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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Same to you zaaboot :B):

Nice to hear your also getting on well with coco Colemaa. I must admit I do use a ph pen + PH Down to make sure my water is at the correct ph but my friend doesnt touch his and has no problems whatsoever. Maybe we all have good water? Apparently anything out of 5.8-6.2 and the plant will start getting nutrient lockout! I do know though that is it alot easier to manage the nutrients in coco than it ever was in soil! Also nicer to handle aswell :B):

Alot of people like the Hesi nutes. Whether I will change or not next time remains to be seen. My friend has just bought 10l of Canna A&B and has offered me 5l at a good price which will see me through another grow so maybe I will try something else middle of next year instead now. I really want to try the Growers Ark nutes though, maybe try one or 2 plants on it for this grow coming up lol

Hope everyone is sorted for Christmas. One of my Ice plants will be dry for Christmas day so watch this space for some pics and a smoke report of my first ever plant grown in coco :B):

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Hey people! only just found this thread and its 20 pages already!!! lots of reading foir me!!!

Just thught i would say, im on my first grow, and im using coco(canna pro) (reccommended by a friend) and im finding it pretty easy for a first timer, and fingers crossed i dont jinx em, they all look good and healthy, so i would say coco is ideal for noobs.

Also just wanted to add im using the hesi nutes, i bought the starter pack and its serving me really well just sticking to the grow shedule that came with it.

What i hope will annoy the "up there own bums" "must have all the best kit" people on here, and lets be honest we have all seen a few. and some of us simply dont have the cash to buy everything.


please dont get me wrong im not trying to beef or piss people off, but just to let people know only spend what you can afford, some people on this site make u think u need so much stuff and must buy buy buy, but personally i think past the essentials its a situation of diminishing returns.

ok done :ouch:

peace out people and have a good xmas!!


If it's any consulation I spent a shit load on growing like many £1000's over the years and it wasn't until I hand watered coco I got decent results.

If I had to pick one meter to buy I'd buy PH, invaluable, might be able to blag EC if running DTW never PH.

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Hey people! only just found this thread... peace out people and have a good xmas!!

:ouch: Good on ya Colemaaa - coco's great stuff! Welcome to the brown & fluffy side :ouch:

Just a quick heads-up on your post...

What i hope will annoy the "up there own bums" "must have all the best kit" people on here
im not trying to beef or piss people off

I'm a little confused there mate :ouch:



Edited by Stan909
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Guest hantshaze

:puke: ^ me too :puke:

Only the best for me :wink:

ph pen and ec truncheon all the way.

Why would you not want to get ec & ph levels spot on?????

The way i see it, if you work and have some spair cash why not spend it on the things you love. (cannabis cultivation)

Colemaa, If I spend spend £200 on 1 bottle of boost will i be in the up there own bums crew ???????? Or am I allready in it mate ??????

Or do I want to grow some very fine weed ?????

Merry xmas coco heads and the up there own bums crew :bad:lol;)


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Morning Coconuts!

Must admit since I switched over Ive only used my ec truncheon just the once & this was when I changed to flower nutes as it dont show up with the hesi veg nutes proper.

From week two of flower Ive just gone with the schedule & seem to be doing well..

Ph tho is a different matter alltogether my ph outta the tap is 7.4 & rises when left overnight.

I always ajust it with some ph down every wattering to acheive a range of between 5.8-6.2.

Anyway all the very best for 2010 folks,hope your coco crops are bumpers & your jars are full.

Merry crimbo to one & all.



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Looking at autopots, probably with them airdomes eventually although I would do a run vanilla first.

Any of you peeps use them for Coco growing, they recommend 30% perlite would Fytocell do instead?

Any recommended nutes?

Eyeing the easy2grow as it covers more sqft per £ was thinking of packing them pretty tight which means after a I pot them in I wouldn't be able to get to most of them except in extreme situations. How long does it take for the wick action to start watering them? I was thinking of potting up from 1.5 litre well rooted in clones, they get 1 good hand water then in the system and hopefully I won't go near them again until they're done.

What sort of space do people give between easy2grow systems?

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Guest hantshaze
Looking at autopots, probably with them airdomes eventually although I would do a run vanilla first.

Any of you peeps use them for Coco growing, they recommend 30% perlite would Fytocell do instead?

Any recommended nutes?

