her out because she's scrogged in with chicken wire right at the back so we shall saee what happens to her.

Glad I started a 2nd tent now.

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