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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Guest hantshaze
hantshaze, Thats a lot of different nutes for your first time dude. If I were you I would save my cash and get some of the stuff owd uses. If its not for a few weeks till you start your grow then just buy the nutes online.

It makes me curious why people spend shit loads on nutes and additives just to make things more complicated. More Variables = more things to go wrong

Personally, I buy a box of Chempak #2 for £3.99 and that makes 2000L for veg and a box of chempak #4 @ £3.99 for bloom and does 2000L too. I have not used any root stimulator's or anything before and I don't see my buds are lacking in any way.

Anyway.. Its your cash and your time and possibly your grey hairs..

stay cool

cheers for ya help mate but gonna give canna a bash it looks piss easy with the nute guied they give.

:headbang::thumsup: grey as fuck already :applause:


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Guest hantshaze


just got back from my xmas shopping trip :)

Only bourght my self pressies though :yep:

well got every thing apart from 2 auto2pots, only had 2 left on the shelf but they will have another 2 for me to colect thurs.

Went for the canna range. A tad stuck weather to use boost.

The guy in the shop recond mates of his love the stuff, and he's not just trying to make sales, and they would buy it still if it was £300 for 5ltrs.

So bit stuck on that one for now.

Did'nt get any pk13~14 ether. He recamended hamerhead pk18~19 as its more for cannabis plants ware as 13~14 is mainly for general plants and crops.

So mot sure what road to go down.

Probly just go with canna and there grow guide.

Any help would be cool regurding the boost or pk.

Cheers all.



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Guest hantshaze
hey hant, welcome to the easy life of autopots mate :ninja:

cheers doobs mate.

Yeah man cant wait to get stuck in.

Got some mums growing so come jan 3rd its game on :B):

cant start anything yet as the closet's full.

Doobz do you go with about 2~3cm of clay pebbles in the base of ya pots.

And doobz haw many pots do you run? And what size tank do you use, 47 or 100ltr?

Just want to work out how long a 47ltr tank will last when running 8 pots.

Cheers bud!


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Hants -

You'll hear loads of opinions on PK and Boost on here. The PK is an absolute essential, and I'd use the Canna one just to keep the calculator items correct (i.e. straight canna products). I'd say get the Boost and use it for one crop. If you're not blown away by the results then don't use it again, but I feel fairly certain you'll like the results. The Boost is allegedly the powerhouse and the PK the fuel and the best results are had from using both together.

FWIW I love Hammerhead too, and was using it instead of Canna PK13/14, but as I say, whilst you're getting used to things I'd play it by the book first time round and then tailor it for subsequent grows. It also means you've got something to compare, whereas if you don't you'll never know...and tbh the only way to do most of this stuff is to find out for yourself.

All I know is this: I was a total nub, had no clue, was pissing about with hydro and failing. I tried coco, used the Canna calc and their products, and within 3 months I was producing incredible gear way beyond my skills. Once you've done a few grows 'their way' it's easy to tailor it, find cheaper or better products to replace some Canna ones, or even move to a whole new nute company altogether.


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Guest hantshaze

great reply GN, bro.

Gonna do that. Like you say its a startng point.

Boost is'nt cheep though lol

He, in the grow shop, was telling me that the brits,english worked out the formuler for booost and they done it. But it was a lot cheaper to buy it from canna than it was produced in britland.

Its made, so he said, to make crops a lot more healthy lookin, taste betta n smell! Not so much yeild, But will help.

Proppa farms, he said, you would find massive containers full of it , but with hardly any lable on it. What canna have got with boost is unique, so he said.

If you no what i mean lol bit stoned on the nicelly cured slh :(

hantshaze....... Back to the reefa :(:yep:

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Hey Hantshaze - GN has plenty of COCO experience, but I have done years of hydro - as such, I have used Cana mamy times, and have great results without boost - but may be different in COCO, just my view but GN speaks from experience :unsure:

With regards to PK - Hammerhead all the way - it is to do with what the plant requires during that stage of its growth, P 13 and K14 is good for general growing, but if you really want to pack it on and provide the ladies with enough food use hammerhead at P9 K18, it covers everything it will need for flower, and works well with your normal canna nutes.