Eyeing the easy2grow as it covers more sqft per £ was thinking of packing them pretty tight which means after a I pot them in I wouldn't be able to get to most of them except in extreme situations. How long does it take for the wick action to start watering them? I was thinking of potting up from 1.5 litre well rooted in clones, they get 1 good hand water then in the system and hopefully I won't go near them again until they're done.

What sort of space do people give between easy2grow systems?

Hello tutu.

Theres a few people, here, using auto pots with coco, and loving them.

Not read about mixing perlite with coco, just putting 3 ~ 5mm of pebbles in the bottom of there pots.

I've not done a run with my auto2's yet so cant guide you in the right dirrection as far as nutes go.

I went with canna for my first run, looking forwords to see how they go! ( roll on 3rd of jan)

Once you repot into your finnal pots, the auto pots, you have to hand water untill you got roots showing at the base. Then its time to fill ya res and of ya go :D

Not really shore about what space they will fill as not used them yet. But I'm treating the auto2pots, witch are 8.5ltr, as the 11ltr pots i use for compost grows.

Good luck with whatever you do or go with mate.

Merry xmas :rofl:


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morning coco fans

just to say merry xmas and happy new year chaps

dont think ill be on much over xmas

and then the new year !!! well i got a new growroom coming after xmas .ive invested in a tent at 2x2x1 gonna have 1200w running in this one so it should be interesting

yep its gonna be coco all the way in 2010 !!

all the best for 2010 folks

peppi :D

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lol ^ me too :D

Only the best for me :)

ph pen and ec truncheon all the way.

Why would you not want to get ec & ph levels spot on?????

The way i see it, if you work and have some spair cash why not spend it on the things you love. (cannabis cultivation)

Colemaa, If I spend spend £200 on 1 bottle of boost will i be in the up there own bums crew ???????? Or am I allready in it mate ??????

Or do I want to grow some very fine weed ?????

Merry xmas coco heads and the up there own bums crew :D :D lol


HaHa sorry it is a bit confusing i guess,

No your not in it mate, i guess its attitude that defines whether your in the up there own bums gang,

I tell you where my gripe comes from, when i set my grow room up i asked advice on bit and bobs that i could get cheaper. i.e my extraction fan is not a 'ruck' but a plastic bodied cheaper version, but absolutely just a decent, when i suggested this and other cheaper things i got a bit of a negative response. like it was a bit clicky on here and if i wasnt growing with all the kit then people didnt want to know.

BUT now i have been here a little while and used the boards i see that there is also a great bunch of people on here who will be willing to go out of there way to help me, and i very gratefull to them, as i as a noob would be lost without your help!

ans yes mate your right if you got the cash then go for it spend spend spend, i do work very hard and earn decent enough money but 30-or 40 quid i just cant justify ATM. Maybe when i start having problems! lol!

its not that i dont want my levels spot on either but like i said surely its a rule of diminishing returns, if i spend out on £200 boost, what will i get back from that investment???

I guess i can see the benefits of a ph pen but..........

Can u not grow very fine weed without £200 boost?? you are way way more knowledgeable and experienced than me so you would know and im not ruling it out, but im not convinced, i guess seeing is believing.

So thats that cleared up sorry guys, dont want tpo come across as a total dick! and i am just beggining my journey so i admit i know fuck all! :stoned:

so peace?? lol

Hantshaze no beef here you seem like a sound fella, with ALOT of knowledge and some very decent grows under your belt.

Peace out peeps. enjoy your bud over xmas


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as i as a noob would be lost without your help!

EC and PH pens are essential. I don't care what the grow shop guy said, or what your mates said, or how far my head is up my ass. If you want to grow decent weed, you need to grow on FACTS not GUESSWORK. Like making hard boiled eggs without a timer - sure, you can do it, but will it come out the same every time? Or the way you like it? It's too wasteful imo to spend 2 months growing something that is less than optimal (waste of money and time).

Merry Xmas to all coconuts :rofl:

I've got a few bits and pieces to crop in January and then I'm moving out of this house and city, so will not be growing until I can get myself sorted in a new place - which could be a while. I'll still be around, just not as frequently as when I'm updating a diary. Hope you all have amazing 2010s.



