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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Spendid Namaste mate.

16-17oz aint to be sniffed at, is it :yinyang:

What was your veg time, were they clones, final pot size?

Funny enough my first run gave me my biggest yield aswell.

Well done fella,sit back feet up & enjoy your well deserved fruits.


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Nice one Namaste - enjoy your harvest and have a very very merry Xmas :wink:

Let us know how you think it compares in smell and taste to your previous mud grows.


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Cheers p&q buddy,

Yeah they were clones. Albeit very small clones. They were under flouros for the first 2 weeks of their life and then a 600w MH light for probably 4 and a half weeks. I would rather have only vegged them for about 3 weeks but a few problems meant they had to go 4+ weeks. Final pot size was 14l. Being used to growing in soil I thought the bigger the better :) I think I will stick to my 10l pots for my next grow though.

I just took a quick pic of the buds in tins while my camera is charging. Chocolates bought for xmas are well gone lol -


Have a good en mate :B): :wink:

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Thanks aswell GN mate, sorry I just saw your reply.

I have had one go in my volcano so far but the thing with this Ice is a couple of weeks in a jar makes all of the difference. Still, saying that, I am very happy with the quality of it and the flush has worked perfectly as there is no taste of chemical whatsoever. I will be a better judge in a couple of weeks but then again I am sure alot of it will have been smoked by then :B):

Have a good en mate and I cant thank you (and everyone else) enough for your help and support on this thread. It is hard when your changing and moving out of your comfort zone but any problems I have had and you have all been there with a knowledgable reply as always. The proof is in the pudding as they say :)

Merry Christmas all :wink:

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Guest hantshaze

Mornin coco heads.

I took a few cuts yest n put them srait into neet coco, as GN advised.

I have a bottle of canna start but on the bottle it says its for rooted cuts!

So all I water'd them in with was 1ml rhizo to a ltr water and then ph'ed the water to 5.8.

Will this be ok????????

As soon as theres roots showing I will use canna start.

What do you recon coconutters??????

Merry xmas & a very happy new year to all lol


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Morning Fella,

If Gn said its fine...its fine,he,s clued up.

All I do is presoak my cubes at 5.5 stick the cuts in with nowt but water added,within 2 weeks they root,come outta the prop and into the coco,then they get fed.

Good to here your off & running,now the fun begins.

Goodluck Hh.


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Guest hantshaze
Morning Fella,

If Gn said its fine...its fine,he,s clued up.

All I do is presoak my cubes at 5.5 stick the cuts in with nowt but water added,within 2 weeks they root,come outta the prop and into the coco,then they get fed.

Good to here your off & running,now the fun begins.

Goodluck Hh.


We really should stop meeting like this :guitar:

All should be fine then.

I really gotta say coco is so nice to work with.

:smoke: its like compost but is'nt :wassnnme:

As ya say the fun has started :naughty:

Cant wait to get this crop done so I can change my grow style from organic to HYDROPONIC !

Take care p&q.


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I've never used Canna Start, but I'd put some Rhizotonic in your baby mix (mine is: Formulex 5ml/l (which I guess you substitute for Canna Start), Rhizotonic 4ml/l and 1 drop superthrive @ pH 5.5 and soak the coco with that...then put the rest into a spray bottle and use as a foliar in the prop until they've rooted in).

I appreciate that fresh cuts aren't rooted, but the minute they do form roots they'll want some weak nutrition and definitely some root stim (they love it - same again for the PM Granules when they are rooted to pot up).

Also, you might want to invest in a decent Dyson handheld - about 100 quid but worth every penny to the cocohead. You can suck up wet coco, but best is to leave it dry and then suck it up. I definitely prefer coco to compost or clay....way way easier to deal with...

Enjoy :smoke:


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I posted these in the pot noodle thread, but it's such hardcore coco rootpr0n that I thought I'd share them here just in case you didn't see them:




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Guest hantshaze

That is some plant there GN. Fuckin size of the stem coming out of the pot.

And what a lovely, healthy & white rootball :notworthy:

great work GN. What strain is that?

Cant wait to see it when its nearly finished flowering!

Top work bro!


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Hey people

Just wanted your opinions on how my plants are doing? It's been about 3 weeks since my auto's first broke the surface of my jiffy's and here's a picture of where they are now. Basically I just want to know if theres anything you think I should be doing differently?

They are on a 20/4 light cycle as instructed by the seed packet. I'm feeding them 18ml of canna A+B per 10L, 5 times a day for 15mins. Temps are between 25-30C most of the time, humidity is way below the recommended level.

Cheers :)


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They're looking a bit hot and maybe overwatered, considering they're not in flower yet. Maybe drop the feed frequency to once or twice a day at this relatively early stage, and then ramp it up when they start flowering properly. What EC are you at? Also try to keep temps around the 25 mark, towards 30 is a bit too hot. If you can't, make sure you have excellent air transfer.


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They're looking a bit hot and maybe overwatered, considering they're not in flower yet. Maybe drop the feed frequency to once or twice a day at this relatively early stage, and then ramp it up when they start flowering properly. What EC are you at? Also try to keep temps around the 25 mark, towards 30 is a bit too hot. If you can't, make sure you have excellent air transfer.


I'll drop the feed a bit today then cheers :yep: not sure on EC as I can't afford to invest in a metre on top of everything else yet. When measuring temperature and humidity, should I have the metre directly under the light or just out of direct light? I ask because there is very little humidity under the light, but the atmospheric humidity in the tent is a bit better and is around the 20%'s

cheers again :rofl:

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