I am actually runing a side by sude test at the moment - PK13/14 Vs Hammerhead easiest way to find out

Good growing mate and good luck


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Hey Guys,

Has anyone here used or heard of Canadian Xpress? I know its ment to be good!

Love it - i have used it for two crops with top results, only reason not going with them this time is I have lots of Canna to use up and trying Growers Ark, but think I will go back unless Growers Ark really shows it up.

I very highly rate their Wilt Guard and Regen-a-root, had the best, whitest roots I have ever had using that combo.

Only downside is lots of bottles to play with.


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hey hant, welcome to the easy life of autopots mate lol

cheers doobs mate.

Yeah man cant wait to get stuck in.

Got some mums growing so come jan 3rd its game on lol

cant start anything yet as the closet's full.

Doobz do you go with about 2~3cm of clay pebbles in the base of ya pots.

And doobz haw many pots do you run? And what size tank do you use, 47 or 100ltr?

Just want to work out how long a 47ltr tank will last when running 8 pots.

Cheers bud!


yea mate, 2-3cm, I usually just use a measuring cup and chuck a load of pebbles in,

Its difficult to say how much they will eat mate because its size dependent, temps etc. I would say 1L a day per plant is a good guide to go from. Saying that though I have some new plants just gone in and they are taking 2L per day.

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If you do find the Boost too expensive, using something like Carboload or just molasses - it really helps pack on the weight, but if you smell Boost you can smell carbohydrates in there....sweet stuff. Also CX Headmasta is great, although it smells to me like it's very B vitamin or yeast based. People great great results using it and it's only 1ml/l @ around £15 a litre. But if you do some googling and look on all the various canna boards for opinion on Canna Boost, you'll find half people saying it's shit, and half the people saying it's worth every single penny in the yields it returns.

And just for jollies: I'm finding B'Cuzz is kicking major ass. Big fat chunky buds, stinky and dank as hell and bloody cheap (£60 for the whole lot, compared to £50 for the Boost alone)....but it has taken me about 2 months of pure guesswork to get this far.


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Morning all,

Only 1 week away from cropping my first 3 Ice plants grown in Coco ;) Unfortunately I cannot really do a like for like comparison with soil because I grow under 600W now instead of 400W before so the yield will increase just from this. However, the plants have been so easy to keep throughout the full cycle in Coco and as I have said before on this thread, I am well happy with Coco and anyone growin in soil should take a serious look at coco!

For what its worth, for this grow I didnt use Boost Accelerator. Instead I went for Hammerhead and Carboload for flowering and I am well happy with the bud size (I will get some pics up next week). However me and a friend are going halves on a 5l bottle of boost for our next grow to see any difference. Should I use this in conjunction with the Hammerhead and Carboload or should I drop the Carboload?

Cheers in advance as always!

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However me and a friend are going halves on a 5l bottle of boost for our next grow to see any difference. Should I use this in conjunction with the Hammerhead and Carboload or should I drop the Carboload?

You probably don't need to add Carboload to the Boost, but it's only £12 a litre and 1ml/l - so I was adding it in with the Boost (just to be sure!!). Definitely use the Hammerhead with the Boost, just don't use it with the PK obviously.


e2a: the only other thing to add is Liquid Silicon. Yes, it fucks up your pH and you'll need to throw lumps of acid in to get it down again, but the effect it has on plant strength is worth it imo....little or no support needed....only the really heavy tops need yoyo-ing.

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Guest hantshaze

hello all.

Was talking to a mate yesterday and he really rated useing pm's bio wetter.

He recond useing it with coco was a must.

Said it really helped the coco from compacting and allso helped spread water from the bottom up.

Any one used or herd about useing it with coco?


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