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Sorry mate i cant see how they are essentail??? by saying they are essential you are saying that top bud cant be grown without them??? which is rubbish FACT

if you know your ph is good and u repeat every time it wont differ?? will it?? and as for ec, hesi nutes dont register so where is the logic there?? surely if u have a grow chart with reccomended dosages you cant go far wrong?? surley thats not guesswork?? is that couple of ml difference in 20l really gonna matter??

i personally would rather just go off how the plants are looking and growing and responding.

I may be wrong and if i used these things i may get ounces more bud that would be even stronger but i personally doubt it, but then all i have to go on is what i have seen over the years.

I have a mate growing in coco for his last 4 grows and each time he has pulled over 18oz from his 1.2m tent and it has benn top top quality smoke, and yes i do know the difference.

and he uses no ph or ec pens, he has them from his old grows but no longer uses them, as he says "coco is so forgiving".

So i appreciate it will benefit you having these things, that is a fact. but i think of it like any expensive kit, i.e i went to buy a new hdmi cable, sure you can buy the £100 gold plated one but will you really notice the difference over the one for £20?? i doubt it

And TBH mate i think saying it is a waste of time is a bit dissrespectful to those who dont spend a fortune on all the gear.

good post tho GN thats what its all about, people sharing there opinions.

Merry Xmas

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The veg growth on my plants in coco is astounding, it looks like 10days after being transplanted into a 6.5L pot is plenty before inducing flower. Looks like ive under estimated this and planned to give them 14 days.

To keep on top of the explosive growth ive only been giving 2ml/L Hesi root complex ( including 4ml/L TNT ) and also i have been supercropping like crazy. The way the plants respond to the supercropping to control height is amazing, the knuckles form extremely fast and the plants dont seem to mind at all, even the ones where i split the stem by being a bit rough with the supercropping technique.

i have a question, i have to go away for 3 nights and as i cannot water the plants and they are at a stage where they really need flowering induced doyou think they will be ok left in complete darkness, with an oil filled radiator, till i get back and then begin the flowering times (12/12) ??

Any suggestions?

many thanks coco to all you maniacs :yep:

Edited by Savage
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The veg growth on my plants in coco is astounding, it looks like 10days after being transplanted into a 6.5L pot is plenty before inducing flower. Looks like ive under estimated this and planned to give them 14 days.

To keep on top of the explosive growth ive only been giving 2ml/L Hesi root complex ( including 4ml/L TNT ) and also i have been supercropping like crazy. The way the plants respond to the supercropping to control height is amazing, the knuckles form extremely fast and the plants dont seem to mind at all, even the ones where i split the stem by being a bit rough with the supercropping technique.

i have a question, i have to go away for 3 nights and as i cannot water the plants and they are at a stage where they really need flowering induced doyou think they will be ok left in complete darkness, with an oil filled radiator, till i get back and then begin the flowering times (12/12) ??

Any suggestions?

many thanks coco to all you maniacs :clown:

Yeah they'll be fine, people often give 48 hours darkness before flowering anyway.

Bought myself an autopot, wanted the easy2grow one but the local hydro shop only had the old versions of these in the round pots. So I bought the the single pot version, got it back and it has a black smart valve must be an old version as well.

Nevermind just wanted one to see how they work before I commit to it full scale.

I forgot to ask if they had air domes although thinking of buying an E2G extension after xmas from somewhere good and putting an airdome in 1 side on not the other to see how much difference it really makes.

Now I've got to find the bits to hook it up, should be fun, I'll use 2 inline filters.

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cheers Tutu.

btw that last post should have read "many thanks to all you coco maniacs".

I'll get it right this time..

many thanks to all you coco maniacs!!

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Just a quick update regarding my first Ice plants in Coco, well what can I say! A week of drying and I have 2 dry plants. 1 plant weighs in at 4oz 17g and the second one weighed in at 4oz 22g! ;):yinyang: One more Ice to weigh which looks the same size and a different strain which to be honest looks about 3oz. 4 plants under 1 600w HPS yielding 16-17oz isnt bad is it? :B):

Well pleased with this coco lark! I have been growing this particular plant for about 5 years now and I used to only yield 1.5oz per plant in soil (admittedly under a 400w light and flouros for veg instead of a mh light) so this is a considerable difference! I will post some pics later if I get the camera charged in time :stoned:

Anyhoo, I hope you all have a great day tomorrow and Santa brings you what you want. He brought mine early but I arent complaining lol:magic:

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